Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Love Teaching

Everything's good here. Transfers were the other day. We didn't have any changes here. Comp's still with me. He's in his 5th transfer here, like I was in Tandil ha.

So yeah, when they told me the new release date, it was thru an email from the secretary. That's how I got informed. Everyone in the mission will have 3 weeks less, except for those that go home in March. They have 3 weeks more ha and he also wrote that we hope you understand and get released at that time.

Elder Howard from Grantsville (his family now lives in Mt. Pleasant) was with me the other day. We did divisions. It was pretty cool haha and weird. He's a gr8 missionary and awesome guy!

For the Christmas party thing we will be going to Bahia Blanca and singing at a hospital for some people and I think there is like a princess/queen, someone special, and we'll sing for them or somethin. They said there will be cameras from like the news or somethin, then like a talent show and somethin spiritual. Pretty cool. Too bad I don't sing good haha.

It rained this morning, but thankfully now its hot again. Wahoo! It's still a lil weird in this time of year with hotness.

Pablo received the priesthood yesterday, wahoo! So hopefully next week he can pass the sacrament or bless it yeaaaahh! He seemed pretty pumped after he received it.

Marta's boy was sick this past week, but is better now. We couldn't really meet with them last week, but we're hoping this week we can really help them! Also, we were talkin to a man in the street, then we saw a guy on his bike and he was lookin at us kinda like he knows us or he's a member. After we finished talkin with the first guy we talked to the guy on his bike. His name is Roberto also haha. But he said like 11 yrs ago or 8, he can't remember, he listened to the hermanas missionaries and liked it. But he then went to jail for like 5 yrs and now is trying to get his life back together. He's got a son who is 8 wahoo! And Roberto is pretty excited to be meeting with us. He's kinda in a hard moment too. His friend died and his wife lady left him and it's a perfect time to be teaching him. He seems to have a lot of pain inside and just wants to feel good. He's an awesome guy. Also, with Elder Howard and comp we found 2 youth men. They're studying here and we taught them the other day. It was a pretty good lesson. We talked with their friend the other day and he gave us the reference to their house. There's like 6 of these friends, teens from Buenos Aires, and lil by lil we hope we can baptize them. They had interest in the lesson and I just hope at least one of them can really feel the spirit cuz if one of them goes to church for sure they'll be going with their friends. So I hope and pray that they can accept it. It'd be like 6 more missionaries :) haha.

Thanks Grandma Merlyn for the donation and when you're in Peru and find a Julius Morales. He's awesome! We were in Tandil together.

Oh, also this week Pres. challenged us to a ¨Celestial Week ¨ where we just basically go all out and give this week as a special gift to the Lord and Pres. promised that we'll see miracles if we do it!!

Love u all! Keep praying for me and everything and that we can see miracles this week :)
Also I have to give a talk Sunday. Pretty sweet. It's my 1st in the mish. I've seemed to get lucky in that lol. I'll try to beat 12 min. maybe haha
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts

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