Monday, November 5, 2012

Talking with tons of people in the street


Pico is doing good. Its' a lot nicer then I thought. haha It's by far the nicest area I've been in (cleanness, roads etc).

It's been hot this week and I love it. My comp is a red head so haha he can't take the sun lol. I would send fotos but I forgot my things blah. We get basically lunch everyday which is awesome. The fam that is the mission fam is named fam Videla. They're awesome. They've known a lot  of the comps that I've had. Like Elder Cano, Elder Sterling, Elder Himebaugh, so with the pics they show us I'm like, "He's my comp and him and him haha.

The church is kinda small here. At church there was 27 in total. The presidency, an 86 yr old man a deacon, and us 2 missionaries are the only ones with the priesthood. It kinda stinks. Like a few weeks ago they redid the presidency since the old Pres. hasn't been to church. There's a lot of less actives here too. Does anyone have advice to help them? It's a good branch, but would be even better if everyone went to church. My goal is to get every seat filled. There's 70 seats. It's totally possible!

There's a couple who want to get baptized, but they went to work in the field (don't know how you say it in english) so they were gone Sunday.
Comps great! He's from Texas. Has a funny accent lol. He had to wait for his visa in Utah for 5 months. He's funny. Talks like Jim Carry, just how he talks lol.

I'm getting used to the area. All the streets are by numbers. It goes by odds and evens. So when you ask some one where  they live it's like 54372546474865437 haha. It's pretty cool. There's 4 missionaries here in Pico. On the street number 9 is the dividing place. We have the south side. The other missionaries live with us to in a house thing. One is from Virginia, Elder Dalton and the other from Chile Elder Sanhueza. They're cool.

Jake, you will be going to Bahia Blanca, yeah baby. But if I don't say that, I'ma say Africa! Yeah boy tear it up Jsmooth. 

Yeah Sabrina license. Be careful on the streets. Don't drive like Argys. I love the streets rules here. Don't wreck haha.

Ohh thanks mom for those scripts from John Bytheway. I like it.

How's Alyssa doing? Do you have a belly or still flaca?

A thing that were trying to do is talk with tons of people in the street. I like it. It's fun, but you have to watch out for those Argys that can talk foreeever foreeeever lah! I can have a conversation for an hour without saying a thing lol. haha they're pretty creative in how they can just jump from topic to topic hahaha. "We want to invite you to church." "Aw thanks, I go to church. My pastor is Bob, he's from Buenos Aires, have you been to BA, it's crazy there, the world is crazy, how bout the USA, is it crazy, you're having elections soon, do you vote? how old are you? I'm 60. I was born in Mar del Plata, it's nice there, do you like the beach"...... lahh I invited you to church and you end up talking bout everything hahaha. I love it. That's where you have to learn to butt in to people. With drunks, it's even worse, lol but good times.

But yeah, we're talking with everyone in the street. Give them cards, etc. I want a baptism!!!!!!! And more members in the church. Pray for them! And investigators.

How's Lucy doing? Are you still walking her!!?

It was a record night Halloween. I saw 8 trick o treaters. Better then the 2 from last year.

I'm not used to the richness of the city. The streets seem huge and the houses are giant and also I'm sneezing cuz they actually have like plants and stuff haha. I feel lil weird with all this nice stuff haha

Oh I got Nate's package thank uuuu!!!

I think mail gets pretty slow here cuz it goes to our ZLs who are 2 hrs away and they send our stuff to us idk.

It's pretty cool being close to things too. I'm used to everything being far like 30 to 1hr away walking. I ask comp if somethings far, then in like 10 min we're there haha. We have one of the biggest areas in the mish cuz there's only 4 missionaries here.

The church is definitely true. Keep going even if someone offends. We go to church to learn, take the sacrament, etc. Not for other people.
Don't let others change u :)
I'm out
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts

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