Buenaaas wassup?
It was a different week this week. Comp was sick for 3 days ha! With idk what it's called in English, somethin like gasterosisness something. We went to the doctors Tuesday with Hna Videla. They said he has to eat like healthy stuff now ha. Like fruits, crackers and not too much. He's been exhausted and beat. We were with the Videlas for most of the week cuz she'd cook him somethin like soup and he'd just relax cuz he looked pale. I tried calling some members to leave with them, but no luck. So Tuesday to Friday we were basically with the Videlas. They took good care of him. I helped put on some tile with Laura in their kitchen. I can't sit still or I go crazy ha. So I helped them with that. I helped clean their kitchen too cuz I don't like to sit still ha. Comp has like a checkup at the doctors tomorrow, but he's doin much better, but taking time with it cuz at times he just get exhausted and has to take a break. Here is the best place to get sick cuz you have the fia Videla that takes care of you. Sickness paradise, if there's such a thing ha.
We found Nico y Vero yeeeeeaaaah!!!! We were workin after lunch Saturday in a far place where we don't work a ton cuz its far far. We were walkin and heard, "Hey!" and it was Barby. And it was like Barby what are you doin here? Wahoo! We found you. They live like on the opposite side of the city and she showed us where they're staying now. They don't have a cellular or anything, so we had no way to find them and it was awesome! A Christmas miracle ha. They didn't go to church. It will be harder for them to go cuz now they live 20 blocks from the church. We're also talkin with the relatives in their house, Jorge 19 and his mom Claudia. Don't know where Felix is. We've passed by a few times and nada. We didn't really have time to talk with Ana, the lady that speaks english (cuz comp was sick) but were going to go by today.
Friday night was loco ha. Elder Dalton, the district leader, said that there would be transfers on Saturday (2 days ago) to have a transfer for 5 and the next for 4 weeks, not to make it a 9 week transfer and he told us. (He lives with us and found out by phone from zls) and the 4 of us had a favring panic attack. Aawwwww nooooo! We can't leave cuz were all good friends and we've been prepping for at least 4 weeks together and to have it turn to one more day awwwww! I was favring dying and praying, "Help me stay please, if it's your will." So all of Saturday it was like, "please no, please no!" We told the Videla they were like, "No, you guys have to stay!" As time goes on in the day it was like 5:00 and pretty weird cuz we get transfers like at 12:00 and we were in a house and Elder Dalton called with the transfer news. He talked with Elder Woods and I was talkin in the house of Nico y Vero and comp said, "And he goes where?" Then his face like uh oh! Then I heard, "And who's coming in?" And in this moment my heart is at the favring floor like no! It can't be! Then I started to talk with the people in the house. Then comps like, "We're all staying yeeeeeeeeeeeeah!!" They were lame transfers. There was 2 moves in the whole mission. All between zls. I was sooooo happpyyyy! Still am! We told fia Videa and they were relieved too! awwww transfer scare haha. So all in all nothin happened. Yes and I hope to end here. I remember Dad asked me if I thought I'd end here last week and forgot to contest, but yes I hope so. It's the best place in the world and the work is getting better. :)
Yeah it was the bday of Hna Videla. We gave her an apron thing with our names on it from the elders. She loved it and cried yeah. She's the mama of the mission. They told me to say thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaankss or graaaaaaaaaciaaaaaaaasss for the gifts. They love them and imma geta foto of them. They love the candies too. The raisin things.
Love u all. Keep praying for me and keep goin hard.
What's some more news on the bebé la princesa de la familia la capa de capas mi sobrina favorita. voy a hablar a ella een castellano. I love espñ it's amazing. I was readin the other day and paused at a word and stared at it, like wait is this english or espñ (an ensign)? And it was in espñ and I was like yeah! its all the mismo
con amor a cada uo de uds
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
words of the week ¨de 10¨ (day diez) means of ten
And tear up the mish Jake go hard from day one. Love ya man! It's awesome, the mish and espñ and don't worry if you learn nothin of espñ in your time in the MTC ha suerte amigaso.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission
Monday, February 25, 2013
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Working hard - even during siestas
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They got us wet on Elder Wood's birthday with water balloons. |
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Working with Hueso Videla |
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Saying good bye to Elder Allen |
It's kinda cold here. aww no ha! The other day when we were shopping I saw winter jackets and was like, "Oh no, not yet!" ha But it's still like 70 something. The other day it hit 99 yeah.
My comp was a lil sick this week. He's got somethin with his stomach. We went to the doctors on Valentine's Day with Hna Videla and we're going again Friday. But he's doing better. He was sick 2 days.
We think Nico y Vero are in Buenos Aires. We talked with them Tuesday (day b4 comp was sick) and they don't have a phone or anything so we couldn't call, but they said somethin bout Buenos Aires and we think they're there for vacations. They didn't go Sunday to church. Saturday, no Friday, in nightish the President of the branch called us to see if we could give a talk, us both, Sunday (yesterday). wahoo yay joy lol! Naw it wasn't that bad. We were assigned missionary work again and I read some parts of the last conference general where Pres. Monson talked bout how we should see others and how they could become. My favorite part is when an apostle interviewed a missionary in 1961 and this missionary was the most successful of like total and the apostle was like so did you get a lot of references and he said no we did all our baptisms by knocking doors. When I imagine the people in white for baptism and as children of God I can bear a real good testimony to them that can touch them. That is true! I've seen it when I kinda take my myself out of the situation or how they look now (people in the door) and imagine them in white with testimonies. I have more love for them there, not just a normal person.
School's starting soon, next Monday. Wow time flies! The other day it hit me that we're in February and March is when summer ends :/
I may buy one of their school uniforms cuz they're funny haha jk. The kids have like a Dorothy apron that they all use and the older kids have a Bill Nye white jacket.
Alright Jake, you're gettin close man. Take over Mexico. Don't worry, you'll learn espñ. You're much smarter then me SMARTer haha. I love espñ or what it's called here castellano (kah steh SHAWNn oh). I don't speak espñ haha. It's pretty amazing how I and us missionaries can learn it. I don't really know how it happened lol. You just all of the sudden know it. I love learning cool words. At time with the Videlas they'd say somethin and they're like, "Write that down Elder Roberts, that's a good word." lol like I learned the word nebuliser nebulisador hehe.
It was funny, Saturday we were workin in the street at like 3:00ish and if you've been to Argy that time is sacred... for sleeping ha. But you miss every shot you don't take, you miss every door you don't touch at 3:00 or at 8:00. But anyways, we were in front of a house clapping to see if anyone is home and a guy walked by us and said, "With all respect, you shouldn't work right now, everyone's sleepin." I was like, "Hey, can we talk to you then?" hahaha He was like no and took off fast lol. I like workin in the siesta bcuz others don't ha. It's hard no doubt cuz literally at times you look down both ways of the street and nothin, but there's always some one if you believe. Don't tell me everyone's sleeping haha.
Felix, I think, is done with his house. It's yellow now lol. He hasn't been home the last few days. We found a lady named Ana the other day. When we rang her lil door bell phone and she's like, "Who is it?" "We're missionaries, etc." "One moment," she said. Comp was like, "She said that in English." I was like, "For real? Cool." cuz for me English and espñ is the same when i hear it. cuz I talk espñ to all. It was pretty funny. I get confused, but she had some interest. She's going to Orlando in May, but we set a baptism date with her.
have a good week and feel the spirit.
Church is true and there's only one way to have happiness, living the gospel.
Elder Reggianito Conceder(to grant) Robert
ps happy bday Matt Skinner u da man big bro
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Parable of the Plums - Don't steal your blessings!
Sounded like a pretty sweet weekend in the Bury with all the experiences, changes, etc. The leaders in the church really are called by God. I've gained a bigger testimony of that in the mish and being in meetings with bishops, presidents, etc during the weeks and it's cool to see how they get inspired and they know exactly what to do. Pres. Parreño talks bout how to make yourself better you need to imitate someone like Jesus Christ and he also said to like someone in your life that you can follow their footsteps and copy them. Like you've seen them thru the years and they're always strong. I remember thinking, "Dad, how do you do it?" idk but I remember you have always put the Lord in front of everything else and the things important 1st. I remember you said to me when you got called as a bishop you said to me how even tho you're the bishop, 1st you're my dad and that it's your 1st calling. I remember some members asked me one time what callings have I had or my parents and they were like wow he was bishop during like all your teen years. You never saw him. But I thought and remember him at every game, every everything and never felt that he wasn't there. I always knew he was there. Then more bout the leaders - I thought of all of my family members, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc and felt so blessed to be in the family that I have. I feel the love and respect from every one of you. It's pretty incredible. Being away and seeing other parents here etc I just feel so good that my parents care so much for me, about school, if I'm home, if I bathe ha, if I lie etc. Thank you all and my leaders in the church.
Nico and Vero went to church. Barby didn't. She was sleeping haha and we were like, "Hey, you should wake her up, etc." But no (give thanks once again for my parents and leaders/ Lonny Steele, waking me up for church stuff) hahha. But Nico and Vero had a good experience. They want to get baptized. She has to get divorced, but thankfully she started a while ago. So she says perhaps in March they can get married. They also need to quit smoking. They've really changed a lot since we've been going to their house. They don't drink any more. They said they were drinking the can of beer and they were drinkin and they just didn't feel right. So they bought a different brand but felt the same haha. And they said, "Thanks to you guys we feel that way." haha I hope and pray that the papers of the divorcement can come soon cuz at times it can be a real headache and plus I want to see a wedding haha.
We had a zone meeting in Santa Rosa (not with pres) but with the La Pampa missionaries. The zls told us an example that he (pres) said in the meeting they had with the leaders bout fishing. How if we put on the hook a strawberry or something we like and we try to fish with it, the fish won't eat it. We'll catch nothin. But if we put somethin they like they'll bite and he used that in comparison to our investigators, that we need to teach them things that they need /want.
haha also I remember one day a few weeks ago, I wanted to share this story. It has a good lesson, but I keep forgetting to write it. But we were walking one day and we see two kids, like 7 to 9 years old. Two lil boys and they were like, "Hey, 1 peso for 2 plums!" And they were like, "Hey come here!" And I was like, hey, why not. I'll give them a peso just cuz i feel like being nice and they can buy some candy or something even though I can walk to the tree they picked them off lol. So I bought the plums and was like, "Hey see ya later." Then we kept walkin and I remember thinking they didn't say thanks or anything they just took it and ran like they stole it from me. I wasn't offended or anything just thought it was a lil weird that they didn't say anything ...then i thought how many times have I done that to my Heavenly Father? He gives me a blessing cuz he wants to be nice and I take it and run. I immediately began to pray in my head thank you for this, thank you for that. For a while ha I felt bad and it was a good lesson I learned. Thank the Lord for the blessing you have and don't steal your blessings.
love u all thax for everything keep praying for me and the investigators.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Sounded like a pretty sweet weekend in the Bury with all the experiences, changes, etc. The leaders in the church really are called by God. I've gained a bigger testimony of that in the mish and being in meetings with bishops, presidents, etc during the weeks and it's cool to see how they get inspired and they know exactly what to do. Pres. Parreño talks bout how to make yourself better you need to imitate someone like Jesus Christ and he also said to like someone in your life that you can follow their footsteps and copy them. Like you've seen them thru the years and they're always strong. I remember thinking, "Dad, how do you do it?" idk but I remember you have always put the Lord in front of everything else and the things important 1st. I remember you said to me when you got called as a bishop you said to me how even tho you're the bishop, 1st you're my dad and that it's your 1st calling. I remember some members asked me one time what callings have I had or my parents and they were like wow he was bishop during like all your teen years. You never saw him. But I thought and remember him at every game, every everything and never felt that he wasn't there. I always knew he was there. Then more bout the leaders - I thought of all of my family members, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc and felt so blessed to be in the family that I have. I feel the love and respect from every one of you. It's pretty incredible. Being away and seeing other parents here etc I just feel so good that my parents care so much for me, about school, if I'm home, if I bathe ha, if I lie etc. Thank you all and my leaders in the church.
Nico and Vero went to church. Barby didn't. She was sleeping haha and we were like, "Hey, you should wake her up, etc." But no (give thanks once again for my parents and leaders/ Lonny Steele, waking me up for church stuff) hahha. But Nico and Vero had a good experience. They want to get baptized. She has to get divorced, but thankfully she started a while ago. So she says perhaps in March they can get married. They also need to quit smoking. They've really changed a lot since we've been going to their house. They don't drink any more. They said they were drinking the can of beer and they were drinkin and they just didn't feel right. So they bought a different brand but felt the same haha. And they said, "Thanks to you guys we feel that way." haha I hope and pray that the papers of the divorcement can come soon cuz at times it can be a real headache and plus I want to see a wedding haha.
We had a zone meeting in Santa Rosa (not with pres) but with the La Pampa missionaries. The zls told us an example that he (pres) said in the meeting they had with the leaders bout fishing. How if we put on the hook a strawberry or something we like and we try to fish with it, the fish won't eat it. We'll catch nothin. But if we put somethin they like they'll bite and he used that in comparison to our investigators, that we need to teach them things that they need /want.
haha also I remember one day a few weeks ago, I wanted to share this story. It has a good lesson, but I keep forgetting to write it. But we were walking one day and we see two kids, like 7 to 9 years old. Two lil boys and they were like, "Hey, 1 peso for 2 plums!" And they were like, "Hey come here!" And I was like, hey, why not. I'll give them a peso just cuz i feel like being nice and they can buy some candy or something even though I can walk to the tree they picked them off lol. So I bought the plums and was like, "Hey see ya later." Then we kept walkin and I remember thinking they didn't say thanks or anything they just took it and ran like they stole it from me. I wasn't offended or anything just thought it was a lil weird that they didn't say anything ...then i thought how many times have I done that to my Heavenly Father? He gives me a blessing cuz he wants to be nice and I take it and run. I immediately began to pray in my head thank you for this, thank you for that. For a while ha I felt bad and it was a good lesson I learned. Thank the Lord for the blessing you have and don't steal your blessings.
love u all thax for everything keep praying for me and the investigators.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, February 4, 2013
Teaching a guy named Jhoni Lingo, that's right, Jhoni Lingo
Wassups my friends
It was a pretty sweet and interesting week. 1st off Nico and Vero and Barby are progressing incredibly. They, Nico and Vero, went to church yesterday and they loved it. We passed by like every day last week. The prayers from Nico are, for real, some of the best I've heard. He's like, "And bless Robert and his family. It's been a while since they've seen each other and bless them." Nico is awesome he's the one that's covered in tatts. I took a foto of them, but I forgot my other card at home. I bought an 8 gig one the other day and I have that one with me here, but next week I'll send it of them. Nico has a twist of Dennis Rodman haha. Just kinda crazy but one of the coolest. Has a ton of weird questions haha. The other day he's like, "Ok 1 more question. Does Springfield exist (from the Simpsons)? haha Vero wants to get baptized. Nico has said that they're relationship has gotten better since we've been by. Barby was with her grandpa during church so she didn't go. They love reading the pamphlets bout the plan of salvation, word of wisdom. They're pretty special. Hope and pray everything works out good! :)
Tuesday comp went to the dentist and they pulled out one of his molars or one of those big fat teeth on the bottom. He did work on it when he was in Tandil like 4 weeks ago and it broke or somethin so the dentist pulled it out and she said today is a vacation day for him. He can't talk much and do much today. We bought ice cream for him and went to the Videlas. Comp slept cuz he had a head ache ha and you go crazy in your own house when you can't work. We or I made food with the Videlas. Watch out - Imma come back chef reggie reg awwwh chiste. After that day comp was good with his teeth. I hate days you can't work even when your comp's sick or somethin cuz you just feel useless. Thankfully I've been blessed with good health in the mish.
It was comps bday on Feb 1st. Number 21. ya esta viejo Videlas invited us to a dinnerish. We had cake and sang to him. I wish we had more dinners in the mish haha.
The relatives of the Blancos are named Jhoni Lingo and Pamela. Yeah, that's right, Jhoni Lingo haha. They didn't go to church. They accept everything except marriage. We'll be praying a lot and trying to get revelation for them and how to help them not be scared of marriage. They said they don't want to get married. Then 3 days later get separated hmm. ha It's pretty cool, the situations we get into as missionaries, like helping people in marriage and I've never been married ha. But the answers are for everyone and are simple if we're obedient (to have a good marriage). Some times we make the easy things hard, like maybe reading or prayin or going to church.
Felix has been workin on his house for like 2 weeks and said to come by this week. Felix is gr8. Me and comp love visiting him cuz he's so funny and it's made me think how our attitudes etc can make us be more likable. Like people want to be around us. He's gr8. Everyone loves him. He was showing some good interest b4 he started workin on his house.
Yeah Randy Foye is a capo represent Villanova guards.
Thx for the prayers etc and for your gr8 letters and things you write to help me. Imma speak espñ to Alyssa Jr alright?
Love Reggianito(brand of cheese) Grant Robeart
stay focused always :)
It was a pretty sweet and interesting week. 1st off Nico and Vero and Barby are progressing incredibly. They, Nico and Vero, went to church yesterday and they loved it. We passed by like every day last week. The prayers from Nico are, for real, some of the best I've heard. He's like, "And bless Robert and his family. It's been a while since they've seen each other and bless them." Nico is awesome he's the one that's covered in tatts. I took a foto of them, but I forgot my other card at home. I bought an 8 gig one the other day and I have that one with me here, but next week I'll send it of them. Nico has a twist of Dennis Rodman haha. Just kinda crazy but one of the coolest. Has a ton of weird questions haha. The other day he's like, "Ok 1 more question. Does Springfield exist (from the Simpsons)? haha Vero wants to get baptized. Nico has said that they're relationship has gotten better since we've been by. Barby was with her grandpa during church so she didn't go. They love reading the pamphlets bout the plan of salvation, word of wisdom. They're pretty special. Hope and pray everything works out good! :)
Tuesday comp went to the dentist and they pulled out one of his molars or one of those big fat teeth on the bottom. He did work on it when he was in Tandil like 4 weeks ago and it broke or somethin so the dentist pulled it out and she said today is a vacation day for him. He can't talk much and do much today. We bought ice cream for him and went to the Videlas. Comp slept cuz he had a head ache ha and you go crazy in your own house when you can't work. We or I made food with the Videlas. Watch out - Imma come back chef reggie reg awwwh chiste. After that day comp was good with his teeth. I hate days you can't work even when your comp's sick or somethin cuz you just feel useless. Thankfully I've been blessed with good health in the mish.
It was comps bday on Feb 1st. Number 21. ya esta viejo Videlas invited us to a dinnerish. We had cake and sang to him. I wish we had more dinners in the mish haha.
The relatives of the Blancos are named Jhoni Lingo and Pamela. Yeah, that's right, Jhoni Lingo haha. They didn't go to church. They accept everything except marriage. We'll be praying a lot and trying to get revelation for them and how to help them not be scared of marriage. They said they don't want to get married. Then 3 days later get separated hmm. ha It's pretty cool, the situations we get into as missionaries, like helping people in marriage and I've never been married ha. But the answers are for everyone and are simple if we're obedient (to have a good marriage). Some times we make the easy things hard, like maybe reading or prayin or going to church.
Felix has been workin on his house for like 2 weeks and said to come by this week. Felix is gr8. Me and comp love visiting him cuz he's so funny and it's made me think how our attitudes etc can make us be more likable. Like people want to be around us. He's gr8. Everyone loves him. He was showing some good interest b4 he started workin on his house.
Yeah Randy Foye is a capo represent Villanova guards.
Thx for the prayers etc and for your gr8 letters and things you write to help me. Imma speak espñ to Alyssa Jr alright?
Love Reggianito(brand of cheese) Grant Robeart
stay focused always :)
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