Monday, December 12, 2011

Nothin really but sunshine here!

Holo haha
All good down south. Nothin really but sunshine here!

Cecilia and her son Julian came to church yesterday, like 10 min b4 sacrament meeting ended. Then Julian wanted to go. Alicia, (recent convert) who we've taken on some lessons to Cecilia's with us said that, "They can come to my house and I'll teach them a lesson. Plus I'll teach my daughter." We were like thanks Alicia, you're awesome cuz I guess when Julian wants to go you can't do much except do what he wants. Alicia loves to share the gospel. She's so cool. She's slowly working on her daughter and loves to go with us to lessons!

Saturday we did a fast to help us try to find more investigators. We were just done talking to a person, a future investigator, bout when we can come by later and then we saw this guy at the end of the apartment lil place. We decided to go and talk to him cuz we're trying to talk to everyone. So we asked him if he knows an ¨Alberto¨ someone that lives close to there and was a former investigator. He's like, "Yep, that's me. But I don't have any interest." But we kept talkin and then he let us in his house. It is a one room house. Pretty humble place. Could fit a bed, sink and table and 2 chairs. So we talked with him and it was kinda a lesson where he had sorta interest but he was still kinda seeming like he might not want to hear more lessons. Just something like that. Then we talked bout baptism and then asked if we could pray. So my comp did it and gave a good prayer. Then after the prayer he was like, "Okay, I'm going to be serious. When I closed my eyes I saw a light (or something) and felt good." My comp explained that that's the Holy Ghost confirming to him that these things are true. He started to tear up and we gave him a hug. He said, "I'm going to read and go to church." And then said that we could pass by in the morning to take him to church. So we went to his house, but he was a sleep like a log! We knocked at his house for like 20 min haha. But nothing! So we're goin to pass by his house, I think on Tues and teach more.

Carmen had an operation on her intestines or something. She's always kinda had health problems, but she doing good. Still need her to assist church (she one with hubby in jail).

Other than that things are goin pretty good.  Espñ is doing alright. I told a kid that my house has crumbled down from a storm yesterday haha. Yeah I didn't understand his question hahaha. He was askin if my house has ever fallen and I thought he asked if it's ever happened with weather in usa hahaha. It's still kinda hard to understand people. Oh well.

I had no idea Christina was sworn in yesterday. There wasn't any big parties or anything for that. But there was day of the Virgin Mary the other day. There wasn't much partying for that either haha. Don't know if people in Laprida attended church yesterday. My comp hasn't called yet. My comp celebrated 1 yr in mish on the 8th.

This Dec 20th there is going to be a ¨Super P Day.¨ That is what they call it where the missionaries either go to Bahia Blanca or Mar del Plata and gather to play games and stuff. Word is ball gets played!! Our half of the mission goes to Mar del Plata. I've heard its pretty there. It's right on the coast.

The people do have a sense of humor here and they love to talk haha. After a meeting in church, like sacrament meeting, people usually like to talk for bout 10-15 min. Then after class maybe 5-10 more min haha. I love it when people try to speak eng here haha. It's hilarious! We have some lunches with a family, the Coria, and they have a son like 24, a returned missionary. And most all spanish speakers learn a lil eng on their mish. Maybe few sentences and sometimes he'll say, "You are my salvation or you are my butterfly, chicken little or happy feet haha. Funny people. And sometime when I ask for them to repeat a question some people try to say it in eng hahaha and they can't speak eng.

Congrats to Baylors QB. I have no idea who you are I think haha Baylor? haha
Jamaal Tinsley's my boy reppin the Pacers! Mr mccleoud you the man!

Work outs are going good. Still thin though haha. People call me Flaco (skinny) but that's all good. Will be sending my package soon :/ haha

Some things that we say when we contact people is, "Hola podemos presentarnos somos misioneros church of jc..can we share a message with you one day?" And i have been lately thinking of changing it up with some really good questions cuz i noticed that they may not seem so interesting. So I'll be workin on that. That's cool mom that you're readin Preach My Gospel. I read it in spanish. It's cool, I can understand it reading. The Book of Mormon in espñ is harder cuz it uses different grammar like the ¨thou, thy" and weird ways  so I have my eng one when I read it. You all should learn spanish. Elder Fee was telling me how he heard a study that the younger you are the easier to learn a language. Like I have a better ability compared to a 30 yr old and a 10 yr old has a better ability then me. And also (when you know 2 languages ) have an average 8 yrs more in life without Alzheimer's. Some pretty cool stats haha. So V you have no excuse to learn Espñ by the end of this month haha.

church is true gospel is incredible prophet is true keep workin hard
Love u all
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts

hmm what else? not much
keep bein awesome luv u all

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