Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Parable of the Plums - Don't steal your blessings!


Sounded like a pretty sweet weekend in the Bury with all the experiences, changes, etc. The leaders in the church really are called by God. I've gained a bigger testimony of that in the mish and being in meetings with bishops, presidents, etc during the weeks and it's cool to see how they get inspired and they know exactly what to do. Pres. Parreño talks bout how to make yourself better you need to imitate someone like Jesus Christ and he also said to like someone in your life that you can follow their footsteps and copy them. Like you've seen them thru the years and they're always strong. I remember thinking, "Dad, how do you do it?" idk but I remember you have always put the Lord in front of everything else and the things important 1st. I remember you said to me when you got called as a bishop you said to me how even tho you're the bishop, 1st you're my dad and that it's your 1st calling. I remember some members asked me one time what callings have I had or my parents and they were like wow he was bishop during like all your teen years. You never saw him. But I thought and remember him at every game, every everything and never felt that he wasn't there. I always knew he was there. Then more bout the leaders - I thought of all of my family members,  grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc and felt so blessed to be in the family that I have. I feel the love and respect from every one of you. It's pretty incredible. Being away and seeing other parents here etc I just feel so good that my parents care so much for me, about school, if I'm home, if I bathe ha, if I lie etc. Thank you all and my leaders in the church.

Nico and Vero went to church. Barby didn't. She was sleeping haha and we were like, "Hey, you should wake her up, etc." But no (give thanks once again for my parents and leaders/ Lonny Steele, waking me up for church stuff) hahha. But Nico and Vero had a good experience. They want to get baptized. She has to get divorced, but thankfully she started a while ago. So she says perhaps in March they can get married. They also need to quit smoking. They've really changed a lot since we've been going to their house. They don't drink any more. They said they were drinking the can of beer and they were drinkin and they just didn't feel right. So they bought a different brand but felt the same haha. And they said, "Thanks to you guys we feel that way." haha I hope and pray that the papers of the divorcement can come soon cuz at times it can be a real headache and plus I want to see a wedding haha.

We had a zone meeting in Santa Rosa (not with pres) but with the La Pampa missionaries. The zls told us an example that he (pres) said in the meeting they had with the leaders bout fishing. How if we put on the hook a strawberry or something we like and we try to fish with it, the fish won't eat it. We'll catch nothin. But if we put somethin they like they'll bite and he used that in comparison to our investigators, that we need to teach them things that they need /want.

haha also I remember one day a few weeks ago, I wanted to share this story. It has a good lesson, but I keep forgetting to write it. But we were walking one day and we see two kids, like 7 to 9 years old. Two lil boys and they were like, "Hey, 1 peso for 2 plums!" And they were like, "Hey come here!" And I was like, hey, why not. I'll give them a peso just cuz i feel like being nice and they can buy some candy or something even though I can walk to the tree they picked them off lol. So I bought the plums and was like, "Hey see ya later." Then we kept walkin and I remember thinking they didn't say thanks or anything they just took it and ran like they stole it from me. I wasn't offended or anything just thought it was a lil weird that they didn't say anything ...then i thought how many times have I done that to my Heavenly Father? He gives me a blessing cuz he wants to be nice and I take it and run. I immediately began to pray in my head thank you for this, thank you for that. For a while ha I felt bad and it was a good lesson I learned. Thank the Lord for the blessing you have and don't steal your blessings.

love u all thax for everything keep praying for me and the investigators.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts

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