Monday, September 26, 2011


Hola! This week was a sweeet week!

We finally baptized Melanie, wahoo!! On Thursday night she had her interview, then on Saturday was her baptism! We went over to her house like an hour 30 minutes before the baptism and we filled out the paper work, her name, where she lives, etc. Then my comp asked who she wanted to baptize her and she pointed to me!! So I got the honors of doing it!! Right when we left I immediately started practicing the baptismal prayer. I'm thankful that Pres. Studdert in the mtc challenged us to memorize it, so I had it mostly memorized.  The hardest part was trying to memorize her name, ¨Melanie Andrea Nexhip Aravena¨ lol. So we had that and I baptized her. The water was kinda cold haha. It also makes you have a good felling afterwards, like I have officially baptized someone!

On Tuesday, I think, we had our interviews with Pres. Detlefsen, that man is so cool! I was surprised how much i could understand him (I didn't have a translator). I understood every question and like 80 to 90 percent of everything it was sweet! I remember my 1st day in Arg with my interview with Pres. and I had a translator and I could not understand a thing he was saying. I'm proud of myself. He's a funny guy. A typical Argy who loves people and loves to joke. He was hugging an elder and was saying how easy it is to hug that elder cuz he is so small hahaha.

Before I forget can you maybe send some pics of the fam and etc thru the computer? Then I can print them out here. People love to see pics here! And also if there is a day where I don't email (on Mon.) it may be some kind of holiday and we cant get into an internet place cuz they're all closed. They like to put their holidays on Monday so they can have a 3 day weekend. So if that ever happens, I'll email as fast as i can. And you can even call the mission if you want to. Just a heads up.

My espñ has seemed to really get better since the interview with Pres. My mind can translate faster and pick out words faster. I'm also trying to do what Michael said to do. That the fastest learners really pay attention when someone is talking espñ. And to practice my espñ sometimes I just say random stuff to my comp or to myself. For example, ¨Hoy sento como un mariposa porque hoy es lune¨ haha. That means, "Today I feel like a butterfly because its Monday." lol There is an elder in my district from Arg and to practice his English he says random stuff like, "I feel eh.. Dictionary.¨So to practice talking I do that to lol.

I ate some horse! It was like sandwich meat, round like bologna with white spots in it. Kinda greasier than bologna, but it was good. You just throw it on some bread haha.

Last night I could barely sleep. I was really cold, then I got really hot and i woke up feeling sick. But then after studies this morning I took a nap, which you can do on preparation days. I just crashed, I was so tired. And it's funny, when we went to Walmart today, i guess Walmart does siestas also. I didn't think they did, so we didn't have anytime to shop today cuz it was closed. haha So we'll do that tomorrow haha siestas.

Alicia Falcon, one of our investigators, showed up to church. We were happy and I also got to stand in the circle for Melanie's confirmation.

My comp's doing good. He's pretty funny. For food we always get lunches from members most days and for breakfast I eat cereal. For dinner we eat leftover lunch or whatever fruit, crackers, etc. maybe a sandwich. It has warmed up today. While we were walking to Walmart it felt like the hottest day so far here, maybe high 70s low 80s but then it got cloudy.

For October, Pres. has challenged us, as comps, to get 3 baptisms this month. There are 84 companionships here, we have the same challenge for this month. I can't wait for general conference. Are we still 3 hrs apart from Utah? Or has there been daylight savings. If it's still 3 hrs we will have conf at 1 and 5. It'll be weird and priesthood starts at 9:00 pm hahaha idk if we watch that live cuz its so late. My comp said he saw it in between sessions on Sunday one time. I also asked the zone leaders if they can get an english room haha so I know what's going on.

Had another funny prayer story. We were outside at some guys house. He called us over and told us to come talk to him. During the closing prayer I said please bless Omar (his name), his family and friends and then he blurted out something in Spanish. I didn't know what the heck he said hahaha so i just made a similar noise to what it sounded like to me hahahaha. "Please bless fnkjvihsuior" hahahaha. I asked my comp what he said and I guess he said to pray for his friend who's sick, who we were talking about in our meeting. Thankfully there were cars and we were outside and so I could just mumble and call it good hahaha I loved it.

Well thank u  love u
love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts

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