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Elder Morel, Elder Lopez and me |
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Fila Zamora |
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My Peru bro |
So I live in Pico, but I work in Maraco or something like that. I'm basically in Pico. I'm kinda up north in La Pampa (hey mom I'm closer to you haha). It's as about as ghetto as Larry Bird here lol. I'ma favring country boy right now haha. I left last night at 11:30 pm Arg time and arrived to Santa Rosa (main city in La Pampa) waited for 2 hrs then took a bus at 9:45 to Pico and got there at 12 noon today. Didn't really sleep much haha, but I'm not tired.
It was a gr8 experience in Tandil. Learned a TON personally and spiritually. It stunk saying goodbye to the people cuz who knows if I'll ever see them again. It's the 1st ¨going away thing¨ I had cuz in Olavarria no one was home lol. Then in MDP I had like 1hr to say goodbye. It stinks, we have an elderly couple, investigators sort of and she was like crying when I said I was leaving ha. She calls me her grandson (she's also known Del Potro since he was 1 month). Then said bye to the members. Rodrigo is still in Buenos Aires on TV.
My comp is Elder Allen. He has the same time as Elder Templeton and Elder Morel. He's from TX, but his fam just moved to Eagle Mtn.
We visited a family earlier today with the other 2 missionaries here (Elder Dalton from VA and Elder Sanhueza from Chile) and they're awesome. I've heard of this fam from Elder Cano, cuz he was here and I knew they were in La Pampa, but I didn't know they were in our branch wahoo!! They're bout as American as they get for not being yankees. For real, I go in and one of them was listening to Drake ha. They know English too from the missionaries and music. We were chatting, getting to know each other, and I'm like, "Do you like sports?" And one of the daughters was like, "Yeah, I love basketball. I'm a Celtics fan." They're freaking yankees haha. Then they said Andres Nocioni is from here Pico and has some stuff here. I think he lives here! Also, Manu bought some land here yeah! Also this fam has a bunch of animals and a lot of cats and they name their cats after missionaries that are here at that time. They're like ¨the family for the missionaries.¨
It's more greener then I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be like WY or somethin haha but it's pretty pretty here. In La Pampa our mish covers the whole providence, but if you cut it down the middle the whole left side, there is no missionaries cuz there Pueblitos, (um in English just like deserted small towns) haha. When I was telling the members in Tandil where I was going they said hahahahaha watch out for the beach there. I've heard its gorgeous ha. They were making fun of me the whole time hahaha. I've heard its also one of the hottest place in the mish also wahoooooooooo!
The people kinda talk a lil different here too haha. I'm excited! It'll be fun here. We have a branch with like 40 members that go. I've been pretty lucky with the areas I've had. MDP and Tandil are big tourist places and I'm excited to go country. It actually seems pretty normal here. Not as country as I thought it'd be, but it's as flat as paper here. Tandil has ¨mountains¨ Argy version and MDP has buildings. Here just trees.
I'm excited to go to work and get some baptisms!!!!!!
si mi amigo peruano ya se fue a peru El es un capo fue espectacular para ver este lechon que mataron jaja fue medio raro una experiencia que no olvidaré
jaja me encanta como hablen los argentino ¨eh che pibe¨ asi es verdadtambien hablen mucho con sus cuerpos es re chistoso
Hopefully here it's better then Tandil in sending fotos.
Also, this week we got (the mish) microwaves and secaropas (driers for clothes) and liquid juice things, you can make shakes. I just imagine that Pres. Parreño is loaded with cash money. Well for one he's got the euro dollar thing going for him. It's like 5 or 6 somethin to the peso. I love Pres!
Well I love u all. I know the church is true and BoM studied its gr8.
I'm good with clothes and everything. Also I think it's pretty slow to get mail here.
fotos i hope
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
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