Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hola lalala

Tomorrow we have a zone conf with Pres. Parreño which will be awesome!!!
I'm excited to finally meet him hearing about him from the Duncan's.

On the 4th of July I was in Bahia Blanca haha. On Tues the zone leaders
called me and said that they want me to go so I can renew my visa
stuff thing. They got my fingerprints, etc. I left 4th of July at 3 in the
morning and arrived in Bahia like at 9 and waited for other missionaries
to pick me up for like an hr haha. Then one elder said, "Umm bad news,
today they have a strike and so you have to wait til tomorrow to do your
papers." So I was like whatever cool. So I hung out with the missionaries
in the office. They're cool. There's always missionaries scrambling around
haha "I need to go to the bank. Who can come with me?" "Elder Roberts can!"
So I did a lot of changing comps. If anyone needed to go, I went lol. Then
I had lunch with the assistants. One is ending his mish this transfer and the other,
they asked him how much he has left and he like 1 yrish haha. I like
doing that too, how dad says to do it haha."How much time?" "idk like
forever idk forgot, like a yr" haha. I also was hoping of seeing Pres in
Bahia, but nothin. I got the package from the fam reunion, the smart one,
with everyone's names, etc thank you!!

We've talked with Toni once this week. We've had appointments, but he hasn't
been there and I was in Bahia 2 days. But when we passed by, he was saying
how he always has prayed for god for answers, but doesn't feel like he's
received any. And he talked bout his faith and stuff. We have an
appointment today and I think we'll focus on if he's doing good with
his commitments. We'll also let the spirit work too and stuff. Roque is
still awesome haha funny guy. He loves chess. We're step by step working
with them.

We talked with a lady yesterday and she was talkin to her dog in eng. She
lives in a richer part where big houses are. It was like our 1st
time going out that far cuz it's 1 hr 30min from our house and like 1hr
from where we normally are. I want to work more over there. There's also
a lot of just land with big houses, but someone needs us out there. This
lady's dad is from England and she had a lot of books and when we gave
her the b o m I said something like, "Well, we can see you like to read. You'll
love this book."

Today is like their Independence Day here. I still don't know if it's
today or 25th of May haha. It keeps changing. They don't really know
their holidays, but it's one of the bigger ones today lol.

To celebrate the 4th of July, today we went to the park and I played
Basketbal!!! When they played frisbee it was glorious. The weather was
gr8! Shorts and t-shirt, but at night it's more colder. My shoes are
still doing good. I'm thinking of picking some next week.

I loved the stories you sent me dad of your mish. That guy that prayed
kinda reminded me of Toni. We need to get him to pray!! Also, sweet the
Jazz trade. They'll be receiving more ink on the team haha.

We have a family night with some members tonight. They like doing fam
nights here in Argy. We're thinking of buying some candy
and explaining tithing, give them all 10 etc take away 1 etc. It's a fam
of 4 kids. The oldest is 12. I think they'll like it.

Church is true. If we give all to the Lord we'll be blessed.

well im out
thx for all be safe lov u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts :)

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