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My Zone with Pres. Detlefsen and his wife |
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President Detlefsen, his wife and me |
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One of the Statues on the way up to Calvario |
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Calvario - 2nd largest statue of Jesus on the cross in the world |
But yep, he has one week left. I think next Monday, the 2nd, will be Pres. Parreños 1st official day in work. It was gr8 to hear from Pres for at least one more time. Someone here compared him to Pres. Monson cuz they're just so funny. And I love his stories and like his thoughts. I remember one time in a conf he was talkin bout prayer and I loved what he said. He said that we pray to God as humans and he listens as God. Pres talked a lot bout the future and how to always look forward with faith. Pres is hilarious. When we were eating lunch and just kinda chatting in the gym area in the church, someone brought up the subject of former missionaries that have recently gotten married haha and Pres said, "Yeah you know Elder such? He's an ugly guy, but hey, he got married." hahaha He's a mix of Argy and Charles Barkley lol. Great man. thx pres!
Transfers came and I'm still here in Tandil with Elder Templeton and Elder Jones and El Shreeve. Elder Nolan, that I knew from Olavarria, will be our district leader. He's awesome. So nothin changed with me, but that's alright. I like Tandil. It's giving me an opportunity to be a leader especially in this house cuz like 25% of us want to work (hint me). ha But they're gr8 (tip for coming in missionaries - be ready to work). This extra time in Tandil gave us time to go visit ¨Calvario¨ (Calvary) the 2nd biggest Jesus on the cross statue in the world. It was a sweet experience. There is like 14 different statues/moments in the life of Jesus and there is like a lil pathway that leads up to the big cross. It was a good experience. You could feel the spirit and my love for our savior is greater! It's amazing what he did for us!! I have pics.
The weather this week was actually gr8.
Marcelino didn't show up to church yesterday cuz he had to work, so we'll have to wait for another week for his baptism.
There is a gr8 fam in our area or an elderly couple, the Potins and they're awesome. Always wanting to help us.
In our church we had Elder and Sister Fee from Olavarria speak in our ward. It was great to see them again. They're still in Olavarria which is like 1hr or 2 from here. They'll be ending there mish in September. Speaking of ending missions, Weston is basically done, which is crazy. You'll have to send me pics of him. It was weird talkin to the Fees and in english. My goal is to totally forget english. Wouldn't that be sweet?
It's pretty cool that our mish pres is from spain. It's funny, the spañards and argys always tell jokes to each other. idk why, but they always make fun of each other haha. I've only met one person who's lived in Spain. It should be fun to meet him when he comes and does a tour. I hope he's funny haha, but he'll be gr8. No worries, he's called from God.
I threw you all a lot of fotos. Can't remember what order they're in or stuff, but there is me and pres and our zone. I'm on top left, by comp. And Calvario and me by it.
love u all like alyssa loves running
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
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