Monday, September 19, 2011

Working so hard - forgot about the BYU vs. UTAH Game

Good day all! Good here. Livin the dream! haha

Liked to give a shout out to V feliz cumpleaños ayer! 13 awesome! Comp and I sang happy bday yesterday! lol

Wow I'm actually embarrassed to say this, but i totally forgot Utah and BYU played! WOW! Thats right, its the 3rd week already!  Go UTES! Sounded like a great game :) I guess that means I'm focused on the work if I forgot. hahaha 54 to10 thats watsup!

We had no baptism this week cuz Melanie said she'll get bapt when she's ready. I think tomorrow I'm just going to bear my testimony about baptism and holy ghostas best as I can. I think she has the attitude like I'll get around to it when I want. So hopefully my testimony will help.

Yeah, on Monday night I was with Elder Warren until Tuesday night. We didn't get to teach any lessons cuz Alicia wasn't home and we couldn't find a man member to go with us to Melanie's cuz she lives with her mom and gma and lil bro. No man in the house, so we had no lessons. But we had an interesting door approach. We talked to a man named William. At first when we told him who we were he said he's angry, not now, but he was still cool bout it. Then he asked if me and Warren in english where we're from cuz it's obvious how we sounded haha. We told him and then I said do you know english and he said yes. Then I said, "Hey we can teach you in english?" He said no cuz he's angry at God cuz his wife just died like a month ago from cancer. He was talking to us in english we were talking in espñ and he was like crying and tearing up and saying how he missed her. So we talked about the plan of salvation and you could tell this man (he's 40) really misses her. He cried, then both me and Warren started crying cuz we felt for this guy. It was an experience where it kinda hit me like people really need our help (us missionaries help) cuz he just seemed lost and helpless. Elder Warren and I both walked away saying that was amazing cuz you could just feel his pain. We went back with Elder Stewart, but he says he's not ready yet. He cried some more, he's just not happy with God but I'll make sure we keep going back. It was a wow moment.
Then the next day we went to Maxi y Yamila´s house cuz her 15v yr old nephew died. We heard from Yamila's friend that he died while we were on the street so we went to their house and that was a wow moment too. Just entering a room a day after one of their relatives died. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room and everyone looked exhausted.  They had that stare in the distance gaze on there face. It was a different experience for me. Their family is doing better. We went the next day again and Maxi y Yamila laughed and stuff. It's still sad for them, but having the gospel in their life right now is really helping them. Maxi´s bro died while they were still investigators to the church so they've dealt with death before. They're strong.

¨Do you remember the 21st night of September,¨ is playing as I'm writing this hahahah. It just turned on. I'm actually on my chair, with the keyboard, still typing while im dancing hahahah. JK im just doing the Carlton thats all baha.

I love it here and the mission. I can feel how the Lord is trying to shape me into a better man. It's tough, but i love it. When I think of the day I left on my mission I felt like a kid haha I feel like I've grown a lot. Espñ is still espñ lol. I'm still trying to listen good and I do need to talk more. I fight with my self sometimes when I want to talk. ¨Do i wanna talk, no. Should I do it now or later. I don't want to but I do.¨ Just a tug of war with myself. It's hard, but I'm really going to try harder to talk. Hermana Fee who is with her hubby on a mission here, they're from usa, and their whole mission is dedicated to help Olavarria get a stake and Bahia a temple. She doesn't know espñ, her hubby does, but she gave a talk in church yesterday and I really loved it. It helped that it was in english and he translated. She talked about how you shouldn't give up on your testimony even when we don't know everything about the church. I was thinking that was the first english talk I've heard since the mtc and boy was it refreshing to understand all of the talk and I could feel the spirit. haha its been a long time.
We had 2 less active ladies show up to church and one brought her son. We saw one of the ladies in the street like 3 wks ago and she just came up to us and asked us what time it was in USA. And she wanted to know what the NBA was. I got sooo excited when she said that haha. Then we saw her by her house going to a lunch. Then she came out with a Book of Mormon and so we've been stopping by her house. She has an 8 yr old son, so we want to get him bapt. She's actually kinda weird lady haha. Then the other one was Ester Gonzalez, mom of Adrian, who we are teaching. We were excited when they showed up.

On Wednesday President is coming to Olavarria for interviews. It's my 1st one with out a translator hahaha. ummm that'll be fun haha. I'm excited.
It was weird, it rained Gatos y Perros on Friday haha (cats y dogs in espñ).
I got the 2 packages today I've only opened one. I sent a letter today home for V. And fam thanks for the package.
Thanks Alison for the email and I got dear elder from Holdstocks.

Well, I love you all keep up the good work keep being happy,
Elder Roberts
p.s. Everyone bleeds RED go UTES fkjrhughlraeghriauheughriughr thats how excited i am! hewauilaruegoia

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