This morning we killed a pig for the Asado (Argy barbeque) that we will be eating tonight with the Videla Family (the awesome fam). It was pretty cool. I took pics and everything. It weighed like 90 kilos. Pretty big. It was squealing. Bro. Videla or hueso tied the legs and Hermana Videla and Agu, the son, and we dragged it to a table thing where hermana did work putting to sleep the pig haha. We had to hold it down and everything haha. Pretty sweet! Maybe once in a lifetime thing. Flia (family) Videla always do this every year cuz basically that is what all Argys do on Christmas Eve is asado for the night and then wahoo fireworks at like 12:00 to 2:00 a.m.ish. Our street is on a main street so it'll be cool to sit on the lil porch and watch people haha. Then on the 25th Argys just kinda rest and eat more haha. After this we are going to Flia Videlas cuz we can't really do much today ha or tomorrow. I agree with Gma Merlyn in that it's pretty weird having Christmas in S. America haha. Doesn't feel Christmasy.
One of our instigators, Maria Liz (sounds like Lisa without a haha) is reading in the b o m. She's kinda busy with work etc, but says she's been reading a lil and she wanted that we give her a chapter. She says she'll be pretty busy for the next few days, so I hope she reads and can gain a testimony. Roberto is kinda crazy and doesn't want anything with us. Marta and her kids are in Buenos Aires for a lil cuz her bro is sick or somethin. There is a 12 yr old who is the granddaughter of members and she always goes with them to church and her mom is the daughter of them and we're trying to work with them cuz for real she can get bapt Saturday if she wanted. She doesn't have any lessons or anything. Her Gma mentioned how she wasn't a member and we were like, "WHAT! haha How come you haven't told us?" lol But hopefully this week we can teach them wahoo! Other than that there's not much. We found some pamphlet things on the Proclamation to the World bout the family and we thought in giving that out to less actives, members and investigators. We wrote like iFeliz Navidad from the missionaries! Hopefully it can help someone. We're workin on the less actives, cuz there's not many that go to church and it hurts! Yesterday we had 4 men including us with the priesthood. The big one, haha forgot what its called, wait I lied, 5 with someone from the stake. But the branch Maracó is the only branch in the stake of Santa Rosa, so I feel pretty cool being chosen to be here ha. But hopefully we can get things goin here. The ward here, where the other missionaries go, or their area, they have baptisms this weekend. It's pretty sweet. They've known them for three weeks and they've completely changed. It was a reference from members. That fam asked for the missionaries to give a blessin to a daughter, then they started listening. The mom and dad are tatted up like A.I. ha, but they've completely changed. The dad has almost finished reading b o m. He's read the gospels principles book!!
I've also been reading some Liahonas, well like always, and I've noticed, I've seemed to read lot bout enjoying the lil things. I read the talk from Pres. Uchtdorf in a young womens conf bout ¨forget me nots¨ it was gr8! Read it if you haven't and read it if your alive hahaha. Also today read in conf from El Ballard bout finding the gold chips and not just looking for gold nuggets in life. If that makes sense to you ha. A thing that I'm trying to get better at is enjoying life and haha on that note - on my bus ride to Santa Rosa to the Christmas party I sat by a 19 yr old who was going to Santa Rosa for his friend to enjoy life. Wow that kinda hit me. It's been like a theme of my week lol. Enjoy life! If not no one will for u.
I will be waiting after El Dalton talks with his family. He's talking at 3:00 Argy time. Then me.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
ps thanks Aaron Facer for the email!! and I think I have every package Gracias!!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission
Monday, December 24, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Remember the birth of our Savior
Hola Amigos
We just got done teaching a guy in the street just a lil bit ago. He said, "I was thinking bout Jesus Christ and how no one preaches that we should prepare for when he comes." And then we walked by and he was like, "Hey hey!" and started talkin to us. He says he knows bout the church and has some family that goes to church in Santa Rosa (capital of la Pampa 2 hrs away from Pico) etc and wants us to come by his house. The other missionaries will teach him cuz he lives in their area, but oh well as long as he gets baptized. :)
It was pretty cool this week. We've seemed to contact the right people. We talked with a lady, Maria and her 15 yr old daughter and they've been to church etc cuz her son is a member and her daughter. I think they both went on missions. To bad one's less active, but the daughter that's 15 wants to get bapt. They stopped going when she was like 7. Maria said, "Nnoo I don't want to get bapt...for now." ha
Also we contacted a less active fam and one of the daughters, also 15ish, isn't a member. And we also contacted a lady that went to church with her mom when she was sick. The lady's not bapt. It was pretty cool. Now we need to capitalize on all these chances :)
My talk was good. There was going to be 3 of us speakers and I noticed the young woman wasn't there. I was like uh ohhh lol but then her mom took her spot and talked a lot, so it was sweet. I think I peaked 13 maybe 15 min idk. I talked bout the mish work and shared some stuff from the talk David F. Evans in April 2012 gen conf talk, called Was It Worth It. I explained how we have the blessing and responsibility to do missionary work as members to non members and less actives. And also people just need an invitation and they might say yes. We didn't have many at church boooo. Last week Sunday there were some less actives that came and that Saturday we went by their house and basically told them how much we need them in church and they went wahoo! But this week they were in Mendoza. I got those ideas from you guys. Alyssa told me a story where a bishop had a ward of like 12 then when he was done there was 200 sahweeet!! We haven't seen Marta in a while. Don't know whats up boo! Roberto has been sick this end of the week. He's gr8 and needs baptism for real. That will change his life. He's had a tuff week. Hopefully he can go to church Sunday. Pray for him!
I'm going to send you a Christmas card with fotos or somethin this year to save money. I hate spending money haha I'll buy stuff in a few months.
We leave to Santa Rosa tonight at 9:30 Argytime to go to our mission Christmas Party thing. We'll get there at 11:30-12ish. Then we take a lil bus with other missionaries to Bahia at favring 4 a.m. haha and will get at Bahia like 9-10ish a.m. then go sing or something at the hospital til idk. Then we have a lil devotional and talent show. Then we return tomorrow nite ehhhhhhhhhhh haha Pray that the bus driver can be awake haha. Will be home here probably like 3 or 4 a.m. Wed haha ughh lol.
Hhmmm what else? I think Pico has the record for the most Christmas lights up haha like 5 people haha it's weird.
But it's a gr8 time of the year to remember the birth of our Savior and his life. It's really hit in the mish how gr8 the atonement is and how we can be cleansed of our sins. I always love it in gen conf talks when they always say it's never to late to repent and change. Also, how aware God is aware of us. It's true. I love that story from idk exactly his name, a conf talk, I think Elder Cornish, where he was having a pretty ruff day and remembered there was a drumstick sale, but he lacked 25 cents. He prayed to God that if it's his will, if he could find 25 cent he said he doesn't need it as a sign or anything but would really appreciate it. And directly across the street from the drumstick place he found 25 cents. He then went on to say the lil things are important to God as they are to us and how much more important the big things for us are to God. Also he understands us! It's awesome!
love everyone of u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
We just got done teaching a guy in the street just a lil bit ago. He said, "I was thinking bout Jesus Christ and how no one preaches that we should prepare for when he comes." And then we walked by and he was like, "Hey hey!" and started talkin to us. He says he knows bout the church and has some family that goes to church in Santa Rosa (capital of la Pampa 2 hrs away from Pico) etc and wants us to come by his house. The other missionaries will teach him cuz he lives in their area, but oh well as long as he gets baptized. :)
It was pretty cool this week. We've seemed to contact the right people. We talked with a lady, Maria and her 15 yr old daughter and they've been to church etc cuz her son is a member and her daughter. I think they both went on missions. To bad one's less active, but the daughter that's 15 wants to get bapt. They stopped going when she was like 7. Maria said, "Nnoo I don't want to get bapt...for now." ha
Also we contacted a less active fam and one of the daughters, also 15ish, isn't a member. And we also contacted a lady that went to church with her mom when she was sick. The lady's not bapt. It was pretty cool. Now we need to capitalize on all these chances :)
My talk was good. There was going to be 3 of us speakers and I noticed the young woman wasn't there. I was like uh ohhh lol but then her mom took her spot and talked a lot, so it was sweet. I think I peaked 13 maybe 15 min idk. I talked bout the mish work and shared some stuff from the talk David F. Evans in April 2012 gen conf talk, called Was It Worth It. I explained how we have the blessing and responsibility to do missionary work as members to non members and less actives. And also people just need an invitation and they might say yes. We didn't have many at church boooo. Last week Sunday there were some less actives that came and that Saturday we went by their house and basically told them how much we need them in church and they went wahoo! But this week they were in Mendoza. I got those ideas from you guys. Alyssa told me a story where a bishop had a ward of like 12 then when he was done there was 200 sahweeet!! We haven't seen Marta in a while. Don't know whats up boo! Roberto has been sick this end of the week. He's gr8 and needs baptism for real. That will change his life. He's had a tuff week. Hopefully he can go to church Sunday. Pray for him!
I'm going to send you a Christmas card with fotos or somethin this year to save money. I hate spending money haha I'll buy stuff in a few months.
We leave to Santa Rosa tonight at 9:30 Argytime to go to our mission Christmas Party thing. We'll get there at 11:30-12ish. Then we take a lil bus with other missionaries to Bahia at favring 4 a.m. haha and will get at Bahia like 9-10ish a.m. then go sing or something at the hospital til idk. Then we have a lil devotional and talent show. Then we return tomorrow nite ehhhhhhhhhhh haha Pray that the bus driver can be awake haha. Will be home here probably like 3 or 4 a.m. Wed haha ughh lol.
Hhmmm what else? I think Pico has the record for the most Christmas lights up haha like 5 people haha it's weird.
But it's a gr8 time of the year to remember the birth of our Savior and his life. It's really hit in the mish how gr8 the atonement is and how we can be cleansed of our sins. I always love it in gen conf talks when they always say it's never to late to repent and change. Also, how aware God is aware of us. It's true. I love that story from idk exactly his name, a conf talk, I think Elder Cornish, where he was having a pretty ruff day and remembered there was a drumstick sale, but he lacked 25 cents. He prayed to God that if it's his will, if he could find 25 cent he said he doesn't need it as a sign or anything but would really appreciate it. And directly across the street from the drumstick place he found 25 cents. He then went on to say the lil things are important to God as they are to us and how much more important the big things for us are to God. Also he understands us! It's awesome!
love everyone of u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Love Teaching
Everything's good here. Transfers were the other day. We didn't have any changes here. Comp's still with me. He's in his 5th transfer here, like I was in Tandil ha.
So yeah, when they told me the new release date, it was thru an email from the secretary. That's how I got informed. Everyone in the mission will have 3 weeks less, except for those that go home in March. They have 3 weeks more ha and he also wrote that we hope you understand and get released at that time.
Elder Howard from Grantsville (his family now lives in Mt. Pleasant) was with me the other day. We did divisions. It was pretty cool haha and weird. He's a gr8 missionary and awesome guy!
For the Christmas party thing we will be going to Bahia Blanca and singing at a hospital for some people and I think there is like a princess/queen, someone special, and we'll sing for them or somethin. They said there will be cameras from like the news or somethin, then like a talent show and somethin spiritual. Pretty cool. Too bad I don't sing good haha.
It rained this morning, but thankfully now its hot again. Wahoo! It's still a lil weird in this time of year with hotness.
Pablo received the priesthood yesterday, wahoo! So hopefully next week he can pass the sacrament or bless it yeaaaahh! He seemed pretty pumped after he received it.
Marta's boy was sick this past week, but is better now. We couldn't really meet with them last week, but we're hoping this week we can really help them! Also, we were talkin to a man in the street, then we saw a guy on his bike and he was lookin at us kinda like he knows us or he's a member. After we finished talkin with the first guy we talked to the guy on his bike. His name is Roberto also haha. But he said like 11 yrs ago or 8, he can't remember, he listened to the hermanas missionaries and liked it. But he then went to jail for like 5 yrs and now is trying to get his life back together. He's got a son who is 8 wahoo! And Roberto is pretty excited to be meeting with us. He's kinda in a hard moment too. His friend died and his wife lady left him and it's a perfect time to be teaching him. He seems to have a lot of pain inside and just wants to feel good. He's an awesome guy. Also, with Elder Howard and comp we found 2 youth men. They're studying here and we taught them the other day. It was a pretty good lesson. We talked with their friend the other day and he gave us the reference to their house. There's like 6 of these friends, teens from Buenos Aires, and lil by lil we hope we can baptize them. They had interest in the lesson and I just hope at least one of them can really feel the spirit cuz if one of them goes to church for sure they'll be going with their friends. So I hope and pray that they can accept it. It'd be like 6 more missionaries :) haha.
Thanks Grandma Merlyn for the donation and when you're in Peru and find a Julius Morales. He's awesome! We were in Tandil together.
Oh, also this week Pres. challenged us to a ¨Celestial Week ¨ where we just basically go all out and give this week as a special gift to the Lord and Pres. promised that we'll see miracles if we do it!!
Love u all! Keep praying for me and everything and that we can see miracles this week :)
Also I have to give a talk Sunday. Pretty sweet. It's my 1st in the mish. I've seemed to get lucky in that lol. I'll try to beat 12 min. maybe haha
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Everything's good here. Transfers were the other day. We didn't have any changes here. Comp's still with me. He's in his 5th transfer here, like I was in Tandil ha.
So yeah, when they told me the new release date, it was thru an email from the secretary. That's how I got informed. Everyone in the mission will have 3 weeks less, except for those that go home in March. They have 3 weeks more ha and he also wrote that we hope you understand and get released at that time.
Elder Howard from Grantsville (his family now lives in Mt. Pleasant) was with me the other day. We did divisions. It was pretty cool haha and weird. He's a gr8 missionary and awesome guy!
For the Christmas party thing we will be going to Bahia Blanca and singing at a hospital for some people and I think there is like a princess/queen, someone special, and we'll sing for them or somethin. They said there will be cameras from like the news or somethin, then like a talent show and somethin spiritual. Pretty cool. Too bad I don't sing good haha.
It rained this morning, but thankfully now its hot again. Wahoo! It's still a lil weird in this time of year with hotness.
Pablo received the priesthood yesterday, wahoo! So hopefully next week he can pass the sacrament or bless it yeaaaahh! He seemed pretty pumped after he received it.
Marta's boy was sick this past week, but is better now. We couldn't really meet with them last week, but we're hoping this week we can really help them! Also, we were talkin to a man in the street, then we saw a guy on his bike and he was lookin at us kinda like he knows us or he's a member. After we finished talkin with the first guy we talked to the guy on his bike. His name is Roberto also haha. But he said like 11 yrs ago or 8, he can't remember, he listened to the hermanas missionaries and liked it. But he then went to jail for like 5 yrs and now is trying to get his life back together. He's got a son who is 8 wahoo! And Roberto is pretty excited to be meeting with us. He's kinda in a hard moment too. His friend died and his wife lady left him and it's a perfect time to be teaching him. He seems to have a lot of pain inside and just wants to feel good. He's an awesome guy. Also, with Elder Howard and comp we found 2 youth men. They're studying here and we taught them the other day. It was a pretty good lesson. We talked with their friend the other day and he gave us the reference to their house. There's like 6 of these friends, teens from Buenos Aires, and lil by lil we hope we can baptize them. They had interest in the lesson and I just hope at least one of them can really feel the spirit cuz if one of them goes to church for sure they'll be going with their friends. So I hope and pray that they can accept it. It'd be like 6 more missionaries :) haha.
Thanks Grandma Merlyn for the donation and when you're in Peru and find a Julius Morales. He's awesome! We were in Tandil together.
Oh, also this week Pres. challenged us to a ¨Celestial Week ¨ where we just basically go all out and give this week as a special gift to the Lord and Pres. promised that we'll see miracles if we do it!!
Love u all! Keep praying for me and everything and that we can see miracles this week :)
Also I have to give a talk Sunday. Pretty sweet. It's my 1st in the mish. I've seemed to get lucky in that lol. I'll try to beat 12 min. maybe haha
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, December 3, 2012
Making room for all the new missionaries!
Some crazy news, I will be ending my mish 3 weeks earlier, not cuz I'm bad haha. It's cuz of all the new missionaries with the age change. The MTC can't really hold them all or something. So my, what's it called? Relieved date is May 7th 2013 awwww! I thought for sure I could make it to 2 yrs hahaha. But wow it's kind of a surprise. Kind of a bummer. Time really does fly and in one day I lose 3 weeks ha. But everything is in the hands of the Lord and he know's what's best. So Dad and Scott, you'll be, technically, the only two 2 yr missionaries in the fam. Pretty crazy! So in a few days favre I'll hit 5 months left.....ughhh! gjissiroujrshlihgr that's my head hitting the keyboard!
Wow I don't even know what to write now ha. But it's fine. I totally understand. I'll just have to work in the nights to get double the hours or somethin ha. We do have a mission Christmas party thing on the 18th. I think we'll be going to Bahia. I love the holidays in the heat. Yesterday it was 93 yeah and comp was shade jumping like vampires hahaha. All the Christmas things are in the store and it's weird, but it helps you stay focused good cuz it doesn't even feel like it.
We have some investigators! Their named Marta Hernandez and her 2 kids Dalma 14 and Tomás 10. They're really cool. They have a lot of interest. She really wants to get to know the members, but it's been kinda hard with such few members and their schedules etc. They really want to go to church. We were talkin with her b4 we met her kids and she's like lately they've been asking me like whats after death etc and she's like I don't really know ha! I just give them the answer I have but idk if its true. We have an appointment with them today with members! Hopefully it works out!
Yesterday I got to bless the sacrament and i loooooove doing it! I always feel the spirit strong when I do it! I love it! I'm thankful for the sacrifice that Christ did for us, that we can be clean of our sins. It's also amazing, the idk the word in english, wait I just remembered, the mercy of God that a person can change thru repentance. Like that 65 yr old man. In a week and a half went to church. The next Sat was bapt and he's one of the most faithful members in Tandil. 65 yrs of sins and thanks to the mercy of God, he can change. He also bore a good solid testimony of the BOM. He doesn't know how to read, but he's received an answer from God. I love that guy!
I was also reading bout the anti-Nephi-Lehites today in Alma 24 and how they buried their weapons and sworn not to take them again. Also, that is a lot bout the mercy of God.
Well thx for everything. I love you all! I love Alyssa's pic with the baby bump. Oh, the other day, wow we taught a lady and she was like due for her baby to leave. She had a favring watermelon in her stomach! But she didn't look sick or anything haha. I was thinkin of Alyssa haha.
I'll try to send fotos. Hopefully it will be a lucky day
keep praying for me love yall
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Wow I don't even know what to write now ha. But it's fine. I totally understand. I'll just have to work in the nights to get double the hours or somethin ha. We do have a mission Christmas party thing on the 18th. I think we'll be going to Bahia. I love the holidays in the heat. Yesterday it was 93 yeah and comp was shade jumping like vampires hahaha. All the Christmas things are in the store and it's weird, but it helps you stay focused good cuz it doesn't even feel like it.
We have some investigators! Their named Marta Hernandez and her 2 kids Dalma 14 and Tomás 10. They're really cool. They have a lot of interest. She really wants to get to know the members, but it's been kinda hard with such few members and their schedules etc. They really want to go to church. We were talkin with her b4 we met her kids and she's like lately they've been asking me like whats after death etc and she's like I don't really know ha! I just give them the answer I have but idk if its true. We have an appointment with them today with members! Hopefully it works out!
Yesterday I got to bless the sacrament and i loooooove doing it! I always feel the spirit strong when I do it! I love it! I'm thankful for the sacrifice that Christ did for us, that we can be clean of our sins. It's also amazing, the idk the word in english, wait I just remembered, the mercy of God that a person can change thru repentance. Like that 65 yr old man. In a week and a half went to church. The next Sat was bapt and he's one of the most faithful members in Tandil. 65 yrs of sins and thanks to the mercy of God, he can change. He also bore a good solid testimony of the BOM. He doesn't know how to read, but he's received an answer from God. I love that guy!
I was also reading bout the anti-Nephi-Lehites today in Alma 24 and how they buried their weapons and sworn not to take them again. Also, that is a lot bout the mercy of God.
Well thx for everything. I love you all! I love Alyssa's pic with the baby bump. Oh, the other day, wow we taught a lady and she was like due for her baby to leave. She had a favring watermelon in her stomach! But she didn't look sick or anything haha. I was thinkin of Alyssa haha.
I'll try to send fotos. Hopefully it will be a lucky day
keep praying for me love yall
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, November 26, 2012
Pablo y Claudia got BAPTIZED! Wahoooooo!!!
We had a baptism wahoooooooo!!! of Pablo y Claudia! It was great! We had it at 11 in the morning probably b4 all of you guys were awake on Saturday. I baptized Pablo and comp baptized Claudia. They're gr8! Now we need to keep them active forever. Claudia's been progressing good. She has a lot of interest in the temples and fam history. She seems to be more interested and excited bout the gospel. We were talkin with her when Pablo was changing, I think it was like Tues, and we were like, "You ready for Saturday?" She was like, "Who said I'd get baptized Saturday." haha But then she was like, "idk why, but I feel like I should get baptized this Sat (2 days ago)." She originally had planned in her head for the next Sat, like the 1st of Dec, but we didn't know ha. But I think she did some praying and received an answer wahoo! We're going to be workin with them with family night and to get started in the church. I was telling them how my parents were such a good example for me and going to church etc (they have a 3 yr old daughter). And I was like I don't remember not going to church and that their daughter is at a young enough age that she will think it's natural to go to church every week. I think Claudia really liked that haha.
On Friday we talked with one of the most favring interesting mans in the world (however u say that in good eng haha) We went to get copies from a kiosco (lil store) and we started chatting with this guy and he was telling us bout his friend who is a member and how he's in Utah now. Then he was like, "I was in USA in Houston and DC cuz I worked with NASA." I guess he invented some favring magic computer thing. He was working in NASA with his computer and he bought a house, car, etc thinkin he would stay. But his fam was in Argy and didn't want to leave so he had to choose from NASA and dolla dolla bills or his fam and like the good book says go with the fam. So he did and left everything. His computer thing is still in NASA. I think he said he had lunch with Pres. Clinton and his fam and also his lil computer helped lead into the internet. He said Bill Gates and his lawyer came to him to work with him in the states and the Pres. of NASA went to his house one day and the man wasn't home and his wife kinda like brushed him off haha. Also had a passport that could get him in and out of states when he wants cuz of his job. But his wife hid it from him cuz she didn't want him to return. He's also been to space and is one of the closest persons thats been to the Sun. I've talked with some weird Argys. Said he never studied much, but just expanded his imagination!! Call him crazy, haha. He was telling all of this stuff and comp and I were like wow!! And you can just tell he wants to go to NASA again. He's got that look on his face, like I was there, I was this close. So I met a guy who helped make internet, sort of and, been to space, etc. That dos aquis most interesting man commercial guys got nothin on Jose Maria Rivero, the man. He's also been to another galaxy.
So yeah, this week consisted of prepping Pablo y Claudia. We cleaned the font, etc. I forgot to do Usain Bolt haha.
The confirmation blessing to Claudia was good, actually gr8. Said she needs to be strong and an example to everyone. Her sis is member, less active. Pablo has 4 less active bros. He was actually baptized, but lost his records when he was 8. So he knows a lot bout church etc. His bro served a mish. We were eating with a fam and they were like, "When's Thanksgiving?" And we were like…."Today." haha forgot. The fotos look good. The beards are awesome haha.
Weather's doing good. Think I had a record week of people asking me if I'm Latino :) People automatically ask comp if he's from USA cuz he white, then they're like, "Where you from?" Some people think I'm Brazilian.
Yeah Jake! Spanish wahoooooo Esapñol es de 10!
I love baptisms and want more. I know this church is true and the gospel can bring peace in our lives.
love yalls thx for prayers y todo keep em up
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
We had a baptism wahoooooooo!!! of Pablo y Claudia! It was great! We had it at 11 in the morning probably b4 all of you guys were awake on Saturday. I baptized Pablo and comp baptized Claudia. They're gr8! Now we need to keep them active forever. Claudia's been progressing good. She has a lot of interest in the temples and fam history. She seems to be more interested and excited bout the gospel. We were talkin with her when Pablo was changing, I think it was like Tues, and we were like, "You ready for Saturday?" She was like, "Who said I'd get baptized Saturday." haha But then she was like, "idk why, but I feel like I should get baptized this Sat (2 days ago)." She originally had planned in her head for the next Sat, like the 1st of Dec, but we didn't know ha. But I think she did some praying and received an answer wahoo! We're going to be workin with them with family night and to get started in the church. I was telling them how my parents were such a good example for me and going to church etc (they have a 3 yr old daughter). And I was like I don't remember not going to church and that their daughter is at a young enough age that she will think it's natural to go to church every week. I think Claudia really liked that haha.
On Friday we talked with one of the most favring interesting mans in the world (however u say that in good eng haha) We went to get copies from a kiosco (lil store) and we started chatting with this guy and he was telling us bout his friend who is a member and how he's in Utah now. Then he was like, "I was in USA in Houston and DC cuz I worked with NASA." I guess he invented some favring magic computer thing. He was working in NASA with his computer and he bought a house, car, etc thinkin he would stay. But his fam was in Argy and didn't want to leave so he had to choose from NASA and dolla dolla bills or his fam and like the good book says go with the fam. So he did and left everything. His computer thing is still in NASA. I think he said he had lunch with Pres. Clinton and his fam and also his lil computer helped lead into the internet. He said Bill Gates and his lawyer came to him to work with him in the states and the Pres. of NASA went to his house one day and the man wasn't home and his wife kinda like brushed him off haha. Also had a passport that could get him in and out of states when he wants cuz of his job. But his wife hid it from him cuz she didn't want him to return. He's also been to space and is one of the closest persons thats been to the Sun. I've talked with some weird Argys. Said he never studied much, but just expanded his imagination!! Call him crazy, haha. He was telling all of this stuff and comp and I were like wow!! And you can just tell he wants to go to NASA again. He's got that look on his face, like I was there, I was this close. So I met a guy who helped make internet, sort of and, been to space, etc. That dos aquis most interesting man commercial guys got nothin on Jose Maria Rivero, the man. He's also been to another galaxy.
So yeah, this week consisted of prepping Pablo y Claudia. We cleaned the font, etc. I forgot to do Usain Bolt haha.
The confirmation blessing to Claudia was good, actually gr8. Said she needs to be strong and an example to everyone. Her sis is member, less active. Pablo has 4 less active bros. He was actually baptized, but lost his records when he was 8. So he knows a lot bout church etc. His bro served a mish. We were eating with a fam and they were like, "When's Thanksgiving?" And we were like…."Today." haha forgot. The fotos look good. The beards are awesome haha.
Weather's doing good. Think I had a record week of people asking me if I'm Latino :) People automatically ask comp if he's from USA cuz he white, then they're like, "Where you from?" Some people think I'm Brazilian.
Yeah Jake! Spanish wahoooooo Esapñol es de 10!
I love baptisms and want more. I know this church is true and the gospel can bring peace in our lives.
love yalls thx for prayers y todo keep em up
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, November 19, 2012
Prepping for baptism's are like prepping for the Olympics
Wahoo Pablo y Claudia went to church yesterday yeaaaaaaaahhhh!!
We had lunch with them on Saturday and we got there and Pablo was like, "I'm sick. I don't feel good. I've been up all night." And he's like, "Can you give me a blessing?" So we did. I got the privilege to do it and said that they'd be good enough to go Sunday to church and they did! Which means this Saturday they can get baptized!! We're prepping for it good. Hermana Parreño said that we should prepare for baptisms (the services, etc) like were preppin for the Olympics. She made a good point how they prep athletes all their lives for that, maybe, one moment and we need to help the investigator feel golden haha. Which means b4 I'll have to be doin the Usain Bolt dances haha jk.
I could feel your prayers bout understanding the gospel. Wow, it was incredible. I read in Alma 42 and I was like woaaah. It makes sense today. I could feel your prayers.
Haha Alyssa asked me if I'm lil trunky and No way Jose haha! I feel more focused and just ready to work cuz I know that the time isn't mine. It's like you're in the 4th quarter. Just give it your all. For all I know I have a year left cuz that's what I tell people. The best way to forget bout yourself is talkin with others. For me it is. hasta el fin No regrets! Tons of work to do. I don't want to be a trunko missionary.
That's cool that Thanksgiving's coming up. I remember last year, right as I wrote Thursday in my journal at night I was thinking like hmm somethin is today ohhhh thanksgiving lol. So I told Elder Stewart happy day haha. He was like ooooh yeeah. Pretty cool how we forgot I hope we forget. I love that part bout the mish. That you're just completely taken out of the world. I heard a Christmas song the other day and I was like weird ohhh right one month left haha.
Thanks Aaron for that letter. I love the 24hr challenge 24 hrs without complaints or critics. I'm going to defiantly do the challenge.
What else to write umm. Keep being awesome, going to church and the temple and prayers. Thanks for all the help you do. And pray that this baptism can happen! And that I can always be focused.
I'll try to send fotos to u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
ps jake u have been called to serve in wyoming wahhoooooooo!!!!!! luv ya bro
Wahoo Pablo y Claudia went to church yesterday yeaaaaaaaahhhh!!
We had lunch with them on Saturday and we got there and Pablo was like, "I'm sick. I don't feel good. I've been up all night." And he's like, "Can you give me a blessing?" So we did. I got the privilege to do it and said that they'd be good enough to go Sunday to church and they did! Which means this Saturday they can get baptized!! We're prepping for it good. Hermana Parreño said that we should prepare for baptisms (the services, etc) like were preppin for the Olympics. She made a good point how they prep athletes all their lives for that, maybe, one moment and we need to help the investigator feel golden haha. Which means b4 I'll have to be doin the Usain Bolt dances haha jk.
I could feel your prayers bout understanding the gospel. Wow, it was incredible. I read in Alma 42 and I was like woaaah. It makes sense today. I could feel your prayers.
Haha Alyssa asked me if I'm lil trunky and No way Jose haha! I feel more focused and just ready to work cuz I know that the time isn't mine. It's like you're in the 4th quarter. Just give it your all. For all I know I have a year left cuz that's what I tell people. The best way to forget bout yourself is talkin with others. For me it is. hasta el fin No regrets! Tons of work to do. I don't want to be a trunko missionary.
That's cool that Thanksgiving's coming up. I remember last year, right as I wrote Thursday in my journal at night I was thinking like hmm somethin is today ohhhh thanksgiving lol. So I told Elder Stewart happy day haha. He was like ooooh yeeah. Pretty cool how we forgot I hope we forget. I love that part bout the mish. That you're just completely taken out of the world. I heard a Christmas song the other day and I was like weird ohhh right one month left haha.
Thanks Aaron for that letter. I love the 24hr challenge 24 hrs without complaints or critics. I'm going to defiantly do the challenge.
What else to write umm. Keep being awesome, going to church and the temple and prayers. Thanks for all the help you do. And pray that this baptism can happen! And that I can always be focused.
I'll try to send fotos to u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
ps jake u have been called to serve in wyoming wahhoooooooo!!!!!! luv ya bro
Monday, November 12, 2012
Pretty cold for you guys up North. It was 97 heat wise here!
Ohh, it sounds pretty cold for you guys up north haha. The snow's gr8 right? Everyone here wants to see snow and think it's just gr8 ha.
The other day it was 97 heat wise and it was awesome! Pico is one of the hottest, if not the hottest in our mish yeaaaah. ha it's not even summer yet!
We had more people in church. The former pres came wahoo. There was bout 36 people, no investigators which I hate!!
We talked with a guy yesterday in the night who had a lot of interest. He's named Ricardo Enrique, bout 30 and lives alone. I felt good with his reaction he had with talking with him for a lil bit. Pablo and Claudia didn't go to church again. They just need one more time, then they can get bapt. The missionaries here have been workin with them for quite a while. They got married in July and still haven't been bapt. He was bapt but lost his records and all of his fam are like less active, but we're trying to get them to bapt.
Tuesday we had a zone mini conference, just with the missionaries in Santa Rosa (bout 2hrs from Pico) and it was gr8! Elder Jake Howard (from gville) is our ZL. He's awesome. I knew him for 1 yr in the ville of grant, but it was awesome. At the conference they talked bout basically just going all out and how some times satan puts like limits in our heads. But it's up to our faith and how hard we work and how obedient we are. I've always liked the challenge of being as obedient as possible cuz I know I can do that. It's pretty easy if you concentrate good. I'm also trying to work on my intelligenceness (knowledge) in the scriptures. That's always been pretty hard for me, but I'm workin on it. I love the B o M. I read today bout Ammon teaching King Lamoni bout God cuz we talked with a guy yesterday who said he believes in somethin greater like a God.
Funny story, we were teaching a guy in front of his house, then all of the sudden ha some drunk stopped on his bike and was like, "Alright, lets talk bout the bible. What does it say in Apocalypses 21?" haha "Do you know how many religions there are? 1350!" he said lol. We were like kinda laughing, like who is this guy. Then he left after telling us the gospel saved his life. Kinda weird haha.
The 2nd counselor in our branch was going to be the boxing champ of Argy, but went on a mission instead. He's named Ruben ¨Rocky¨ Flores. There's a few returned missionaries that are some of the less actives in our ward and i just hate how that happens. And you can tell that they lost the vision after the mish and the priorities. I remember a quote from Pres. Rose that some guy told to him. When this guy had a lot of work in a short time or somethin, but no matter what, always went and talked to people bout the gospel. Someone said to him, "You have a lot of work," But he said, "What will matter in a thousand years, if he worked a lil more or perhaps convert a family." (may have messed up the story, but it went somethin like that) That man showed that he has his priorities straight and that's somethin I want to have in my life and I'm glad for the examples of people that put the Lord in their life. 1st bcuz when all is said and done, of all the things you do in life, the important thing is if we our worthy for celestial kingdom.
love alls of yalls
love u all thx for eveything people and don't forget to put your priorities straight.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts and pray that I can do better in remembering or my knowledge in gospel Gracias! :)
love u all u r gr8
Ohh, it sounds pretty cold for you guys up north haha. The snow's gr8 right? Everyone here wants to see snow and think it's just gr8 ha.
The other day it was 97 heat wise and it was awesome! Pico is one of the hottest, if not the hottest in our mish yeaaaah. ha it's not even summer yet!
We had more people in church. The former pres came wahoo. There was bout 36 people, no investigators which I hate!!
We talked with a guy yesterday in the night who had a lot of interest. He's named Ricardo Enrique, bout 30 and lives alone. I felt good with his reaction he had with talking with him for a lil bit. Pablo and Claudia didn't go to church again. They just need one more time, then they can get bapt. The missionaries here have been workin with them for quite a while. They got married in July and still haven't been bapt. He was bapt but lost his records and all of his fam are like less active, but we're trying to get them to bapt.
Tuesday we had a zone mini conference, just with the missionaries in Santa Rosa (bout 2hrs from Pico) and it was gr8! Elder Jake Howard (from gville) is our ZL. He's awesome. I knew him for 1 yr in the ville of grant, but it was awesome. At the conference they talked bout basically just going all out and how some times satan puts like limits in our heads. But it's up to our faith and how hard we work and how obedient we are. I've always liked the challenge of being as obedient as possible cuz I know I can do that. It's pretty easy if you concentrate good. I'm also trying to work on my intelligenceness (knowledge) in the scriptures. That's always been pretty hard for me, but I'm workin on it. I love the B o M. I read today bout Ammon teaching King Lamoni bout God cuz we talked with a guy yesterday who said he believes in somethin greater like a God.
Funny story, we were teaching a guy in front of his house, then all of the sudden ha some drunk stopped on his bike and was like, "Alright, lets talk bout the bible. What does it say in Apocalypses 21?" haha "Do you know how many religions there are? 1350!" he said lol. We were like kinda laughing, like who is this guy. Then he left after telling us the gospel saved his life. Kinda weird haha.
The 2nd counselor in our branch was going to be the boxing champ of Argy, but went on a mission instead. He's named Ruben ¨Rocky¨ Flores. There's a few returned missionaries that are some of the less actives in our ward and i just hate how that happens. And you can tell that they lost the vision after the mish and the priorities. I remember a quote from Pres. Rose that some guy told to him. When this guy had a lot of work in a short time or somethin, but no matter what, always went and talked to people bout the gospel. Someone said to him, "You have a lot of work," But he said, "What will matter in a thousand years, if he worked a lil more or perhaps convert a family." (may have messed up the story, but it went somethin like that) That man showed that he has his priorities straight and that's somethin I want to have in my life and I'm glad for the examples of people that put the Lord in their life. 1st bcuz when all is said and done, of all the things you do in life, the important thing is if we our worthy for celestial kingdom.
love alls of yalls
love u all thx for eveything people and don't forget to put your priorities straight.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts and pray that I can do better in remembering or my knowledge in gospel Gracias! :)
love u all u r gr8
Monday, November 5, 2012
Talking with tons of people in the street
Pico is doing good. Its' a lot nicer then I thought. haha It's by far the nicest area I've been in (cleanness, roads etc).
It's been hot this week and I love it. My comp is a red head so haha he can't take the sun lol. I would send fotos but I forgot my things blah. We get basically lunch everyday which is awesome. The fam that is the mission fam is named fam Videla. They're awesome. They've known a lot of the comps that I've had. Like Elder Cano, Elder Sterling, Elder Himebaugh, so with the pics they show us I'm like, "He's my comp and him and him haha.
The church is kinda small here. At church there was 27 in total. The presidency, an 86 yr old man a deacon, and us 2 missionaries are the only ones with the priesthood. It kinda stinks. Like a few weeks ago they redid the presidency since the old Pres. hasn't been to church. There's a lot of less actives here too. Does anyone have advice to help them? It's a good branch, but would be even better if everyone went to church. My goal is to get every seat filled. There's 70 seats. It's totally possible!
There's a couple who want to get baptized, but they went to work in the field (don't know how you say it in english) so they were gone Sunday.
Comps great! He's from Texas. Has a funny accent lol. He had to wait for his visa in Utah for 5 months. He's funny. Talks like Jim Carry, just how he talks lol.
I'm getting used to the area. All the streets are by numbers. It goes by odds and evens. So when you ask some one where they live it's like 54372546474865437 haha. It's pretty cool. There's 4 missionaries here in Pico. On the street number 9 is the dividing place. We have the south side. The other missionaries live with us to in a house thing. One is from Virginia, Elder Dalton and the other from Chile Elder Sanhueza. They're cool.
Jake, you will be going to Bahia Blanca, yeah baby. But if I don't say that, I'ma say Africa! Yeah boy tear it up Jsmooth.
Yeah Sabrina license. Be careful on the streets. Don't drive like Argys. I love the streets rules here. Don't wreck haha.
Ohh thanks mom for those scripts from John Bytheway. I like it.
How's Alyssa doing? Do you have a belly or still flaca?
A thing that were trying to do is talk with tons of people in the street. I like it. It's fun, but you have to watch out for those Argys that can talk foreeever foreeeever lah! I can have a conversation for an hour without saying a thing lol. haha they're pretty creative in how they can just jump from topic to topic hahaha. "We want to invite you to church." "Aw thanks, I go to church. My pastor is Bob, he's from Buenos Aires, have you been to BA, it's crazy there, the world is crazy, how bout the USA, is it crazy, you're having elections soon, do you vote? how old are you? I'm 60. I was born in Mar del Plata, it's nice there, do you like the beach"...... lahh I invited you to church and you end up talking bout everything hahaha. I love it. That's where you have to learn to butt in to people. With drunks, it's even worse, lol but good times.
But yeah, we're talking with everyone in the street. Give them cards, etc. I want a baptism!!!!!!! And more members in the church. Pray for them! And investigators.
How's Lucy doing? Are you still walking her!!?
It was a record night Halloween. I saw 8 trick o treaters. Better then the 2 from last year.
I'm not used to the richness of the city. The streets seem huge and the houses are giant and also I'm sneezing cuz they actually have like plants and stuff haha. I feel lil weird with all this nice stuff haha
Oh I got Nate's package thank uuuu!!!
I think mail gets pretty slow here cuz it goes to our ZLs who are 2 hrs away and they send our stuff to us idk.
It's pretty cool being close to things too. I'm used to everything being far like 30 to 1hr away walking. I ask comp if somethings far, then in like 10 min we're there haha. We have one of the biggest areas in the mish cuz there's only 4 missionaries here.
The church is definitely true. Keep going even if someone offends. We go to church to learn, take the sacrament, etc. Not for other people.
Don't let others change u :)
I'm out
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Pico is doing good. Its' a lot nicer then I thought. haha It's by far the nicest area I've been in (cleanness, roads etc).
It's been hot this week and I love it. My comp is a red head so haha he can't take the sun lol. I would send fotos but I forgot my things blah. We get basically lunch everyday which is awesome. The fam that is the mission fam is named fam Videla. They're awesome. They've known a lot of the comps that I've had. Like Elder Cano, Elder Sterling, Elder Himebaugh, so with the pics they show us I'm like, "He's my comp and him and him haha.
The church is kinda small here. At church there was 27 in total. The presidency, an 86 yr old man a deacon, and us 2 missionaries are the only ones with the priesthood. It kinda stinks. Like a few weeks ago they redid the presidency since the old Pres. hasn't been to church. There's a lot of less actives here too. Does anyone have advice to help them? It's a good branch, but would be even better if everyone went to church. My goal is to get every seat filled. There's 70 seats. It's totally possible!
There's a couple who want to get baptized, but they went to work in the field (don't know how you say it in english) so they were gone Sunday.
Comps great! He's from Texas. Has a funny accent lol. He had to wait for his visa in Utah for 5 months. He's funny. Talks like Jim Carry, just how he talks lol.
I'm getting used to the area. All the streets are by numbers. It goes by odds and evens. So when you ask some one where they live it's like 54372546474865437 haha. It's pretty cool. There's 4 missionaries here in Pico. On the street number 9 is the dividing place. We have the south side. The other missionaries live with us to in a house thing. One is from Virginia, Elder Dalton and the other from Chile Elder Sanhueza. They're cool.
Jake, you will be going to Bahia Blanca, yeah baby. But if I don't say that, I'ma say Africa! Yeah boy tear it up Jsmooth.
Yeah Sabrina license. Be careful on the streets. Don't drive like Argys. I love the streets rules here. Don't wreck haha.
Ohh thanks mom for those scripts from John Bytheway. I like it.
How's Alyssa doing? Do you have a belly or still flaca?
A thing that were trying to do is talk with tons of people in the street. I like it. It's fun, but you have to watch out for those Argys that can talk foreeever foreeeever lah! I can have a conversation for an hour without saying a thing lol. haha they're pretty creative in how they can just jump from topic to topic hahaha. "We want to invite you to church." "Aw thanks, I go to church. My pastor is Bob, he's from Buenos Aires, have you been to BA, it's crazy there, the world is crazy, how bout the USA, is it crazy, you're having elections soon, do you vote? how old are you? I'm 60. I was born in Mar del Plata, it's nice there, do you like the beach"...... lahh I invited you to church and you end up talking bout everything hahaha. I love it. That's where you have to learn to butt in to people. With drunks, it's even worse, lol but good times.
But yeah, we're talking with everyone in the street. Give them cards, etc. I want a baptism!!!!!!! And more members in the church. Pray for them! And investigators.
How's Lucy doing? Are you still walking her!!?
It was a record night Halloween. I saw 8 trick o treaters. Better then the 2 from last year.
I'm not used to the richness of the city. The streets seem huge and the houses are giant and also I'm sneezing cuz they actually have like plants and stuff haha. I feel lil weird with all this nice stuff haha
Oh I got Nate's package thank uuuu!!!
I think mail gets pretty slow here cuz it goes to our ZLs who are 2 hrs away and they send our stuff to us idk.
It's pretty cool being close to things too. I'm used to everything being far like 30 to 1hr away walking. I ask comp if somethings far, then in like 10 min we're there haha. We have one of the biggest areas in the mish cuz there's only 4 missionaries here.
The church is definitely true. Keep going even if someone offends. We go to church to learn, take the sacrament, etc. Not for other people.
Don't let others change u :)
I'm out
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, October 29, 2012
Transfers are in and I've been traded to La Pampa
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Elder Morel, Elder Lopez and me |
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Fila Zamora |
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My Peru bro |
So I live in Pico, but I work in Maraco or something like that. I'm basically in Pico. I'm kinda up north in La Pampa (hey mom I'm closer to you haha). It's as about as ghetto as Larry Bird here lol. I'ma favring country boy right now haha. I left last night at 11:30 pm Arg time and arrived to Santa Rosa (main city in La Pampa) waited for 2 hrs then took a bus at 9:45 to Pico and got there at 12 noon today. Didn't really sleep much haha, but I'm not tired.
It was a gr8 experience in Tandil. Learned a TON personally and spiritually. It stunk saying goodbye to the people cuz who knows if I'll ever see them again. It's the 1st ¨going away thing¨ I had cuz in Olavarria no one was home lol. Then in MDP I had like 1hr to say goodbye. It stinks, we have an elderly couple, investigators sort of and she was like crying when I said I was leaving ha. She calls me her grandson (she's also known Del Potro since he was 1 month). Then said bye to the members. Rodrigo is still in Buenos Aires on TV.
My comp is Elder Allen. He has the same time as Elder Templeton and Elder Morel. He's from TX, but his fam just moved to Eagle Mtn.
We visited a family earlier today with the other 2 missionaries here (Elder Dalton from VA and Elder Sanhueza from Chile) and they're awesome. I've heard of this fam from Elder Cano, cuz he was here and I knew they were in La Pampa, but I didn't know they were in our branch wahoo!! They're bout as American as they get for not being yankees. For real, I go in and one of them was listening to Drake ha. They know English too from the missionaries and music. We were chatting, getting to know each other, and I'm like, "Do you like sports?" And one of the daughters was like, "Yeah, I love basketball. I'm a Celtics fan." They're freaking yankees haha. Then they said Andres Nocioni is from here Pico and has some stuff here. I think he lives here! Also, Manu bought some land here yeah! Also this fam has a bunch of animals and a lot of cats and they name their cats after missionaries that are here at that time. They're like ¨the family for the missionaries.¨
It's more greener then I thought it would be. I thought it was going to be like WY or somethin haha but it's pretty pretty here. In La Pampa our mish covers the whole providence, but if you cut it down the middle the whole left side, there is no missionaries cuz there Pueblitos, (um in English just like deserted small towns) haha. When I was telling the members in Tandil where I was going they said hahahahaha watch out for the beach there. I've heard its gorgeous ha. They were making fun of me the whole time hahaha. I've heard its also one of the hottest place in the mish also wahoooooooooo!
The people kinda talk a lil different here too haha. I'm excited! It'll be fun here. We have a branch with like 40 members that go. I've been pretty lucky with the areas I've had. MDP and Tandil are big tourist places and I'm excited to go country. It actually seems pretty normal here. Not as country as I thought it'd be, but it's as flat as paper here. Tandil has ¨mountains¨ Argy version and MDP has buildings. Here just trees.
I'm excited to go to work and get some baptisms!!!!!!
si mi amigo peruano ya se fue a peru El es un capo fue espectacular para ver este lechon que mataron jaja fue medio raro una experiencia que no olvidaré
jaja me encanta como hablen los argentino ¨eh che pibe¨ asi es verdadtambien hablen mucho con sus cuerpos es re chistoso
Hopefully here it's better then Tandil in sending fotos.
Also, this week we got (the mish) microwaves and secaropas (driers for clothes) and liquid juice things, you can make shakes. I just imagine that Pres. Parreño is loaded with cash money. Well for one he's got the euro dollar thing going for him. It's like 5 or 6 somethin to the peso. I love Pres!
Well I love u all. I know the church is true and BoM studied its gr8.
I'm good with clothes and everything. Also I think it's pretty slow to get mail here.
fotos i hope
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, October 22, 2012
Last week for my Peruvian friend, Elder Morales
Hola Amigasos!!
Wow I just read where you said that there was 7,000 people that put in there name for the mish! Laaaahhh! That's awesome! If you can go on a mish right now, yeah! Take over the world yeaaah!
That's so awesome! The mish is gr8. I'm learning a lot and want to learn more. I've learned a lot. Like the things of the world don't really matter. I was reading a talk from ohh, I can't remember, I think Pres. Benson, about pride. You've all probably heard of it, but its gr8. It talks a lot about good stuff, like pride.You put yourself above someone else and no one likes to feel lower than anyone else. So I'm trying to better myself in those things and do what God wants me to do. I've also learned and am learning that I'm not as ¨big¨ as I thought I was. All of us have come from the dirt or however it's said in english in the BOM (if that makes any sense).
Last week of the transfer and it's last week of my Peruvian friend here, Elder Morales. He's gr8, so cool! I love Tandil. Who knows if I'll leave or no, but I've prayed that I can learn everything I can, that I need to in Tandil. Since I've started here I'm a totally different person. I did that Attributes of Christ quiz when I got here and I did it a few weeks ago and my patience went from worst to 1st hahaha. But I always have to get better. I want to reach my potential that God wants me to be. Like they talked bout in the conf.
HALLOWEEN it's not really popular here. I was talkin with someone who said, "When I was a kid Halloween didn't exist." But it's coming into style here. It'll be pretty big in a few years, maybe this year. Last year I saw 2 kids dressed up. Someone asked me what does trick or treat mean. I was like idk hahaha.
Can I put my name on a paper that says Mitt Romney and send it to USA and count for a vote? It sounds pretty exciting and some elder mentioned after the announcement of age change for mish that maybe Romney can, whatever you call it, become friends with countries who don't like us and we can go preachin in their country - to spread the gospel to everyone!! ...Interesting !!:)
Yeah Alyssa your baby looks gr8 (from pic from scott). I almost bought a book for your kid. When do you figure out if its a boy or girl and do you have names? Theres a name I like here. It's Ailen eye-len. Use it if you want. For boy, Salvador haha (Savior) lol.
We went to Calvario again today. The big Jesus statue, cuz i don't have fotos of it.
Oh it was sweet...if you have a soft stomach warning lol.. almost forgot. We were at our investigators house and the lady said,"They're out back cooking." So we go back and there was a favring pig dead and they were pulling the hairs out to cook it and then he split it up and like it was nothin and then the guts popped out lol. Then he was like, "We've got another one." He opens the trunk and there's a favring pig and then he cut its throat and blood was squirting out and I was like woooooaaaah!! I wish I had my camera! lol pretty cool to see haha.
Church is true. Keep praying hard and working hard and keeping the commandments.
Do the will of the Father and not of the world.
love yallls
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
laaaah loco laaah re piola laaahh haha
Wow I just read where you said that there was 7,000 people that put in there name for the mish! Laaaahhh! That's awesome! If you can go on a mish right now, yeah! Take over the world yeaaah!
That's so awesome! The mish is gr8. I'm learning a lot and want to learn more. I've learned a lot. Like the things of the world don't really matter. I was reading a talk from ohh, I can't remember, I think Pres. Benson, about pride. You've all probably heard of it, but its gr8. It talks a lot about good stuff, like pride.You put yourself above someone else and no one likes to feel lower than anyone else. So I'm trying to better myself in those things and do what God wants me to do. I've also learned and am learning that I'm not as ¨big¨ as I thought I was. All of us have come from the dirt or however it's said in english in the BOM (if that makes any sense).
Last week of the transfer and it's last week of my Peruvian friend here, Elder Morales. He's gr8, so cool! I love Tandil. Who knows if I'll leave or no, but I've prayed that I can learn everything I can, that I need to in Tandil. Since I've started here I'm a totally different person. I did that Attributes of Christ quiz when I got here and I did it a few weeks ago and my patience went from worst to 1st hahaha. But I always have to get better. I want to reach my potential that God wants me to be. Like they talked bout in the conf.
HALLOWEEN it's not really popular here. I was talkin with someone who said, "When I was a kid Halloween didn't exist." But it's coming into style here. It'll be pretty big in a few years, maybe this year. Last year I saw 2 kids dressed up. Someone asked me what does trick or treat mean. I was like idk hahaha.
Can I put my name on a paper that says Mitt Romney and send it to USA and count for a vote? It sounds pretty exciting and some elder mentioned after the announcement of age change for mish that maybe Romney can, whatever you call it, become friends with countries who don't like us and we can go preachin in their country - to spread the gospel to everyone!! ...Interesting !!:)
Yeah Alyssa your baby looks gr8 (from pic from scott). I almost bought a book for your kid. When do you figure out if its a boy or girl and do you have names? Theres a name I like here. It's Ailen eye-len. Use it if you want. For boy, Salvador haha (Savior) lol.
We went to Calvario again today. The big Jesus statue, cuz i don't have fotos of it.
Oh it was sweet...if you have a soft stomach warning lol.. almost forgot. We were at our investigators house and the lady said,"They're out back cooking." So we go back and there was a favring pig dead and they were pulling the hairs out to cook it and then he split it up and like it was nothin and then the guts popped out lol. Then he was like, "We've got another one." He opens the trunk and there's a favring pig and then he cut its throat and blood was squirting out and I was like woooooaaaah!! I wish I had my camera! lol pretty cool to see haha.
Church is true. Keep praying hard and working hard and keeping the commandments.
Do the will of the Father and not of the world.
love yallls
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
laaaah loco laaah re piola laaahh haha
Monday, October 15, 2012
Conference with Pres. Parreño & Old house with cheese
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MAMA I sent u a card today cuz last week was a favring holiday and it was closed. HAPPY BDAY.
I got your package with the camera yeaaahhh gracias!! thanks for everything!!
We had the conference and it was great! Pres. talked bout the ¨small and little things¨ that make a big difference. Like 1hr lunch and not 1hr 5min. He also talked bout being happy and joyful. He also mentioned my main man John Wooden, bout how he showed his players how to put on the socks and how it seemed like a small pointless thing, but if you know The Wizard of Westwood you know he's always right. It was sweet, after talking bout him he showed a picture of him with all his trophies! He also said to work and work some more. It was good! As a mission we're at 704 baptisms in the yr and we want 1000 for the yr. It's our goal and if we all baptize at least one per month we'll get it. Speaking of baptisms, Rodrigo is in Buenos Aires until.. we don't know. He said he'd be there for a lil job thing until like Friday and Saturday and it turns out he may be staying there for a while. We passed by his house in the morning, Sunday, and his mom was like idk when he's coming back. But I have faith that he can come back this week for some reason. Then he can assist 1 more time to church then 27th the baptism! It was pretty weird that he may not come back cuz he's received all the lessons, everything. He just needs 1 more time at church and the bapt interview. So that's the news bout Rodrigo awww! Pray that he comes back!!
We're going to be workin extra hard to get the 1000 baptisms. We haven't had much success in our main area where we work, so we're working more in the richer areas which is pretty far from our house. I keep thinking if we can't find much success here, we need to go over there. Cuz I really want some baptisms and if the jumps not working drive (bball term). The houses are like all new and big and comp ha doesn't really like going out there ha cuz he doesn't think we can have success with the ¨rich¨people. But, hey, preach to every creature cuz they're a child of God. That's how i look at it. I'm determined we'll find some fam or some 1 over there. It's not that we never worked over there, it's just where we normally work it's more humble and there's more houses but we just can't seem to find people there. If the passing game doesn't work, run it! haha
Alyssa what's up? So at every preg person I see I'm like, "Wahoo Alyssa!" Hang in there! Yeah like Mike Jordan says - its hard but its fair (or worth it). The more you laugh the more cuter your baby will be. It's a fact I heard from myself the other day! love u!
You bought a cow? Yeah, send me some of that meat jk. I'm thinking of eating 12 eggs a day cuz I need to get bigger ..warn me if I'll kill myself haha jk.
We went to ¨Epoca de Queso¨ in Tandil. It's supposedly really famous and people from all over the world go and see it. It's a old house with cheese in it. So if you have an old house, put cheese in it and it'll be worth a lot hahaha jk. It has some sweet stuff. Took fotos and sampled some jam they had and it was music to my taste buds.
I hope you liked my words. Love u all. The church is true. A thing I'm trying to do is pray to have a spiritual experience. Try it. Church is true and i love u.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS MAMA I sent u a card today cuz last week was a favring holiday and it was closed. HAPPY BDAY.
I got your package with the camera yeaaahhh gracias!! thanks for everything!!
We had the conference and it was great! Pres. talked bout the ¨small and little things¨ that make a big difference. Like 1hr lunch and not 1hr 5min. He also talked bout being happy and joyful. He also mentioned my main man John Wooden, bout how he showed his players how to put on the socks and how it seemed like a small pointless thing, but if you know The Wizard of Westwood you know he's always right. It was sweet, after talking bout him he showed a picture of him with all his trophies! He also said to work and work some more. It was good! As a mission we're at 704 baptisms in the yr and we want 1000 for the yr. It's our goal and if we all baptize at least one per month we'll get it. Speaking of baptisms, Rodrigo is in Buenos Aires until.. we don't know. He said he'd be there for a lil job thing until like Friday and Saturday and it turns out he may be staying there for a while. We passed by his house in the morning, Sunday, and his mom was like idk when he's coming back. But I have faith that he can come back this week for some reason. Then he can assist 1 more time to church then 27th the baptism! It was pretty weird that he may not come back cuz he's received all the lessons, everything. He just needs 1 more time at church and the bapt interview. So that's the news bout Rodrigo awww! Pray that he comes back!!
We're going to be workin extra hard to get the 1000 baptisms. We haven't had much success in our main area where we work, so we're working more in the richer areas which is pretty far from our house. I keep thinking if we can't find much success here, we need to go over there. Cuz I really want some baptisms and if the jumps not working drive (bball term). The houses are like all new and big and comp ha doesn't really like going out there ha cuz he doesn't think we can have success with the ¨rich¨people. But, hey, preach to every creature cuz they're a child of God. That's how i look at it. I'm determined we'll find some fam or some 1 over there. It's not that we never worked over there, it's just where we normally work it's more humble and there's more houses but we just can't seem to find people there. If the passing game doesn't work, run it! haha
Alyssa what's up? So at every preg person I see I'm like, "Wahoo Alyssa!" Hang in there! Yeah like Mike Jordan says - its hard but its fair (or worth it). The more you laugh the more cuter your baby will be. It's a fact I heard from myself the other day! love u!
You bought a cow? Yeah, send me some of that meat jk. I'm thinking of eating 12 eggs a day cuz I need to get bigger ..warn me if I'll kill myself haha jk.
We went to ¨Epoca de Queso¨ in Tandil. It's supposedly really famous and people from all over the world go and see it. It's a old house with cheese in it. So if you have an old house, put cheese in it and it'll be worth a lot hahaha jk. It has some sweet stuff. Took fotos and sampled some jam they had and it was music to my taste buds.
I hope you liked my words. Love u all. The church is true. A thing I'm trying to do is pray to have a spiritual experience. Try it. Church is true and i love u.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, October 8, 2012
Wasn't conf gr8? You can call me Uncle Reggie Reg!
Wasn’t conf gr8!!!?
It started out tremendous with Kevin and it kept going with the announcement of the missionary age change. Wow! I’m church struck! That’s so cool! I think the women missionary will increase sooooooooooo much! Wow! We were pretty shocked with the 5 of us yankees listening in the English room. That is a gr8 move I think cuz everyone right after school can go on a mish. It’ll also keep them focused to be clean and not say, “I have a yr.”
haha After I was asking all the youth,”You going on a mish?” I talked with one kid who’s 17 next yr baby. I love the move!!
The talks were gr8! It seemed like an all star game. “Would you sale your soul for a championship?” In the past conferences, as I’ve been studying the mags of other years, it seems that there are a lot of warnings. Where as now its STEP UP! We’re in those warning times. I liked the talk by Elder Bednar bout conversion and testimony cuz there is a difference. When missionaries go on their missions most have a testimony. If they do good they’ll be converted. I’m working on that. I also liked how he said it’s now a finish line point. We always have to work on it. I liked the talk of Elder Christoffersen that we as men need to do better. We watched it until Pres. Uchtdorf ended cuz we had to go to a lunch. So we didn’t see Pres. Monson in Priesthood. I loved the talk from Pres. Eyring bout putting pavilions between you and God. At times He seems far, but it’s not Him it’s us. They seemed to talk bout worldly glory things to spiritual. I liked the talk by Bowen and Ballard bout how we have to work together and His promise if we pray for service and diligently seek we’ll be more attentive to the spirit. (Is attentive a word? ha) “Do you love me?” I liked that one too and also the talk bout the mountain in Peru and faith. I’m trying to think of others. Ann Dibbs talk also. It was gr8 overall and stuff that I needed. I look forward to the magazine :)
Rodrigo went to the final session and liked it. Today we’ll be ending with his lessons and then he’ll have his interview and hopefully we can bapt him this weekend. We are planning to, but if no, will do it on moms bday!!!
This Thursday we have a conf with Pres. Parreño. It’ll be my 2nd with him. I’m excited!
haha Also in the conference, in english when Elder Holland said, Peter, I was like, “Who’s Peter??.. oooh Pedro!” haha I forgot his name in english. And also the accents seem to have been even more heavy in the Utahn accent. It was pretty weird to here english haha and also taking notes, it’d be a lil hard to write in english and at times I couldn’t think of words in english or in espñ so I just sat there thinking, “What’s that word?” haha i love it!
Wahoo Alyssa you’ll be a gr8 mom! Hang in there and go running haha jk. Scott you’re awesome! you’ll be a gr8 dad. Some 1 asked names of people in my fam and when I said Scott he began to sing, “EhScott mi mejor amigo (Scott my best friend ) and I guess it’s from a toilet paper commercial of Scott TP. They always with s words start with eh, ehscott, ehstewart, ehsmile.
Yeah V! Nice job in the play and Sub glows! Wahoo! Hang in there! Be strong yeah!
Yes Dad I’m doing pushups and trying to beef up. I bought 32 eggs today for the week! Yeahh!! I need to look like you Macho man. Dwight is on the Los Angels Lakers? Wow nuff said.
Love u. Keep praying for me and mind and that we can see miracles here! :)
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
So, what are some of the names u have in mind for the baby? My name can
be used. I have no problems haha.
The following was Reggie’s reaction to hearing the news about his older sister and brother-in-law announcing they are having a baby:
Congratts Alyssa and Scott wahooooooo!!
Yeah I’ll be an uncle wahoooo! You can call me uncle Reggie Reg! Wow that’s so exciting! My guess is a boy, if not a girl. ha but for real a boy. Names Bahia Blanca Arbon haha sounds good right!? jk don’t ask me for names cuz they’ll all have to do with sports or Tom Jones. Tom Favre?? Wow that’s so cool! haaha dad’s a gpa! Your new name is Viejo V.ay.ho. They say it here as, ¨my old man¨ iFelicitaciones!
Elder Tio Reginald Grant Roberts
yeah tio uncle!!
Wasn’t conf gr8!!!?
It started out tremendous with Kevin and it kept going with the announcement of the missionary age change. Wow! I’m church struck! That’s so cool! I think the women missionary will increase sooooooooooo much! Wow! We were pretty shocked with the 5 of us yankees listening in the English room. That is a gr8 move I think cuz everyone right after school can go on a mish. It’ll also keep them focused to be clean and not say, “I have a yr.”
haha After I was asking all the youth,”You going on a mish?” I talked with one kid who’s 17 next yr baby. I love the move!!
The talks were gr8! It seemed like an all star game. “Would you sale your soul for a championship?” In the past conferences, as I’ve been studying the mags of other years, it seems that there are a lot of warnings. Where as now its STEP UP! We’re in those warning times. I liked the talk by Elder Bednar bout conversion and testimony cuz there is a difference. When missionaries go on their missions most have a testimony. If they do good they’ll be converted. I’m working on that. I also liked how he said it’s now a finish line point. We always have to work on it. I liked the talk of Elder Christoffersen that we as men need to do better. We watched it until Pres. Uchtdorf ended cuz we had to go to a lunch. So we didn’t see Pres. Monson in Priesthood. I loved the talk from Pres. Eyring bout putting pavilions between you and God. At times He seems far, but it’s not Him it’s us. They seemed to talk bout worldly glory things to spiritual. I liked the talk by Bowen and Ballard bout how we have to work together and His promise if we pray for service and diligently seek we’ll be more attentive to the spirit. (Is attentive a word? ha) “Do you love me?” I liked that one too and also the talk bout the mountain in Peru and faith. I’m trying to think of others. Ann Dibbs talk also. It was gr8 overall and stuff that I needed. I look forward to the magazine :)
Rodrigo went to the final session and liked it. Today we’ll be ending with his lessons and then he’ll have his interview and hopefully we can bapt him this weekend. We are planning to, but if no, will do it on moms bday!!!
This Thursday we have a conf with Pres. Parreño. It’ll be my 2nd with him. I’m excited!
haha Also in the conference, in english when Elder Holland said, Peter, I was like, “Who’s Peter??.. oooh Pedro!” haha I forgot his name in english. And also the accents seem to have been even more heavy in the Utahn accent. It was pretty weird to here english haha and also taking notes, it’d be a lil hard to write in english and at times I couldn’t think of words in english or in espñ so I just sat there thinking, “What’s that word?” haha i love it!
Wahoo Alyssa you’ll be a gr8 mom! Hang in there and go running haha jk. Scott you’re awesome! you’ll be a gr8 dad. Some 1 asked names of people in my fam and when I said Scott he began to sing, “EhScott mi mejor amigo (Scott my best friend ) and I guess it’s from a toilet paper commercial of Scott TP. They always with s words start with eh, ehscott, ehstewart, ehsmile.
Yeah V! Nice job in the play and Sub glows! Wahoo! Hang in there! Be strong yeah!
Yes Dad I’m doing pushups and trying to beef up. I bought 32 eggs today for the week! Yeahh!! I need to look like you Macho man. Dwight is on the Los Angels Lakers? Wow nuff said.
Love u. Keep praying for me and mind and that we can see miracles here! :)
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
So, what are some of the names u have in mind for the baby? My name can
be used. I have no problems haha.
The following was Reggie’s reaction to hearing the news about his older sister and brother-in-law announcing they are having a baby:
Congratts Alyssa and Scott wahooooooo!!
Yeah I’ll be an uncle wahoooo! You can call me uncle Reggie Reg! Wow that’s so exciting! My guess is a boy, if not a girl. ha but for real a boy. Names Bahia Blanca Arbon haha sounds good right!? jk don’t ask me for names cuz they’ll all have to do with sports or Tom Jones. Tom Favre?? Wow that’s so cool! haaha dad’s a gpa! Your new name is Viejo V.ay.ho. They say it here as, ¨my old man¨ iFelicitaciones!
Elder Tio Reginald Grant Roberts
yeah tio uncle!!
Monday, October 1, 2012
1st Week of Oct which means CONFERENCE YESSSSS!!!!!!
Yeah Sub! You guys look gr8 in your dance thing. Thanks for the foto and letter! Wahoo!
Thanks for the letter Paul. That was awesome! Gracias! You guys are Great!!
Rodrigo is doing good. He took his earrings out and his chains, the crosses and said he'll be cutting his hair. It seems like everything we teach him he's like, ¨That makes sense.¨ Like why we don't have crosses, etc. He didn't go to church. Between Saturday night and church he went to Necochea for vacations. BOO! But he'll be back by tomorrow. He needs to attend church 2 more times, so he should get baptized the 19th and confirmed 20th, Mom's bday wahoo!! He's been progressing great! Kind of a bummer he couldn't go Sunday. He's a gr8 guy who really wants to change his life. He said he wants to serve a mish which would be AWESOME!! Keep him in your prayers!!
Its the 1st week of Oct which means CONFERENCE YESSSSS!!!!!! I've been doing my studying and reading up on the talks. I'm sooo excited! It starts at 1 and 5 here. Priesthood at 9 at night but we can't go so I hope they'll tape it!! Cuz we could watch it Sunday morning at 9. Prepare yourselves spiritually cuz it'll be ¨ESPECTACULAR¨ I'm going to be doing that. Making extra efforts to be spiritually in tuned!
What are you all reading in the B o M?? Tell me, I want to know :) I just finished Helaman about Samuel the Lamanite and am starting 3 Nephi and trying to do a study in Jesus Christ. The B o M - I love it!
Comps doing good. He's funny! He's a good teacher. He's good at making sure people understand what we're saying. Like Dad was telling me, you can teach someone and then you can teach and they learn and understand. More on comp - He's from La Plata and he is waiting for his visa to go to Venezuela. But there have been missionaries that have never gone to Ven cuz I guess it's hard to get into. I feel blessed to be here without problems! It seemed like right after we got here other missionaries had trouble getting in. The missionaries that wait for their visas in USA have really been thankful for their time in the states and they come in as gr8 missionaries here! So thanks to all the mish pres in the states that do a gr8 job - hint Paul : ) Comp he has like 7 months in the mish. He's the oldest of 11 siblings haha.
And now I'll try my weekly adventure in sending fotos
church is true love u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
keep being awesome everyone!
(P.S. Reggie didn't have luck sending photos today.)
Monday, September 24, 2012
Love having a Latin comp!
![]() |
Castle in Tandil |
HAPPY BIRTHDAY VERONICA! Yeah you're old. Wahoooo! I hope U had a gr8 Day YEAHHHH!!!!
Wow does my comp speak favring fast and it's awesome! At the beginning of
the week I felt like I had like 6 months again in the mish cuz comp
haha is a motor when he talks! And he's gr8 at mumbling too haha!
Sometimes he'll say somethin like gfyhguafdfgdjfge? and I'm like, "Huh, what?"
lol But it's gr8. gr8 practice and it's a blessing. I remember Elder Thomas
once said when you have a Latin comp it makes you realize how much you don't
know. haha Yeah in our district we have missionaries from Peru, 2 Argys, Chile, Uruguay and
sister's from Brazil y Honduras. The sis from Honduras has a funny accent. I
like hearing accents from other countries and meeting people from
around the world. I think the Paraguay people have the funniest accents
and also Spaniards with there lisps. Speaking of Pres. Dad asked if I see
him much. Unfortunately No I've seen Pres. Parreño 2 times. Zone conf and
area conf and I saw Pres. Detlefsen like 4 or 5 times. That would be sweet to
be able to talk to them and get to know him. But it is what it is. b4 I
forget, how do missions in the states do transfers? Like how do they travel?
Cuz here we do buses and they don't really exist in Utah. How is it?
haha They should make you guys walk to make up for 2 yrs of driving haha
jk. I love walking for real, it's relaxing.
That Temple dedication sounded gr8. That's awesome how they said Brigham Young
and Pres. Snow were there. That reminds me of yesterday in church a
member in the presidency or somethin was talkin about temples and was talkin
bout the temple in Chile where he served. He told a story of a worker
or someone that had to do some finishing work the night b4 the dedication
and he said he could feel and knew that there were other people in the
building besides just him. And in the dedicatory prayer the guy said that
Nephi and his family were in the temple doing like inspections to see
if it was ready!!! How awesome!!! I do miss temples! I fell in love
with them in the MTC and I miss them. I want to go now! *)
Kyle Korver attended church yesterday, oh I mean Rodrigo haha. He's
awesome! He wants to get baptized bad and we set a date for the 29 Sep and
he was kinda disappointed that he has to wait a lil longer cuz he didn't go
to church last week cuz he was sick. But it's awesome! He really wants to
get baptized. His mom also likes it when we go by their house. She suffers
from panic or however you say it, she panics a lot and haha she asked if
she has to go all the way under water for baptism. haha She's cool!
Sweet! Thanks for sending me a camera. I promise to take millions of
fotos for you kids. Sometimes you don't realize what you have til it's gone, like
a camera haha. I remember when Elder Templeton was supposed to receive an
electronic dictionary and when he got the package haha he was like,
"What? Where's my dictionary? Aw what the freak? No they forgot!" Then we
were like, "Did you look in the mac and cheese box..?" "Oh, here it is!" hahaha
It's cool with a Latin comp cuz you can learn lots of words like burp and
scarecrow, that's if I understand him haha jk.
Sub thats cool you're going to that dance thing with who? And you should do
a Euro mullet or like blue hair like a girl I saw yesterday. Yesterday
is a word that I almost say in English at times idk why. But yeah mullet
or fro or bald like me haha jk, I'm not bald, it's swag. Who else has it?
King James and Dr Phil jk I'm not like him haha. Made u laugh.
Lets see. What have I been pondering bout the last lil while? I've been
thinkin bout how people can see and feel the spirit when we're around
them. Like Lujan, mom of Rodrigo. She said I feel better being around and
talking to you then with my friends. Also with simple contacts, with
people that we've been by there house 5-8 times, without being ables to
teach them, but when we ask if they need anything and say no, they also
say, "Whatever you need I'll help you guys." And I feel good when we eat with
families and they're like, "Oh the missionaries wahoo!" And a lot of people
see us too and wonder bout us. Like, "I always see you, but have never had
the opportunity to talk with you."
Oh, I was thinking the other day - Hey sub and v, you should get your
Patriarchal Blessings! They're awesome! But like if you feel ready and
everything. I was thinking bout that the other day, actually a while. If you
can do it :)
Well I'll put fotos on. Thx for all! Keep praying for me and my mind
that I can focus good.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, September 17, 2012
Staying in Tandil with a new Comp! :)
UTAAAAAAAH YEAAHAHHAHHH Tomatela BYU yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Sweet, I'm happy again! Go Utes Baby! da dun da dun da dun Ute song Yeaahhhh!
So we got transfers and…. I'm still in Tandil and Elder Templeton went
to Olavarria in one of the branches there. Not the same as mine, but
close. My new comp is Elder Morel. When they were telling me who he was
no one really knew if he is Latin or USA and everyone was saying for
sure he's USA (yankee) but I was like hmmm I'll believe it when i see it
and it turns out he's LATINO yeeeeaaaaah! Go utes! Go latinos yeaahhhhh
yeaahhaha Can you tell I'm excited? haha
Elder Templeton and I had 5 months together and he's awesome. It's amazing
to see the change he's done in his life. Awesome dude. Elder Morel is from
¨La Plata¨ in Argy about 10 hrs from here. He has almost the same time out
as Elder Templeton, minus the extra time in the mtc. They came to the field
together. He also mumbles too and talks fast! yeaaah Just what I wanted
to perfectionize (I don't think thats a word) my espñ skills. He also
wants to learn english. He was saying like all the words he knows on
the way to write you guys, ¨family, brother, dog ..table, CNN, ESPN, happy.¨
He's awesome! A funny person too. He's also really Argentine haha which is
awesome! After they pull jokes here they do a ¨ahhh¨ kinda thing. It's gr8.
I do it too ahhh.
This will be the longest area I've been in. It's cool, my work isn't done
here and Heavenly Father still has things for me to learn here.
Elder Nolan is on his way home. A gr8 friend in the mish. The time has flown by wow!
The other day we found a 20 yr old named Rodrigo and his mom Lujan.
They're awesome! 1st off he favring looks like Kyle Korver, like for real.
He is more to him than Ashton Kutcher. It's loco. He's also a model
hahaha. But he's a believer in Christ and wants to get baptized and go to
church bad. He couldn't go yesterday cuz his stomach was hurting him. We
were talking to him about the church Saturday, preparing him for Sunday, like
if he had questions, etc and he's like, "Can I be a missionary like you guys?"
and we were like, "Yeah!" Then he's like, "Mom, I'm going to be a missionary
like them." She's like, "Ok." He's so cool.
Julio Lopez is doing alright. We just need to find him when he's not
drinking, etc. Cool guy, but needs to put down the wine. We'll keep
working with him.
Ohh I'm so excited for General Conf! I'm drooling with my mouth open! Can't
wait! Does anyone else have like Pres. Uchtdorf craves for his talks and
Pres. Monson and everyone? I hope I'll be able to see priesthood for the
1st time in the mish haha.
The people love Pres. Eyring even more now cuz he came here and it was
Elder Ballard that came. Correction. I always get M. Russell and Russell M.
mixed up haha. if u forgot utes won!
I think I'm the only Yankee(USA) in my district here wahoo haha! It's cool.
What else? We're lookin forward to workin hard here and seeing some miracles. :)
love U all! Keep up the prayers and good work. Stay in school.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Sweet, I'm happy again! Go Utes Baby! da dun da dun da dun Ute song Yeaahhhh!
So we got transfers and…. I'm still in Tandil and Elder Templeton went
to Olavarria in one of the branches there. Not the same as mine, but
close. My new comp is Elder Morel. When they were telling me who he was
no one really knew if he is Latin or USA and everyone was saying for
sure he's USA (yankee) but I was like hmmm I'll believe it when i see it
and it turns out he's LATINO yeeeeaaaaah! Go utes! Go latinos yeaahhhhh
yeaahhaha Can you tell I'm excited? haha
Elder Templeton and I had 5 months together and he's awesome. It's amazing
to see the change he's done in his life. Awesome dude. Elder Morel is from
¨La Plata¨ in Argy about 10 hrs from here. He has almost the same time out
as Elder Templeton, minus the extra time in the mtc. They came to the field
together. He also mumbles too and talks fast! yeaaah Just what I wanted
to perfectionize (I don't think thats a word) my espñ skills. He also
wants to learn english. He was saying like all the words he knows on
the way to write you guys, ¨family, brother, dog ..table, CNN, ESPN, happy.¨
He's awesome! A funny person too. He's also really Argentine haha which is
awesome! After they pull jokes here they do a ¨ahhh¨ kinda thing. It's gr8.
I do it too ahhh.
This will be the longest area I've been in. It's cool, my work isn't done
here and Heavenly Father still has things for me to learn here.
Elder Nolan is on his way home. A gr8 friend in the mish. The time has flown by wow!
The other day we found a 20 yr old named Rodrigo and his mom Lujan.
They're awesome! 1st off he favring looks like Kyle Korver, like for real.
He is more to him than Ashton Kutcher. It's loco. He's also a model
hahaha. But he's a believer in Christ and wants to get baptized and go to
church bad. He couldn't go yesterday cuz his stomach was hurting him. We
were talking to him about the church Saturday, preparing him for Sunday, like
if he had questions, etc and he's like, "Can I be a missionary like you guys?"
and we were like, "Yeah!" Then he's like, "Mom, I'm going to be a missionary
like them." She's like, "Ok." He's so cool.
Julio Lopez is doing alright. We just need to find him when he's not
drinking, etc. Cool guy, but needs to put down the wine. We'll keep
working with him.
Ohh I'm so excited for General Conf! I'm drooling with my mouth open! Can't
wait! Does anyone else have like Pres. Uchtdorf craves for his talks and
Pres. Monson and everyone? I hope I'll be able to see priesthood for the
1st time in the mish haha.
The people love Pres. Eyring even more now cuz he came here and it was
Elder Ballard that came. Correction. I always get M. Russell and Russell M.
mixed up haha. if u forgot utes won!
I think I'm the only Yankee(USA) in my district here wahoo haha! It's cool.
What else? We're lookin forward to workin hard here and seeing some miracles. :)
love U all! Keep up the prayers and good work. Stay in school.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Temple Dedication in Argentina!
Wahoo! We got to go to the temple dedication. They gave us lil green
cards to get in. It was gr8!
On Saturday it was the temple celebration. It was pretty cool. It was a broadcast of
youth dancing and music and some lil talks from Pres. Eyring and Elder
Nelson. It was cool hearing the translator and being able to understand
both people. Pres. Eyring said, "Pres. Monson would love to be here! I know
he'd just sing somethin in Spanish to you guys." hahaha The theme kinda
thing seemed to be centered on the promise bout the church here in South
America and how the church will grow and be strong here like an acorn tree.
It grows slow, but then it's strong at the end.
Temple's are awesome! I want to go to one now! :) Go to them when you can
please! It's been bout 3 yrs since they've had a temple in Argyworld so
they were pretty pumped for yesterday!
We found a guy named Julio Lopez the other day and he said he's lost
pretty much everything from being an alcoholic and said he wants to
change. He loved our message and he was like, "Yeah it makes sense to have
one prophet and it seems wrong that God would say you're catholic, you're
Jehovah Witness and not all in the same church." We went by the next day
and his wifelady said he got called to work in the field so he might
not get back til the end of this week. But it was cool to see him so
happy about our message. He wants to go to church and his wifelady said
they were reading that night from the BOM.
Today we went to a lil castle thing that's here in Tandil. It's not
really a castle, it looks like one, but its a restaurant inside, but its
sweet and has a gr8 view of Tandil cuz its kinda on a mountain. I bought a
memory card and Elder Yost let me borrow his camera. He's awesome!
I bought a card for V, but the line thing in the mail place was full!
Today is the last week of transfers. It's the last one for Elder Nolan, my
friend from Olavarria and he is my dis leader here. Woow time flies! I
remember when he had 10 months :/
The weather is getting good. I think they said it was going to rain
everyday here last week, but I think it did once haha.
love u all
church is tru
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
cards to get in. It was gr8!
On Saturday it was the temple celebration. It was pretty cool. It was a broadcast of
youth dancing and music and some lil talks from Pres. Eyring and Elder
Nelson. It was cool hearing the translator and being able to understand
both people. Pres. Eyring said, "Pres. Monson would love to be here! I know
he'd just sing somethin in Spanish to you guys." hahaha The theme kinda
thing seemed to be centered on the promise bout the church here in South
America and how the church will grow and be strong here like an acorn tree.
It grows slow, but then it's strong at the end.
Temple's are awesome! I want to go to one now! :) Go to them when you can
please! It's been bout 3 yrs since they've had a temple in Argyworld so
they were pretty pumped for yesterday!
We found a guy named Julio Lopez the other day and he said he's lost
pretty much everything from being an alcoholic and said he wants to
change. He loved our message and he was like, "Yeah it makes sense to have
one prophet and it seems wrong that God would say you're catholic, you're
Jehovah Witness and not all in the same church." We went by the next day
and his wifelady said he got called to work in the field so he might
not get back til the end of this week. But it was cool to see him so
happy about our message. He wants to go to church and his wifelady said
they were reading that night from the BOM.
Today we went to a lil castle thing that's here in Tandil. It's not
really a castle, it looks like one, but its a restaurant inside, but its
sweet and has a gr8 view of Tandil cuz its kinda on a mountain. I bought a
memory card and Elder Yost let me borrow his camera. He's awesome!
I bought a card for V, but the line thing in the mail place was full!
Today is the last week of transfers. It's the last one for Elder Nolan, my
friend from Olavarria and he is my dis leader here. Woow time flies! I
remember when he had 10 months :/
The weather is getting good. I think they said it was going to rain
everyday here last week, but I think it did once haha.
love u all
church is tru
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, September 3, 2012
Alonso's Baptism!! He's soooo cool!
Hi haha
The weather is getting better wahoo! The other day they were saying it
was bout 70 degrees yeah!
I'm pretty excited for this weekend. Sunday is the temple dedication of
the Buenos Aires temple and they're showing it thru the satellite thing at our
church. But the thing is I don't have my recommend aww and probably more
then half the missionaries, cuz they told us we didn't need it, so we
left it in the offices in Bahia. So we need to call them and ask if
they can send our recommends so we can enter cuz only the Pres. of mish
can do temple recommends for the missionaries and so yeah the packet
thing that we get each week should have our recommends and it should come
Saturday :/ I hope I can go Sunday cuz it'd be awesome!! So I'll be
praying extra hard that I'll get mine and you should too haha.
There was the bapt of Alonso and it was awesome! He shaved, cut his
hair and looks gr8. He's like 65 and he hugged me like 15 times cuz he
was so happy lol. He said,"I'm the New Alonso," I have a new life! Sweet
and he was confirmed yesterday and after he was standing there in
tears for like 30 sec. Also he was the 1st one to bear his testimony!
He's soooo cool! I took a pic with him ..honk lol don't have camera lol
but Elder Morales took one of me with him so when i get it, I'll throw it
to you people.
Thanks for the Argy temple fotos. I've only seen one foto of the temple (BA)
and it was gr8 to see other views. I want to gooo!! Pres. Eyring will be
doing the dedication.
We finally found Tony y Maria. It was a lil weird. They just kinda like
fell off the face of the earth. We talked to them (Maria and her sons)
and she's like, "Sorry I've been really busy. My sons have been a handful
and kind of gotten in trouble." But they're doing good and I'm glad they're
still interested. I was a lil worried for them, but for now it's all good.
Thankfully! We're kinda focusing on her sons Kevin 15 and Agustin
13 (Agu) and I can tell that she's kinda worried and thinks bout them
a lot and so we talked bout bapt with her kids and Agu said he'd do it.
Kevin might take some more time but Saturday we're going to take a tour
of the church with them and it'll be at the same time they'll be playing
soccer at the church. So we're trying to get them more familiar with the
youth and the church and I know if the kids progress it'll give Tony y
Maria more motivation to keep going to church etc. Her boys are awesome!
They ask a ton bout USA haha. They asked if cheerleaders really exist
in the schools haha.
I got the lil packages from Gma Smart y Merlyn THANK U! They're gr8 stuff!!
I also got few dear elders from Alyssa Gracias!! I'm trying to think of
her questions she had. umm oh there was one - If I have funny translating
stories hahaha. I used to say that the apostles were killing themselves
hahaha oops. Also told a kid that like every day there's huge storms in
my neighborhood and that houses fall etc. What else? And just a few of
¨don't repeat that word¨ things haha.
Alyssa also asked if I feel like the Pres in the mish have helped me,
like it has for other returned missionaries. I love both the Pres's that
we've had. Pres. Detlefsen is a legend haha hilarious guy, but says stuff
like wow powerful! He has a gr8 vision. I remember he'd always say when
they call a temple in Bahia you will jump out of your seat and start
screaming and then you'll see another guy like 30 rows over there
screaming also. And it'll be a gr8 day haha! Pres. Parreño is a capo! I love
how he talks bout change and becoming perfect as god is 3 n 12:48. I
remember Pres. Detlefsen said if you don't change now in the mish you'll
never change. If you keep being the same, you'll return the same.
I don't know if that new credit card thing in Argy will effect me. I haven't
heard anything bout it.
Well, I'm going to end and try and send some fotitos for you.
thx for all your prayers thoughts etc. Keep them up and more and that I can
get my recommend :)
Gracias por todo son Capos
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Oh, I just remembered when I was with Elder Morales for divisions, we entered a
house. I asked a girl, "What's your name?" She said, "Regina." "And your dad?" "Roberto." I was like, "HUHHH? For real? ME TOO!" haha! It was pretty sweet! Daughter named Regina, Dad named
Roberto! To bad he's favring weird lol. luv U´s!
The weather is getting better wahoo! The other day they were saying it
was bout 70 degrees yeah!
I'm pretty excited for this weekend. Sunday is the temple dedication of
the Buenos Aires temple and they're showing it thru the satellite thing at our
church. But the thing is I don't have my recommend aww and probably more
then half the missionaries, cuz they told us we didn't need it, so we
left it in the offices in Bahia. So we need to call them and ask if
they can send our recommends so we can enter cuz only the Pres. of mish
can do temple recommends for the missionaries and so yeah the packet
thing that we get each week should have our recommends and it should come
Saturday :/ I hope I can go Sunday cuz it'd be awesome!! So I'll be
praying extra hard that I'll get mine and you should too haha.
There was the bapt of Alonso and it was awesome! He shaved, cut his
hair and looks gr8. He's like 65 and he hugged me like 15 times cuz he
was so happy lol. He said,"I'm the New Alonso," I have a new life! Sweet
and he was confirmed yesterday and after he was standing there in
tears for like 30 sec. Also he was the 1st one to bear his testimony!
He's soooo cool! I took a pic with him ..honk lol don't have camera lol
but Elder Morales took one of me with him so when i get it, I'll throw it
to you people.
Thanks for the Argy temple fotos. I've only seen one foto of the temple (BA)
and it was gr8 to see other views. I want to gooo!! Pres. Eyring will be
doing the dedication.
We finally found Tony y Maria. It was a lil weird. They just kinda like
fell off the face of the earth. We talked to them (Maria and her sons)
and she's like, "Sorry I've been really busy. My sons have been a handful
and kind of gotten in trouble." But they're doing good and I'm glad they're
still interested. I was a lil worried for them, but for now it's all good.
Thankfully! We're kinda focusing on her sons Kevin 15 and Agustin
13 (Agu) and I can tell that she's kinda worried and thinks bout them
a lot and so we talked bout bapt with her kids and Agu said he'd do it.
Kevin might take some more time but Saturday we're going to take a tour
of the church with them and it'll be at the same time they'll be playing
soccer at the church. So we're trying to get them more familiar with the
youth and the church and I know if the kids progress it'll give Tony y
Maria more motivation to keep going to church etc. Her boys are awesome!
They ask a ton bout USA haha. They asked if cheerleaders really exist
in the schools haha.
I got the lil packages from Gma Smart y Merlyn THANK U! They're gr8 stuff!!
I also got few dear elders from Alyssa Gracias!! I'm trying to think of
her questions she had. umm oh there was one - If I have funny translating
stories hahaha. I used to say that the apostles were killing themselves
hahaha oops. Also told a kid that like every day there's huge storms in
my neighborhood and that houses fall etc. What else? And just a few of
¨don't repeat that word¨ things haha.
Alyssa also asked if I feel like the Pres in the mish have helped me,
like it has for other returned missionaries. I love both the Pres's that
we've had. Pres. Detlefsen is a legend haha hilarious guy, but says stuff
like wow powerful! He has a gr8 vision. I remember he'd always say when
they call a temple in Bahia you will jump out of your seat and start
screaming and then you'll see another guy like 30 rows over there
screaming also. And it'll be a gr8 day haha! Pres. Parreño is a capo! I love
how he talks bout change and becoming perfect as god is 3 n 12:48. I
remember Pres. Detlefsen said if you don't change now in the mish you'll
never change. If you keep being the same, you'll return the same.
I don't know if that new credit card thing in Argy will effect me. I haven't
heard anything bout it.
Well, I'm going to end and try and send some fotitos for you.
thx for all your prayers thoughts etc. Keep them up and more and that I can
get my recommend :)
Gracias por todo son Capos
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Oh, I just remembered when I was with Elder Morales for divisions, we entered a
house. I asked a girl, "What's your name?" She said, "Regina." "And your dad?" "Roberto." I was like, "HUHHH? For real? ME TOO!" haha! It was pretty sweet! Daughter named Regina, Dad named
Roberto! To bad he's favring weird lol. luv U´s!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Mom will be happy - I bought shoes!
To start off, I'll make mom happy. I bought shoes!! Today we went to Centro and bought them. They were 85$ in dollars. I'll send a foto if I have time.
This week we found a guy named Tomas Garcia and he's like 25 and he's
pretty interested in the church. We, for like the last month, have given
out like pamphlet things about the open house of the temple in BA and
he said he looked at the website cuz it was bout families (mormon.org).
And haha when we 1st got in he's like, "You guys want coffee or tea? Oh, you can't
drink it right? I read bout it and the part bout the BoM was really
good." He said he's going to buy a case to protect them. He's going on to
vacations until 3 of September and he said he'll take the book and I hope he
comes back with all of it read!! That'd be awesome!
We found someone named Jesus and his niece Brisa (10) and they're cool. I actually don't
know Brisa that well cuz we had divisions and they found her when I
was gone. We'll be going to Tony and Maria's today. They said they'd go to
church but didn't show up. We'll have a lesson this week with some lady
that works in the divorcement thing so she can help them. We'll be
motivating their kids to get bapt. That'll be great. They still need to
come to church.
When we had divisions I was with Elder Morales from Peru in their area
and we found a guy that didn't seem to have much interest and Elder
Morales was like, "Can we go in your house and say a lil prayer?" He let us in and Elder Morales asked if he could show him his bible. So we go in and teach a lil. Then like the next
day they taught bout Joseph Smith and he was pretty much like, "How can I
not believe this? I want to baptize myself in this church." He'll get
baptized Saturday! Pretty sweet miracle! At 1st he didn't seem interested
but we kept trying and now he can't deny it :)
Dang you said the Utes start this week. Wow already haha. On my to do list when I get home
is to go to a Sim concert! awesome!
It rained hard Thursday to the point where you don't care that you're all wet.
haha Comp is funny, he was just walking in the puddles haha "I don't
care," he said haha.
The weather today is gorgeous! It was 32 degrees F Saturday!
Thanks for all your emails. It's one of the moments of truth where I just
need to put my trust in the Lord and work as hard as I can. Study good,
pray good, work hard. I remember like Bro. Broadhead said to me one yr
about bball, "Just put your head down and go to work." I'll never forget that
I'm reading Jesus the Christ a lil bit. I need to get into it more cuz
everyone says its incredible.
This kid on my side has a Kevin Garnet mouth haha jk. But a lil bit.
I'm going to send my photos now so you can distribute them haha spanglish.
Church is true and oh b4 I forget 9 of Sept is the temple dedication.
It'll be gr8! They say they have cameras in the baptism font room so
that at any time the prophet and apostles can see. Pretty sweet!!
keep up the prayers i need them
Love Yalls
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
P.S. Reggie's camera got stolen so no photos. :(
To start off, I'll make mom happy. I bought shoes!! Today we went to Centro and bought them. They were 85$ in dollars. I'll send a foto if I have time.
This week we found a guy named Tomas Garcia and he's like 25 and he's
pretty interested in the church. We, for like the last month, have given
out like pamphlet things about the open house of the temple in BA and
he said he looked at the website cuz it was bout families (mormon.org).
And haha when we 1st got in he's like, "You guys want coffee or tea? Oh, you can't
drink it right? I read bout it and the part bout the BoM was really
good." He said he's going to buy a case to protect them. He's going on to
vacations until 3 of September and he said he'll take the book and I hope he
comes back with all of it read!! That'd be awesome!
We found someone named Jesus and his niece Brisa (10) and they're cool. I actually don't
know Brisa that well cuz we had divisions and they found her when I
was gone. We'll be going to Tony and Maria's today. They said they'd go to
church but didn't show up. We'll have a lesson this week with some lady
that works in the divorcement thing so she can help them. We'll be
motivating their kids to get bapt. That'll be great. They still need to
come to church.
When we had divisions I was with Elder Morales from Peru in their area
and we found a guy that didn't seem to have much interest and Elder
Morales was like, "Can we go in your house and say a lil prayer?" He let us in and Elder Morales asked if he could show him his bible. So we go in and teach a lil. Then like the next
day they taught bout Joseph Smith and he was pretty much like, "How can I
not believe this? I want to baptize myself in this church." He'll get
baptized Saturday! Pretty sweet miracle! At 1st he didn't seem interested
but we kept trying and now he can't deny it :)
Dang you said the Utes start this week. Wow already haha. On my to do list when I get home
is to go to a Sim concert! awesome!
It rained hard Thursday to the point where you don't care that you're all wet.
haha Comp is funny, he was just walking in the puddles haha "I don't
care," he said haha.
The weather today is gorgeous! It was 32 degrees F Saturday!
Thanks for all your emails. It's one of the moments of truth where I just
need to put my trust in the Lord and work as hard as I can. Study good,
pray good, work hard. I remember like Bro. Broadhead said to me one yr
about bball, "Just put your head down and go to work." I'll never forget that
I'm reading Jesus the Christ a lil bit. I need to get into it more cuz
everyone says its incredible.
This kid on my side has a Kevin Garnet mouth haha jk. But a lil bit.
I'm going to send my photos now so you can distribute them haha spanglish.
Church is true and oh b4 I forget 9 of Sept is the temple dedication.
It'll be gr8! They say they have cameras in the baptism font room so
that at any time the prophet and apostles can see. Pretty sweet!!
keep up the prayers i need them
Love Yalls
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
P.S. Reggie's camera got stolen so no photos. :(
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Love Tandil, even though it's been my hardest area
This week it was pretty cool. We got to go to Mar del Plata for an area conference with Elder Viñas. He's in the presidency of the newly formed Area Presidency. We are the South American South Mission Area. We got to go to Antartida and we slept there Friday. It was fun to be in that house again. I slept on the kitchen floor haha, cuz they didn't have enough rooms. I slept with bed covers and I remember wishing it was morning just cuz it was so uncomfortable lol. I saw Elder Stewart, Cano and Dobson. I met the other Elder Roberts haha.
Pres. Aldo talked and gave a good talk about having will and determination. It was gr8. He talked bout Abraham Lincoln and how he had gr8 determination and will and ended up being one of the greatest presidents ever.
I'm trying to exercise my determination and will cuz I know if I do my part, the Lord will help me. I remember Pres. Detlefsen said Tandil is a place where missionaries can change and become better persons and missionaries cuz it's always been hard here with mish work and you can fix your life here and make it better.
The ward went to Buenos Aries for the open house of the temple. We thought that Tony and Maria went, but they didn't. We're going to talk to them today.
Wow school starts haha. The weather here today was gr8! We played ball in shorts and t-shirt.
Lonny told me about going on splits and how the ward is doing it. That's awesome cuz it'll help a ton to get the mish feel b4 the mish.
I can't think bout anything else so I'll talk bout Tandil. I love it and its also been the hardest area for me by faaaar. It really made me need to grow up fast for example un like Bahia or Mar del where missionaries can find pple easy and here we really have to try and give it our all to find at least one person. And it has helped me become better, always thinking what can I do better. It's definitely a mental workout here and thats why i loved President's talk so much. And also Elder Viñas said, "If you give it your all as a missionary that's a successful missionary."
Well i don't have much time and my computer is being a tom jones
love u keep praying for me
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
This week it was pretty cool. We got to go to Mar del Plata for an area conference with Elder Viñas. He's in the presidency of the newly formed Area Presidency. We are the South American South Mission Area. We got to go to Antartida and we slept there Friday. It was fun to be in that house again. I slept on the kitchen floor haha, cuz they didn't have enough rooms. I slept with bed covers and I remember wishing it was morning just cuz it was so uncomfortable lol. I saw Elder Stewart, Cano and Dobson. I met the other Elder Roberts haha.
Pres. Aldo talked and gave a good talk about having will and determination. It was gr8. He talked bout Abraham Lincoln and how he had gr8 determination and will and ended up being one of the greatest presidents ever.
I'm trying to exercise my determination and will cuz I know if I do my part, the Lord will help me. I remember Pres. Detlefsen said Tandil is a place where missionaries can change and become better persons and missionaries cuz it's always been hard here with mish work and you can fix your life here and make it better.
The ward went to Buenos Aries for the open house of the temple. We thought that Tony and Maria went, but they didn't. We're going to talk to them today.
Wow school starts haha. The weather here today was gr8! We played ball in shorts and t-shirt.
Lonny told me about going on splits and how the ward is doing it. That's awesome cuz it'll help a ton to get the mish feel b4 the mish.
I can't think bout anything else so I'll talk bout Tandil. I love it and its also been the hardest area for me by faaaar. It really made me need to grow up fast for example un like Bahia or Mar del where missionaries can find pple easy and here we really have to try and give it our all to find at least one person. And it has helped me become better, always thinking what can I do better. It's definitely a mental workout here and thats why i loved President's talk so much. And also Elder Viñas said, "If you give it your all as a missionary that's a successful missionary."
Well i don't have much time and my computer is being a tom jones
love u keep praying for me
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, August 13, 2012
Saw USA vs Spain Basketball game for just a second
USAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah thats rightttt! We entered a house for lunch after church and right when we walked in they had the tv on to the USA v Spain basketball game. USA was only up by 2 in the 3rd and the hermano was like, "Ssoorryyyy" click and I was worried that I might have to pull the silent treatment on my Spaniard Pres, but it's all good news! Don't scare me like that!
It rained some this week, but as long as there's no snow I'm good. Whoever made umbrellasss was a genius.
It's good to have workers in the house. They also like to cook too, which is sweet haha. They're capos and pretty funny.
We went to Tony y Maria's Saturday and Tony was sleeping. The sons of Maria were there, Kevin15 and Agustin 13 and they probably have the record for most questions bout USA per minute. "Do you have this? Do you have that?" It was good to talk to her sons cuz we haven't much seen them, so I just kinda let the questions come haha. Also, to have a dollar means you're freakin awesome. So the next time you have only one dollar in your wallet you're still freakin awesome to Argys. I haven't touched one for more than a year haha.
We talked to one of the less active ladies and she was so exited that we returned in such a short time from the other visit. "If you guys keep coming you might win me." haha
We worked good this week, but still for some reason it's hard to find new investigators, but we keep going forward. If we find no one or one million we just have to trust in the Lord.
I looked for shoes, but we didn't have much time cuz we had to shop for closet things. So that took some time and about 12:00 to 1:00 everything closes and we can't leave until after studies at 10:00. So not much time to shop.
I understood Chalo's letter wahoo! I was also talking with the Peruvian elder about that purple drink thats from Peru that's awesome. I can't remember the name, I think it starts with a ch or something.
School sounds fun ha ha! The days seem longer here. I also say this is the best winter I've ever had. For real, it was like 55 60 today. I thought Tandil was supposed to be cold. We were in a store, kinda like walmart, the other day and everyone was lookin at the tvs and I was like what are they doing? So I look and they were showing the Argy taekwondo guy that won gold and the national anthem thing.
Thanks for everything prayers I need them.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
USAAAAAAAAAA! Yeah thats rightttt! We entered a house for lunch after church and right when we walked in they had the tv on to the USA v Spain basketball game. USA was only up by 2 in the 3rd and the hermano was like, "Ssoorryyyy" click and I was worried that I might have to pull the silent treatment on my Spaniard Pres, but it's all good news! Don't scare me like that!
It rained some this week, but as long as there's no snow I'm good. Whoever made umbrellasss was a genius.
It's good to have workers in the house. They also like to cook too, which is sweet haha. They're capos and pretty funny.
We went to Tony y Maria's Saturday and Tony was sleeping. The sons of Maria were there, Kevin15 and Agustin 13 and they probably have the record for most questions bout USA per minute. "Do you have this? Do you have that?" It was good to talk to her sons cuz we haven't much seen them, so I just kinda let the questions come haha. Also, to have a dollar means you're freakin awesome. So the next time you have only one dollar in your wallet you're still freakin awesome to Argys. I haven't touched one for more than a year haha.
We talked to one of the less active ladies and she was so exited that we returned in such a short time from the other visit. "If you guys keep coming you might win me." haha
We worked good this week, but still for some reason it's hard to find new investigators, but we keep going forward. If we find no one or one million we just have to trust in the Lord.
I looked for shoes, but we didn't have much time cuz we had to shop for closet things. So that took some time and about 12:00 to 1:00 everything closes and we can't leave until after studies at 10:00. So not much time to shop.
I understood Chalo's letter wahoo! I was also talking with the Peruvian elder about that purple drink thats from Peru that's awesome. I can't remember the name, I think it starts with a ch or something.
School sounds fun ha ha! The days seem longer here. I also say this is the best winter I've ever had. For real, it was like 55 60 today. I thought Tandil was supposed to be cold. We were in a store, kinda like walmart, the other day and everyone was lookin at the tvs and I was like what are they doing? So I look and they were showing the Argy taekwondo guy that won gold and the national anthem thing.
Thanks for everything prayers I need them.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, August 6, 2012
Still in Tandil with Elder Templeton
I am pointing to the sky like my man Mr Bolt. What a feakin capo!
Transfers are in and I'm still Mr. T with Elder Templeton. No changes for
us, but last night was pretty crazy. Sunday nights are when we do
the traveling and we had to go to the bus station to be with the
elders who had to wait for their new comps, or their bus time. Elder
Shreeve and Elder Jones are transferred. Elder Jones to favring Antartida. He's
already been there, lucky duck haha. So we have Elder Wise and Elder Yost. Elder
Yost took my place when I went to Tandil, so he's told me how everyone's
doing. The lady who hasn't gotten baptized for like 4 yrs, remember her? She
got baptized. One of the daughter's of Patricia Bassaga got baptized and I think
she's not baptized cuz she doesn't want to with out her other daughter.
In the bus station they had the olympics going so I actually saw Usain
Bolt and del Potro, the tennis player, highlights. It's cool to be where
someone is from that got a medal! Usain Bolt is the man! I love his
dances, his lil dj record thing, then like a bunny hop and bolt strike
yah. We were in the bus station for like 5 hrs in total. del Potros (the bronze medal tennis player's)
house is in our ward boundaries, but with the other missionaries in our
ward. Pretty cool, huh. US better win in bball or else I will never hear the end
of it with the members and people.
It's weird, I'm the ¨old man¨ in the house. The only one with 1yr or less,
pretty weird. Both of our ZLs left. One ends his mish, Elder Hare and Elder
Perez is going to be comps in Bahia with Elder Sterling. Fun fact - all of
my comps are ZLs haha. I've been blessed with gr8 comps. Then comes in
one Elder from Argy and other from PERU and I looooooove their accent! It's
soo soft like chocolate to my ears haha. I've always wondered how their
accent is and Chalo, I looove it!
I like that thing you did with the iron rod at girls camp. Sounds fun. At times it might
sound good to do the other things, but its not. CTR is awesome!
This next week we will go to Centro and do some shoe shoppin and I'll
pick some shoes and send pics.
Tony y Maria went to church wahooo and I think he was crying during
the testimony meeting, it was gr8! They also went to another hour too, with the
class! With the divorcement thing here, who knows
when they'll get baptized cuz we've talked with a lady in our ward that works
on that stuff and she said it might take like a yr. But I don't want to
think of that. I'm thinkin we can work some miracles and get it this
transfer. Why not? Luke 1:37. I'm excited for this transfer. It will be a
challenge, but if we do everything, it'll be good. It's up to us.
Gracias for taping the US vs Argy game!! Someone will probably tell me the
result, not cuz I'm lookin for it, but cuz we're US and Argy ball is one
of the things they might have going. If Argy and US are in the same
sentence the people tell us haha.
It's cool, we're workin with a guy named Joel. He's a member of 2 yrs. He's
24 and lives solo and he's cool. I think it'd be cool if he could receive the
priesthood and maybe serve a mish.
We are teaching a lady name, Silvia Arrizabalag (say that fast lol). She's
gr8. She knows the church good cuz she used to attend it, but never got
bapt and its been like 10 yrs since. Now she's sick and likes our
messages. She's 37. She was telling us about her fam and she has a bro that
played pro bball in Bahia and her nephew plays in Bahia haha. They're
also like chess champs in Argy. Haha, I've learned how to play chess on
pday and I'm horrrrible haha! I'm 0 for 2.
thx for everything ur lives and prayers and keep praying hard for us
that we can find some more people :)
we're trying to keep our spirits up
love u all and keep praying for me
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Transfers are in and I'm still Mr. T with Elder Templeton. No changes for
us, but last night was pretty crazy. Sunday nights are when we do
the traveling and we had to go to the bus station to be with the
elders who had to wait for their new comps, or their bus time. Elder
Shreeve and Elder Jones are transferred. Elder Jones to favring Antartida. He's
already been there, lucky duck haha. So we have Elder Wise and Elder Yost. Elder
Yost took my place when I went to Tandil, so he's told me how everyone's
doing. The lady who hasn't gotten baptized for like 4 yrs, remember her? She
got baptized. One of the daughter's of Patricia Bassaga got baptized and I think
she's not baptized cuz she doesn't want to with out her other daughter.
In the bus station they had the olympics going so I actually saw Usain
Bolt and del Potro, the tennis player, highlights. It's cool to be where
someone is from that got a medal! Usain Bolt is the man! I love his
dances, his lil dj record thing, then like a bunny hop and bolt strike
yah. We were in the bus station for like 5 hrs in total. del Potros (the bronze medal tennis player's)
house is in our ward boundaries, but with the other missionaries in our
ward. Pretty cool, huh. US better win in bball or else I will never hear the end
of it with the members and people.
It's weird, I'm the ¨old man¨ in the house. The only one with 1yr or less,
pretty weird. Both of our ZLs left. One ends his mish, Elder Hare and Elder
Perez is going to be comps in Bahia with Elder Sterling. Fun fact - all of
my comps are ZLs haha. I've been blessed with gr8 comps. Then comes in
one Elder from Argy and other from PERU and I looooooove their accent! It's
soo soft like chocolate to my ears haha. I've always wondered how their
accent is and Chalo, I looove it!
I like that thing you did with the iron rod at girls camp. Sounds fun. At times it might
sound good to do the other things, but its not. CTR is awesome!
This next week we will go to Centro and do some shoe shoppin and I'll
pick some shoes and send pics.
Tony y Maria went to church wahooo and I think he was crying during
the testimony meeting, it was gr8! They also went to another hour too, with the
class! With the divorcement thing here, who knows
when they'll get baptized cuz we've talked with a lady in our ward that works
on that stuff and she said it might take like a yr. But I don't want to
think of that. I'm thinkin we can work some miracles and get it this
transfer. Why not? Luke 1:37. I'm excited for this transfer. It will be a
challenge, but if we do everything, it'll be good. It's up to us.
Gracias for taping the US vs Argy game!! Someone will probably tell me the
result, not cuz I'm lookin for it, but cuz we're US and Argy ball is one
of the things they might have going. If Argy and US are in the same
sentence the people tell us haha.
It's cool, we're workin with a guy named Joel. He's a member of 2 yrs. He's
24 and lives solo and he's cool. I think it'd be cool if he could receive the
priesthood and maybe serve a mish.
We are teaching a lady name, Silvia Arrizabalag (say that fast lol). She's
gr8. She knows the church good cuz she used to attend it, but never got
bapt and its been like 10 yrs since. Now she's sick and likes our
messages. She's 37. She was telling us about her fam and she has a bro that
played pro bball in Bahia and her nephew plays in Bahia haha. They're
also like chess champs in Argy. Haha, I've learned how to play chess on
pday and I'm horrrrible haha! I'm 0 for 2.
thx for everything ur lives and prayers and keep praying hard for us
that we can find some more people :)
we're trying to keep our spirits up
love u all and keep praying for me
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, July 30, 2012
The Olympics are on and every farving house has it on! Haha
Hola mamuchi y papuchi y Vero y Sabari y Alyssas y Scott y Lucy haha I had to write that cuz I figured out your nicknames in espñ here and you see the last 3 don't have nicknames yet. sorry
hey viejo Feliz cumpleaños espero que tuvo un dia espectacular con torta y dulces etc. te amo understand? ha
The olympics are on and every favring house has it on. hahaha What a challenge lol. Oh, I love the olympics so much, but I'm trying to focus myself good. It's a lil weird to have it in winter, but the weather here is good. The other day it was 55. Not bad for like January haha. When we were leaving a house yesterday of members, they had Argy v Lithuania, but i hurried and left. The biggest sports here for the olympics are basketball, they say basket or (basquet) and also tennis. Fun tennis Tandil fact - 5 of the top 100 tennis players in the world are from Tandil. There are 2 in the olympics, Juan martin del potro and Monaco. So if you see them, put on your blue and white and yellow and sing
the star spangled banner in spanish. Isn't that how it is? All the countries have the same song but in their language? haha jk
Tony y Maria are doing good. They didn't go to church. I think cuz she's been tired this week or somethin cuz she had to watch her grandkids. But they're doing good. We taught her daughter this week, so we hope she can start going to church too. We are going to help them quit smoking and
drinking and get them bapt as soon as possible! We have transfers this week and no idea what will happen. Maybe they send me to tom jones land jk. Comp and I have the same time you know, so who knows haha. We were going to go look around Tandil with some people, but we decided not to.
Plus I had to play some ball :)
The less active thing is going ok. We found out there are some who don't live there anymore, but we'll still continue to work with them. I like to make them feel good and be funny with the less actives and members haha cuz I remember Pres Detlefsen said that the less actives already know that
they're less active, so if we just get on there case it might hurt ha.
Chalito como andais con el golf y todo todavia esta jugando cada día? hay golf en los juegos olimpicos no recuerdo jaja me encanta español es tan bueno
I love espñ it's awesome!
The reunion sounds fun. And Dad, I tell people that you wind surf and they always say, "Wow he must have huge muscles." la verdad que sí haha. I got the package mom muchas gracias. wow those starburst are good haha. Never heard of it lol the morph thing. Yes Sub, PMG is awesome! It's gr8 for missionaries! Are you going to be a missionary? haha The kids just ended their winter vacations. Weird right?
The other day, actually last week, we were walkin at night and then the power cut haha. It was cool. All dark and seein the stars. I miss the stars. haha
Thanks for your love and support and prayers. I will ask for a shoe fixer store Mom. I'm thinking in Kayber, just repairing the ones I have. I need to ask members bout it and always forget until Monday or late Sunday. Awww I will do it haha.
ReGiNaLd GrAnT RoBeRtS
ps church is true and b o m
hey viejo Feliz cumpleaños espero que tuvo un dia espectacular con torta y dulces etc. te amo understand? ha
The olympics are on and every favring house has it on. hahaha What a challenge lol. Oh, I love the olympics so much, but I'm trying to focus myself good. It's a lil weird to have it in winter, but the weather here is good. The other day it was 55. Not bad for like January haha. When we were leaving a house yesterday of members, they had Argy v Lithuania, but i hurried and left. The biggest sports here for the olympics are basketball, they say basket or (basquet) and also tennis. Fun tennis Tandil fact - 5 of the top 100 tennis players in the world are from Tandil. There are 2 in the olympics, Juan martin del potro and Monaco. So if you see them, put on your blue and white and yellow and sing
the star spangled banner in spanish. Isn't that how it is? All the countries have the same song but in their language? haha jk
Tony y Maria are doing good. They didn't go to church. I think cuz she's been tired this week or somethin cuz she had to watch her grandkids. But they're doing good. We taught her daughter this week, so we hope she can start going to church too. We are going to help them quit smoking and
drinking and get them bapt as soon as possible! We have transfers this week and no idea what will happen. Maybe they send me to tom jones land jk. Comp and I have the same time you know, so who knows haha. We were going to go look around Tandil with some people, but we decided not to.
Plus I had to play some ball :)
The less active thing is going ok. We found out there are some who don't live there anymore, but we'll still continue to work with them. I like to make them feel good and be funny with the less actives and members haha cuz I remember Pres Detlefsen said that the less actives already know that
they're less active, so if we just get on there case it might hurt ha.
Chalito como andais con el golf y todo todavia esta jugando cada día? hay golf en los juegos olimpicos no recuerdo jaja me encanta español es tan bueno
I love espñ it's awesome!
The reunion sounds fun. And Dad, I tell people that you wind surf and they always say, "Wow he must have huge muscles." la verdad que sí haha. I got the package mom muchas gracias. wow those starburst are good haha. Never heard of it lol the morph thing. Yes Sub, PMG is awesome! It's gr8 for missionaries! Are you going to be a missionary? haha The kids just ended their winter vacations. Weird right?
The other day, actually last week, we were walkin at night and then the power cut haha. It was cool. All dark and seein the stars. I miss the stars. haha
Thanks for your love and support and prayers. I will ask for a shoe fixer store Mom. I'm thinking in Kayber, just repairing the ones I have. I need to ask members bout it and always forget until Monday or late Sunday. Awww I will do it haha.
ReGiNaLd GrAnT RoBeRtS
ps church is true and b o m
Monday, July 23, 2012
Working on the less active in Tandil
Hola gente
Tony and Maria are awesome still haha! They couldn't make it to church
yesterday cuz she was sick, but we went by their house last night and
they're just so awesome. A point that I loved was he said I have sacred
scripture cuz he's reading the BoM cover to cover and he read us 1 Nephi
2:16, and after he said, "That's what I felt like when you guys came to our
house for the 1st time." I was like wow! Dang this guy is the man! We had
divisions and Elder Nolan from Olavarria was with me in my area and we
taught the plan of salvation to Maria cuz Tony was sick in bed. So we
had a good in depth discussion and helped her with her questions and
doubts. I think she really liked the bapt for the dead part. Then the
next day she saw Elder Nolan and his comp in the store and she told them
that Tony is talkin with his ex wife about divorcement! We still need to
baptize them. I'm willing to do everything I can to help them. They also
want to go to the open house of the Buenos Aires Temple!! Our ward
is renting a bus thing and taking a trip up there, but we cant go :(
This week we'll keep focusing on getting them divorced and helping
them to quit smoking and drinking.
It was pretty cool, this morning I was trying to think of ways/get
inspiration on how to help this area of Tandil. And it's kind of a theme
here that there's a ton of less actives and while I was trying to think
of things to help Tandil, I felt like I should read a thing in the
Liahona from the last conference and I was just like, "Okay, whatever. I have
time." It talked a lot about less actives and ways to help them to come
back and it's also a way to grow the church. When I was reading it
I just let the spirit go and I wrote down everyone's name that's in our
area and thought of plans that we can go around with members to visit
them. One of the things that a less active girl said in this
talk was that it's hard to go back cuz your scared if you'll have to sit
alone. And you wonder if anyone will talk to you, etc. Of the members here there's 30
families/persons who are member or better said 30 last names members
here and only 5 of the families go to church. And like 3 are basically
every weekers. I was like, "Dang! Lets go to work!!" cuz lately the
excitement to work (for the others in the house) is really hard to get
them going. I'm learning a lot here. A lot of parenting skills. But I'm
happy to be here cuz I can make the change. And my goal is to get
everyone of them to church b4 i leave here (just thought of that). I've
really learned lately here that our purpose is to bring others to
Christ. Doesn't just say baptize. haha I'm not putting down baptism haha,
I'm just trying to work with what I've got. If your Jumper doesn't work you need to
drive. If that doesn't, be john stockton and dish. We've also heard from
members that the less actives really love it when we come by. I'm
kinda like, "Really? I didn't know we meant THAT much to them." haha
The weather here this week has been gorgeous. Like really, a few nights
were cold but a lot of sun and warmth. Maybe it's cuz I don't see snow. lol
DAD HAPPY BIRTHDAY I sent you a letter today!! party it up wahoooooo!!!! hahah
I'm glad I'm not a coug right now haha. Damian Lillard is a baller. I do
recall talking bout him to you dad, so I take like 4% of the success of
him who's he on.
Didn't get your package. The world is a better place with kyle gunther talking.
I know the church is true. thx for all your prayers and stuff and throw a
few in for my comp, cuz he doesn't want to be here. I'm trying to help him,
but he has his days. But it's kinda normal at the beginning of your mish.
Love u All thx for evrathang
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
P.S. Forrest - Hola amigo mio usted es un capo
Tony and Maria are awesome still haha! They couldn't make it to church
yesterday cuz she was sick, but we went by their house last night and
they're just so awesome. A point that I loved was he said I have sacred
scripture cuz he's reading the BoM cover to cover and he read us 1 Nephi
2:16, and after he said, "That's what I felt like when you guys came to our
house for the 1st time." I was like wow! Dang this guy is the man! We had
divisions and Elder Nolan from Olavarria was with me in my area and we
taught the plan of salvation to Maria cuz Tony was sick in bed. So we
had a good in depth discussion and helped her with her questions and
doubts. I think she really liked the bapt for the dead part. Then the
next day she saw Elder Nolan and his comp in the store and she told them
that Tony is talkin with his ex wife about divorcement! We still need to
baptize them. I'm willing to do everything I can to help them. They also
want to go to the open house of the Buenos Aires Temple!! Our ward
is renting a bus thing and taking a trip up there, but we cant go :(
This week we'll keep focusing on getting them divorced and helping
them to quit smoking and drinking.
It was pretty cool, this morning I was trying to think of ways/get
inspiration on how to help this area of Tandil. And it's kind of a theme
here that there's a ton of less actives and while I was trying to think
of things to help Tandil, I felt like I should read a thing in the
Liahona from the last conference and I was just like, "Okay, whatever. I have
time." It talked a lot about less actives and ways to help them to come
back and it's also a way to grow the church. When I was reading it
I just let the spirit go and I wrote down everyone's name that's in our
area and thought of plans that we can go around with members to visit
them. One of the things that a less active girl said in this
talk was that it's hard to go back cuz your scared if you'll have to sit
alone. And you wonder if anyone will talk to you, etc. Of the members here there's 30
families/persons who are member or better said 30 last names members
here and only 5 of the families go to church. And like 3 are basically
every weekers. I was like, "Dang! Lets go to work!!" cuz lately the
excitement to work (for the others in the house) is really hard to get
them going. I'm learning a lot here. A lot of parenting skills. But I'm
happy to be here cuz I can make the change. And my goal is to get
everyone of them to church b4 i leave here (just thought of that). I've
really learned lately here that our purpose is to bring others to
Christ. Doesn't just say baptize. haha I'm not putting down baptism haha,
I'm just trying to work with what I've got. If your Jumper doesn't work you need to
drive. If that doesn't, be john stockton and dish. We've also heard from
members that the less actives really love it when we come by. I'm
kinda like, "Really? I didn't know we meant THAT much to them." haha
The weather here this week has been gorgeous. Like really, a few nights
were cold but a lot of sun and warmth. Maybe it's cuz I don't see snow. lol
DAD HAPPY BIRTHDAY I sent you a letter today!! party it up wahoooooo!!!! hahah
I'm glad I'm not a coug right now haha. Damian Lillard is a baller. I do
recall talking bout him to you dad, so I take like 4% of the success of
him who's he on.
Didn't get your package. The world is a better place with kyle gunther talking.
I know the church is true. thx for all your prayers and stuff and throw a
few in for my comp, cuz he doesn't want to be here. I'm trying to help him,
but he has his days. But it's kinda normal at the beginning of your mish.
Love u All thx for evrathang
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
P.S. Forrest - Hola amigo mio usted es un capo
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Toni & Maria went to church and I met Pres. Parreño!
1st off, I love Toni and Maria and their family! Wahoo! They went to
church yesterday! We went over with members one day and they loved it.
Also, the members. It was good for them to see that we're normal people. haha And
we focused a lot on getting them to church. Their daughter,
Kapriel, attended, she's 7. They have 2 other sons from Maria, Agustin 13
and Kevin 15. Agustin got home late Saturday from Bahia Blanca, so he
didn't come.
They loved church! They went to sacrament meeting and it turns out that they
know more people then they thought. Also, we were in a lesson Saturday and a
member knocked the door and I was like, "What? Hey Hermana!¨ She is
already friends with a member that she didn't know was a member (Maria).
haha The talks in Sacrament were good too. They we about baptism and temples and forgiving. And
we found out that one of the hermanas works in the divorsement and
marriage thing, so we'll talk to her about them and she can help them
make things go faster! Also another daughter of Maria wants to hear from us.
And one of Maria's umm whats it called, nephews 11 came to listen and
they talked to Maria's mom about the church! Sweet, Right?!!!! They've
said how they feel peaceful and good when we come and when we leave.
They basically said whenever you need anything you can come to our house for
the bathroom, food, etc. Toni said, "Our hearts are open to you guys." ...my chin's
on the floor drooling!
Now we need to baptize them!!!! Tonight we're going to explain more of the
plan of salvation and temples and families, etc. I'm going to show them a pic
of you´s peoples. Who's pumped? I'm pumped and they want to have lunch with us! haha
The conference of the zone was good. We finally met pres and his wife. He
talked about love for the people etc and why we are here as missionaries.
It's funny, Pres. Detlefsen talked about death a lot and Pres. Parreño about
beginning haha. Pres. is a nice guy. Pretty funny. Kinda reminds me of a
nice grandpa. He'll be awesome. I told them about the Duncan's. He thought it
was cool. Also, Hermana Parreño is incredible!! She gave a gr8 talk
thing and probably my favorite part of the conference was when she was like, "At
times when you feel down, think of your family and how they're thinking of you and
they're envisioning you having success, doing gr8 things. And how they're
always praying for you and how they're always praying for you in the temple."
She said it with such power. I was like wow!! haha
I went to Bahia again haha. They called me Tues. So Wednesday me and Elder
Gassaway went to Bahia to do more visa papers things. I didn't have to
do much. Just be present and sign something lol. Elder Gassaway, before he came to Argy had to wait
for his visa and served a lil in San Bernardino in the Rancho
Cucamonga Mish.
What else? Roque and that lady are doing good. I think we need to go by
them soon. We were going to do the family night but she couldn't and then
comp and co ate almost all the candies when I was in Bahia ha fatties.
Happy birthday this week dad. I have your card. I tried to go send it, but
the building was packed as if there was a tom jones concert.
well thanks for your time
and prayers and everything thx for the package Nita
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
1st off, I love Toni and Maria and their family! Wahoo! They went to
church yesterday! We went over with members one day and they loved it.
Also, the members. It was good for them to see that we're normal people. haha And
we focused a lot on getting them to church. Their daughter,
Kapriel, attended, she's 7. They have 2 other sons from Maria, Agustin 13
and Kevin 15. Agustin got home late Saturday from Bahia Blanca, so he
didn't come.
They loved church! They went to sacrament meeting and it turns out that they
know more people then they thought. Also, we were in a lesson Saturday and a
member knocked the door and I was like, "What? Hey Hermana!¨ She is
already friends with a member that she didn't know was a member (Maria).
haha The talks in Sacrament were good too. They we about baptism and temples and forgiving. And
we found out that one of the hermanas works in the divorsement and
marriage thing, so we'll talk to her about them and she can help them
make things go faster! Also another daughter of Maria wants to hear from us.
And one of Maria's umm whats it called, nephews 11 came to listen and
they talked to Maria's mom about the church! Sweet, Right?!!!! They've
said how they feel peaceful and good when we come and when we leave.
They basically said whenever you need anything you can come to our house for
the bathroom, food, etc. Toni said, "Our hearts are open to you guys." ...my chin's
on the floor drooling!
Now we need to baptize them!!!! Tonight we're going to explain more of the
plan of salvation and temples and families, etc. I'm going to show them a pic
of you´s peoples. Who's pumped? I'm pumped and they want to have lunch with us! haha
The conference of the zone was good. We finally met pres and his wife. He
talked about love for the people etc and why we are here as missionaries.
It's funny, Pres. Detlefsen talked about death a lot and Pres. Parreño about
beginning haha. Pres. is a nice guy. Pretty funny. Kinda reminds me of a
nice grandpa. He'll be awesome. I told them about the Duncan's. He thought it
was cool. Also, Hermana Parreño is incredible!! She gave a gr8 talk
thing and probably my favorite part of the conference was when she was like, "At
times when you feel down, think of your family and how they're thinking of you and
they're envisioning you having success, doing gr8 things. And how they're
always praying for you and how they're always praying for you in the temple."
She said it with such power. I was like wow!! haha
I went to Bahia again haha. They called me Tues. So Wednesday me and Elder
Gassaway went to Bahia to do more visa papers things. I didn't have to
do much. Just be present and sign something lol. Elder Gassaway, before he came to Argy had to wait
for his visa and served a lil in San Bernardino in the Rancho
Cucamonga Mish.
What else? Roque and that lady are doing good. I think we need to go by
them soon. We were going to do the family night but she couldn't and then
comp and co ate almost all the candies when I was in Bahia ha fatties.
Happy birthday this week dad. I have your card. I tried to go send it, but
the building was packed as if there was a tom jones concert.
well thanks for your time
and prayers and everything thx for the package Nita
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hola lalala
Tomorrow we have a zone conf with Pres. Parreño which will be awesome!!!
I'm excited to finally meet him hearing about him from the Duncan's.
On the 4th of July I was in Bahia Blanca haha. On Tues the zone leaders
called me and said that they want me to go so I can renew my visa
stuff thing. They got my fingerprints, etc. I left 4th of July at 3 in the
morning and arrived in Bahia like at 9 and waited for other missionaries
to pick me up for like an hr haha. Then one elder said, "Umm bad news,
today they have a strike and so you have to wait til tomorrow to do your
papers." So I was like whatever cool. So I hung out with the missionaries
in the office. They're cool. There's always missionaries scrambling around
haha "I need to go to the bank. Who can come with me?" "Elder Roberts can!"
So I did a lot of changing comps. If anyone needed to go, I went lol. Then
I had lunch with the assistants. One is ending his mish this transfer and the other,
they asked him how much he has left and he like 1 yrish haha. I like
doing that too, how dad says to do it haha."How much time?" "idk like
forever idk forgot, like a yr" haha. I also was hoping of seeing Pres in
Bahia, but nothin. I got the package from the fam reunion, the smart one,
with everyone's names, etc thank you!!
We've talked with Toni once this week. We've had appointments, but he hasn't
been there and I was in Bahia 2 days. But when we passed by, he was saying
how he always has prayed for god for answers, but doesn't feel like he's
received any. And he talked bout his faith and stuff. We have an
appointment today and I think we'll focus on if he's doing good with
his commitments. We'll also let the spirit work too and stuff. Roque is
still awesome haha funny guy. He loves chess. We're step by step working
with them.
We talked with a lady yesterday and she was talkin to her dog in eng. She
lives in a richer part where big houses are. It was like our 1st
time going out that far cuz it's 1 hr 30min from our house and like 1hr
from where we normally are. I want to work more over there. There's also
a lot of just land with big houses, but someone needs us out there. This
lady's dad is from England and she had a lot of books and when we gave
her the b o m I said something like, "Well, we can see you like to read. You'll
love this book."
Today is like their Independence Day here. I still don't know if it's
today or 25th of May haha. It keeps changing. They don't really know
their holidays, but it's one of the bigger ones today lol.
To celebrate the 4th of July, today we went to the park and I played
Basketbal!!! When they played frisbee it was glorious. The weather was
gr8! Shorts and t-shirt, but at night it's more colder. My shoes are
still doing good. I'm thinking of picking some next week.
I loved the stories you sent me dad of your mish. That guy that prayed
kinda reminded me of Toni. We need to get him to pray!! Also, sweet the
Jazz trade. They'll be receiving more ink on the team haha.
We have a family night with some members tonight. They like doing fam
nights here in Argy. We're thinking of buying some candy
and explaining tithing, give them all 10 etc take away 1 etc. It's a fam
of 4 kids. The oldest is 12. I think they'll like it.
Church is true. If we give all to the Lord we'll be blessed.
well im out
thx for all be safe lov u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts :)
Tomorrow we have a zone conf with Pres. Parreño which will be awesome!!!
I'm excited to finally meet him hearing about him from the Duncan's.
On the 4th of July I was in Bahia Blanca haha. On Tues the zone leaders
called me and said that they want me to go so I can renew my visa
stuff thing. They got my fingerprints, etc. I left 4th of July at 3 in the
morning and arrived in Bahia like at 9 and waited for other missionaries
to pick me up for like an hr haha. Then one elder said, "Umm bad news,
today they have a strike and so you have to wait til tomorrow to do your
papers." So I was like whatever cool. So I hung out with the missionaries
in the office. They're cool. There's always missionaries scrambling around
haha "I need to go to the bank. Who can come with me?" "Elder Roberts can!"
So I did a lot of changing comps. If anyone needed to go, I went lol. Then
I had lunch with the assistants. One is ending his mish this transfer and the other,
they asked him how much he has left and he like 1 yrish haha. I like
doing that too, how dad says to do it haha."How much time?" "idk like
forever idk forgot, like a yr" haha. I also was hoping of seeing Pres in
Bahia, but nothin. I got the package from the fam reunion, the smart one,
with everyone's names, etc thank you!!
We've talked with Toni once this week. We've had appointments, but he hasn't
been there and I was in Bahia 2 days. But when we passed by, he was saying
how he always has prayed for god for answers, but doesn't feel like he's
received any. And he talked bout his faith and stuff. We have an
appointment today and I think we'll focus on if he's doing good with
his commitments. We'll also let the spirit work too and stuff. Roque is
still awesome haha funny guy. He loves chess. We're step by step working
with them.
We talked with a lady yesterday and she was talkin to her dog in eng. She
lives in a richer part where big houses are. It was like our 1st
time going out that far cuz it's 1 hr 30min from our house and like 1hr
from where we normally are. I want to work more over there. There's also
a lot of just land with big houses, but someone needs us out there. This
lady's dad is from England and she had a lot of books and when we gave
her the b o m I said something like, "Well, we can see you like to read. You'll
love this book."
Today is like their Independence Day here. I still don't know if it's
today or 25th of May haha. It keeps changing. They don't really know
their holidays, but it's one of the bigger ones today lol.
To celebrate the 4th of July, today we went to the park and I played
Basketbal!!! When they played frisbee it was glorious. The weather was
gr8! Shorts and t-shirt, but at night it's more colder. My shoes are
still doing good. I'm thinking of picking some next week.
I loved the stories you sent me dad of your mish. That guy that prayed
kinda reminded me of Toni. We need to get him to pray!! Also, sweet the
Jazz trade. They'll be receiving more ink on the team haha.
We have a family night with some members tonight. They like doing fam
nights here in Argy. We're thinking of buying some candy
and explaining tithing, give them all 10 etc take away 1 etc. It's a fam
of 4 kids. The oldest is 12. I think they'll like it.
Church is true. If we give all to the Lord we'll be blessed.
well im out
thx for all be safe lov u
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts :)
Monday, July 2, 2012
Living the Dream! (sent months ago, didn't publish for some reason)
Hey watsup
1st off I think Jimmer was fouled. Bad call by the refs haha jk.
It's all good here. Weather is a lil more like Olavarria and not San Diego coldish stuff haha.
On Tuesday of last week I went on divisions with Elder Snow from Layton (and just b4 I don't forget, I don't know Juan Joglar, friend of Shari but I will ask around. There are 3 stakes here so I'll try to find him.) Anyways, he only has almost 2 months in Argyworld but his Spanish is good for only lil time. He can understand and talk good. I was impressed haha. My 1st month I was trying to pick out words haha. But he came to my area and it was kinda funny cuz we were lookin at the map for most of the time cuz I'm new here too lol. But it helped me to get the area down better haha cuz I think I still don't even know Olavarria. It was cool being the Sr comp. Lil different, but it went pretty good. We had one lesson where this guy David was asking these good questions that we could answer gr8 if we were speakin English haha. That was a hard part cuz he had gr8 questions but we couldn't get our point across as good. Elder Cano and I are passing by him Wed.
We had and inv come to church. His name is Dionisio and he's 80 yrs old and Saturday we passed by his house with a member (Kostiuck - the guy in the photo from last week who gives me besos) and that really helped him feel more comfortable about goin to church. Hermano Kostiuck is hilarious. He is an energetic guy and it's not rare for him to stand up and explain somethin with like his whole body haha.
Also, this week we passed by some Jehovahs witnesses and they let us in their house for us to teach and they also kinda wanted to take that time to teach us some stuff too. If I were a person without a religion and heard them talk it would be hard to follow them cuz there is nothin spiritual about it. They are kinda stubborn and you couldn't feel the spirit from their teachings which makes the spirit so important in our religion cuz we aren't just teachin words kinda like they were. And it was funny cuz they kept talkin and we were trying to leave cuz there was not much point in stayin and comp set the alarm on the phone as if some 1 was callin ¨oops gotta go¨ haha I remember dad asked about the religions here like a week ago and it kinda reminded me as if your religion is kinda your sports team. Just something I've kinda noticed.
Que mas my espñ is getting better. I don't really like speaking English. Thats kinda why I haven't taught comp much of it hahaha. It's fun to talk in espñ and to have your brain think of other ways to explain things. Mi encanta hablar todos los dias en espñ es divertido a mi estoy tratando tener mi espñ mas rapido cuando estoy hablando a personas.
Comp is funny haha. He's hilarious. I cant really think of funny things he says, but he's hilarious and at the same time hes a gr8 missionary. People love him haha.
We found some more inv and Pres set the challenge for until he gets released in June to get 1000 baptisms for the 6 more months. We got like 828 bapt all last year. He's really done a lot for this mission in raising the bar. I heard that probably in 2015ish they might have a MDP mission and a Bahia Blanca mission but it could be just a rumor.
We played some more ball today with the zone leaders, Elder Miñoz and Elder Corrientes (the american argy) he's white as snow, but is from Argy haha.
Now I'm going to send photos.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
y ps thanks for the photos scott. I am a fan of graffiti. They have some sweet ones here. Who knows, I may have graffiti on the side of my house one day. Maybe of Jimmer hahaha and I love your Joseph Smith pic.
1st off I think Jimmer was fouled. Bad call by the refs haha jk.
It's all good here. Weather is a lil more like Olavarria and not San Diego coldish stuff haha.
On Tuesday of last week I went on divisions with Elder Snow from Layton (and just b4 I don't forget, I don't know Juan Joglar, friend of Shari but I will ask around. There are 3 stakes here so I'll try to find him.) Anyways, he only has almost 2 months in Argyworld but his Spanish is good for only lil time. He can understand and talk good. I was impressed haha. My 1st month I was trying to pick out words haha. But he came to my area and it was kinda funny cuz we were lookin at the map for most of the time cuz I'm new here too lol. But it helped me to get the area down better haha cuz I think I still don't even know Olavarria. It was cool being the Sr comp. Lil different, but it went pretty good. We had one lesson where this guy David was asking these good questions that we could answer gr8 if we were speakin English haha. That was a hard part cuz he had gr8 questions but we couldn't get our point across as good. Elder Cano and I are passing by him Wed.
We had and inv come to church. His name is Dionisio and he's 80 yrs old and Saturday we passed by his house with a member (Kostiuck - the guy in the photo from last week who gives me besos) and that really helped him feel more comfortable about goin to church. Hermano Kostiuck is hilarious. He is an energetic guy and it's not rare for him to stand up and explain somethin with like his whole body haha.
Also, this week we passed by some Jehovahs witnesses and they let us in their house for us to teach and they also kinda wanted to take that time to teach us some stuff too. If I were a person without a religion and heard them talk it would be hard to follow them cuz there is nothin spiritual about it. They are kinda stubborn and you couldn't feel the spirit from their teachings which makes the spirit so important in our religion cuz we aren't just teachin words kinda like they were. And it was funny cuz they kept talkin and we were trying to leave cuz there was not much point in stayin and comp set the alarm on the phone as if some 1 was callin ¨oops gotta go¨ haha I remember dad asked about the religions here like a week ago and it kinda reminded me as if your religion is kinda your sports team. Just something I've kinda noticed.
Que mas my espñ is getting better. I don't really like speaking English. Thats kinda why I haven't taught comp much of it hahaha. It's fun to talk in espñ and to have your brain think of other ways to explain things. Mi encanta hablar todos los dias en espñ es divertido a mi estoy tratando tener mi espñ mas rapido cuando estoy hablando a personas.
Comp is funny haha. He's hilarious. I cant really think of funny things he says, but he's hilarious and at the same time hes a gr8 missionary. People love him haha.
We found some more inv and Pres set the challenge for until he gets released in June to get 1000 baptisms for the 6 more months. We got like 828 bapt all last year. He's really done a lot for this mission in raising the bar. I heard that probably in 2015ish they might have a MDP mission and a Bahia Blanca mission but it could be just a rumor.
We played some more ball today with the zone leaders, Elder Miñoz and Elder Corrientes (the american argy) he's white as snow, but is from Argy haha.
Now I'm going to send photos.
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
y ps thanks for the photos scott. I am a fan of graffiti. They have some sweet ones here. Who knows, I may have graffiti on the side of my house one day. Maybe of Jimmer hahaha and I love your Joseph Smith pic.
New Mission President
Hello again. Those fotos of that Argy food looks good. On the TV behind mom is the BOCA soccer game i saw with that yellow blue jersey haha. That does look like Argy sausage. It's good! (Note: Reggie's dad found an Argentina restaurant and we took photos of the food we ate.)
Weston! That's sweet that he's home. I loved that pic of him and Jill. That was great haha and with all the family at the airport!
So it's official that we do have a new pres. I haven't met him yet, but I'm way exited. Thanks for that foto from kevin and nancy. I will definatly introduce myself as their nephew. The leaders, like zone leaders, have a meeting with him Wed, then I think after that they'll go on a tour of the mish. So I'm guessing in the next week or 2 we'll meet him.
Pres. Detlefsen gave us 10 ways to get references from the members and other people. And he gave us a promise when he came here to Tandil that if we're obedient with it then we'll find the investigators that we need. It's like a commandment /rule that we find 2 a day. In Tandil, for some reason, it's really difficult to find inv and so that promise was inspiration to me and so we've been working with the members more etc. On like Thurs we touched a house and the guy said, "Oh, I went to your church like 20 yrs ago with my girlfriend but never got baptized, but I like your church." And he told us that we could come by Saturday. So Saturday night we go by and get there like at 6:50 and so I just started from the beginning how he knows the church (his names Toni). So we talked, then he's like, "I want to know the ¨No´s¨ in your church." Like no smoking etc so we explained all that and he's a smoker and drinker and understood good the concept. He's like, "If I smoke will your church reject me for my sins etc?" I was like, "Man, the church is the best place for sinners. We are all sinners, no?" And explained that we are all kinda like a family in the church, and he loved that. Then a lil while later his wifeishladyperson and their son, 13yrs, come and they sit down. And also then they have a ton of interest in the church. She said, "This morning were you guys around here?" We said, "Yes." Then she said, "Cuz I saw you and I said to myself I want to talk to you guys. You guys are just different you know." And also she and the son had a tooooooon of questions. Not like weird random questions, but great questions like tithing, word of wisdom, jo smith, worshipping false idols, whats the gold book, why is it the Book of Mormon. I have written like 15 different good questions that they asked us. We were in their house for almost 2 hr 15 min. It was gr8! We ran out of that house so happy and also cuz we had to pee so bad hahaha. It was so awesome! I'm so happy!! Next time you're in front of a mirror put your cheek against it and pretend I'm giving you all a kiss cuz I'm so pumped and I'd kiss you all hahahaha! They were kinda not sure if they could go to church yesterday and they didn't, but he's like, "Yeah I want to go and talk with the bishop." He also needs to get divorced and so we explained that they needed to get married, etc and they were all cool with it. He said, "Your church makes the most sense." I remember praying in my head that I could answer all of his questions and it went perfect!!!!
b4 I forget happy bday Abby abdominal!!! r u like 12 already haha jk
The weather was gre8 this week. I think one day it had to be like 60 degrees. It was gr8. I was in short sleeve for a while and we're technically in January weather supposedly.
I'm sorry my eng might be horrible. I love espñ. i love learning words. It's funny to hear the kids in the street playing soccer or somethin and I think ok I'll loook up that word, or I've never heard that one. A lot of them are slang haha. I know the Lord's blessing me with continually speaking espñ even if others don't in the house. One of my fav scriptures is the one - If you keep my commandments you will prosper, but if you don't you have no promise.
haha it was coool, the other Monday, last week, we were talking with a guy investigator named Roque and his friends with missionaries cuz they helped teach him eng but his interest in the church is mas o menos ummm how do you say that in eng wavery haha idk, but he likes music, like beethoven etc. Then he just got going off talking music and I was thinking, "Hhmmm, how can we not waste time just talkin bout music?" cuz he had his laptop and it was on radio, then all of the sudden "ding" "Have you heard of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?" "No, who are they?" And so on his laptop he looked them up and we listened to hymns and he likes it. Maybe thru Mo Tab he can join the church and take more interest in it.
well i love u all a ton thx for all everything
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Hello again. Those fotos of that Argy food looks good. On the TV behind mom is the BOCA soccer game i saw with that yellow blue jersey haha. That does look like Argy sausage. It's good! (Note: Reggie's dad found an Argentina restaurant and we took photos of the food we ate.)
Weston! That's sweet that he's home. I loved that pic of him and Jill. That was great haha and with all the family at the airport!
So it's official that we do have a new pres. I haven't met him yet, but I'm way exited. Thanks for that foto from kevin and nancy. I will definatly introduce myself as their nephew. The leaders, like zone leaders, have a meeting with him Wed, then I think after that they'll go on a tour of the mish. So I'm guessing in the next week or 2 we'll meet him.
Pres. Detlefsen gave us 10 ways to get references from the members and other people. And he gave us a promise when he came here to Tandil that if we're obedient with it then we'll find the investigators that we need. It's like a commandment /rule that we find 2 a day. In Tandil, for some reason, it's really difficult to find inv and so that promise was inspiration to me and so we've been working with the members more etc. On like Thurs we touched a house and the guy said, "Oh, I went to your church like 20 yrs ago with my girlfriend but never got baptized, but I like your church." And he told us that we could come by Saturday. So Saturday night we go by and get there like at 6:50 and so I just started from the beginning how he knows the church (his names Toni). So we talked, then he's like, "I want to know the ¨No´s¨ in your church." Like no smoking etc so we explained all that and he's a smoker and drinker and understood good the concept. He's like, "If I smoke will your church reject me for my sins etc?" I was like, "Man, the church is the best place for sinners. We are all sinners, no?" And explained that we are all kinda like a family in the church, and he loved that. Then a lil while later his wifeishladyperson and their son, 13yrs, come and they sit down. And also then they have a ton of interest in the church. She said, "This morning were you guys around here?" We said, "Yes." Then she said, "Cuz I saw you and I said to myself I want to talk to you guys. You guys are just different you know." And also she and the son had a tooooooon of questions. Not like weird random questions, but great questions like tithing, word of wisdom, jo smith, worshipping false idols, whats the gold book, why is it the Book of Mormon. I have written like 15 different good questions that they asked us. We were in their house for almost 2 hr 15 min. It was gr8! We ran out of that house so happy and also cuz we had to pee so bad hahaha. It was so awesome! I'm so happy!! Next time you're in front of a mirror put your cheek against it and pretend I'm giving you all a kiss cuz I'm so pumped and I'd kiss you all hahahaha! They were kinda not sure if they could go to church yesterday and they didn't, but he's like, "Yeah I want to go and talk with the bishop." He also needs to get divorced and so we explained that they needed to get married, etc and they were all cool with it. He said, "Your church makes the most sense." I remember praying in my head that I could answer all of his questions and it went perfect!!!!
b4 I forget happy bday Abby abdominal!!! r u like 12 already haha jk
The weather was gre8 this week. I think one day it had to be like 60 degrees. It was gr8. I was in short sleeve for a while and we're technically in January weather supposedly.
I'm sorry my eng might be horrible. I love espñ. i love learning words. It's funny to hear the kids in the street playing soccer or somethin and I think ok I'll loook up that word, or I've never heard that one. A lot of them are slang haha. I know the Lord's blessing me with continually speaking espñ even if others don't in the house. One of my fav scriptures is the one - If you keep my commandments you will prosper, but if you don't you have no promise.
haha it was coool, the other Monday, last week, we were talking with a guy investigator named Roque and his friends with missionaries cuz they helped teach him eng but his interest in the church is mas o menos ummm how do you say that in eng wavery haha idk, but he likes music, like beethoven etc. Then he just got going off talking music and I was thinking, "Hhmmm, how can we not waste time just talkin bout music?" cuz he had his laptop and it was on radio, then all of the sudden "ding" "Have you heard of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir?" "No, who are they?" And so on his laptop he looked them up and we listened to hymns and he likes it. Maybe thru Mo Tab he can join the church and take more interest in it.
well i love u all a ton thx for all everything
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
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