todo bien! IM STILL IN PICOOO YEAAAAAHHH!!! I'm soo happypypypy! No one in our district left. We're all the same. Pretty awesome. I'll end my mish here with 4 areas under my belt ha. I told comp the other day,"On my b-day I can say a year ago I was in the area." I just came from before Tandil haha I love it here!!
Yesterday at church, it was awesome. We had a special conference that happens every two years. That is that a member of the apostles comes and someone from the 70. Also they came to Buenos Aires and did a broadcast to our area of Argentina in like 106 stakes. Elder Nelson came. Didn't know he knew espñ. He talked a lot bout the family and how exaltation is a family effort. He also did something awesome, he blessed the favring country! He blessed Argy to take more interest in the gospel by our examples and they'll be more open to hear the gospel (gr8 to hear after Pope haha) He also blessed us with health to do the things we need to do according to the will of God and 2 other things awww can't remember. They're in my other agenda thing. It was gr8!! Elder Shayne Bowen (one of my favs) came too and spoke bout how to receive revelation personal, a thing that I've been working on lately and talked a lot bout how important it is to be obedient when you want to receive revelation, and also said we should go to God with a specific question so we can understand the answer. Also Hna Stevens of the primary spoke talked bout how her son served in Argy and he kept saying how gr8 the people are..true.
Nico and Vero are doin good. Nico told us Tuesday (Sunday b4 got the book of Lorenzo Snow teachings) he said, "Yeah I read that whole book and finished it at 3 am" ..... Foreeeal haha. We were so impressed! He was like,"Yeah I want to teach the class." haha Also Vero read like half of it also haha. We're trying to help them to move their excitement to read to the BOM. We had a lesson in the church with them and we watched a DVD the testaments. But they didn't go yesterday :( but still want to get bapt.
I don't know bout my plane flight thing mom. You guys will actually be getting my information, so you'll have to tell me and tell me I'm goin to south beach :) So be waiting for that. It may come soon or in like the next 2 weeks or somethin idk. It's weird to be in last transfer. I don't really believe it. It actually stinks haha but I'm goin hard to the end.
Next time you see Shawn Bradley yell Tracy McGrady and do like a tiger grawl with your hand thing (hint look it up).
How da baby doin forreeal? I bought her a lil thing to wear haha 20 pesos. Laura was like,"Hey they're selling baby clothes for 20 pesos! Go buy some." So I did. 4 dollars. What's her name goin to be? Ideas? Ochocinco is a good one :) And Alyssa and Scott if you are nervous bout bein parents don't worry. You'll be gr8. I feel bad for some of the kids here by the way their parents treat them. So don't sweat it you'll be gr8. Bought a Messi jersey Barcelona style oh yeaaah Holdstocks haha imma mother goose at buying things, but I'll get you things lol.
Our new schedule to write is 4:30 to 6. More time to write friends etc. But I just write Pres and you guys, Jake and Jeff, so you can get a lot more of my words of wisdom lol. It's kinda a bummer cuz after an hour you want to leave haha and it takes time from p-day, but whatever.
We made lunch with the Videlas Saturday cuz we did service with them and stayed to eat. Laura taught me to do pizza or how they say it here picksa or peepsa. It's pretty cool lol.
I'm excited for gen conf. Prep yourselves for it. I will! I love the Book of Mormon! There is not a day that goes by that I don't read at least 30 min from it cuz I remember that Shawna Smart told us in Sunday School that if we read 30 min a day we'll have help from angels. Since then 30 min a day and it changes your life forreal. Just do it! It happens to everyone at times that they don't feel like reading but never miss a day. Its so cool how you can pick out so many things in verses. I was reading in Mosiah 4. I love it.
Easter is more popular here. More people do it cuz there's more Catholics. The Pope thing hasn't changed anything really. I'd agree people would talk more bout religion now, but it hasn't changed much of anything. Just brings more swag to Argy like, take that, he's Argy. That's bout it and Messi is Argy.
love u all keep praying hard and reading ery day from BOM 30 min a day:)
Élder Reggianito Grant Robertito
and feliz march madness lol
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission
Monday, March 25, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Argy Pope - Everyone's pumped!
che papa nuevo eh is the theme of the week
Yeaaaaah the Pope's Argy wahoooo! The Argy are pretty pumped about it. Kinda like, "Yeah, he's one of us." It's actually pretty cool, but at the same time its like eeeehh cuz now it give the catholics like more swag ha. I just wanna know if the Pope ever went to church haha "I'm catholic." "Do you go to church?" "Noooo not since I took the communion since I was 13 like 25 yrs ago, but I'm catholic." ha is the result to them. I actually love the catholics. They're not so like stuck up, they're cool and they'll listen. The Pope is Argy which means Argy will win the world cup. We got the Pope and Messi, yeaah. Yes, he's the 1st latino Pope so I'll be able to understand him wahoo. It's kinda like represent Argy is what we think of the Pope.
Comps doing good. He's pretty much better, for real. Pretty sweet we were able to work normal and we found Nico y Vero again yeaah! They went to church yesterday!! They're a gr8 little fam. They need to get married. She's still waiting for the divorce papers which should come soon. They're a humble fam to. They don't have much, almost nothin. They live in one of the houses her dad has, but don't have light cuz they're waiting for the money. Nico doesn't have a job. We ended a lesson with them Joseph Smith style, with a candle lit in the kitchen in the dark to see. And we went to the Videlas, like they don't have anything to eat cuz it was true and Hna. (hermana) Videla was like, "Ok, lets make them something." They're freaking saints! They made them some rice and we all went to their house, the whole fam, and gave them dinner it was awesome. The next day they were like it was a miracle! They've really changed and have become better. They need to quit smoking. Nico is hilarious. He called us and was like "Hello" in English. They're gr8. Barby needs to go to church. She was in Santa Rosa with her dad. She's awesome too.
This week we get transfers - my laaaaaaaaaaaast! Wow, it doesn't feel like it. I hope hope hope hope I end here. I love it here and don't want to leave. It's a gr8 place. It's amazing how time flies for real. There's 2 sisters in our district that are ending this week and I'm favring out like dang that's me next. I love the mission! I've really "realized" a lot in my mission, like the stuff that matters and how gr8 my parents have been. I also agree with that missionary that dad heard that said it helped him for marriage. I'm not married, but I've learned a toooon with having to be with a comp, a tooon. You can't change your comp, but you can change you and serving them is gr8. Learned that too.
But, I've still got work to do here until the end. awww I don't want to leave.
I gave a talk yesterday bout the mission of Jesus and the plan of salvation. I did more of me just teaching then reading. It was pretty fun ha.
It was freezing here the last 3 days. awww today is normal good, but awful the other 3 days. We have 3 more days of summer then autumn boo haha.
I'll be looking for that necklace thing. haha I need to buy things. I hate buying things, but imma do it for love for you guys hahaha. I buy the cheepest of everything :)
love u all keep being awesome keep praying for me that i can do my best etc
thx for the support. I got Jake's letter. He sounds gr8.
Elder Reginald Grant Robert del 8
Yeaaaaah the Pope's Argy wahoooo! The Argy are pretty pumped about it. Kinda like, "Yeah, he's one of us." It's actually pretty cool, but at the same time its like eeeehh cuz now it give the catholics like more swag ha. I just wanna know if the Pope ever went to church haha "I'm catholic." "Do you go to church?" "Noooo not since I took the communion since I was 13 like 25 yrs ago, but I'm catholic." ha is the result to them. I actually love the catholics. They're not so like stuck up, they're cool and they'll listen. The Pope is Argy which means Argy will win the world cup. We got the Pope and Messi, yeaah. Yes, he's the 1st latino Pope so I'll be able to understand him wahoo. It's kinda like represent Argy is what we think of the Pope.
Comps doing good. He's pretty much better, for real. Pretty sweet we were able to work normal and we found Nico y Vero again yeaah! They went to church yesterday!! They're a gr8 little fam. They need to get married. She's still waiting for the divorce papers which should come soon. They're a humble fam to. They don't have much, almost nothin. They live in one of the houses her dad has, but don't have light cuz they're waiting for the money. Nico doesn't have a job. We ended a lesson with them Joseph Smith style, with a candle lit in the kitchen in the dark to see. And we went to the Videlas, like they don't have anything to eat cuz it was true and Hna. (hermana) Videla was like, "Ok, lets make them something." They're freaking saints! They made them some rice and we all went to their house, the whole fam, and gave them dinner it was awesome. The next day they were like it was a miracle! They've really changed and have become better. They need to quit smoking. Nico is hilarious. He called us and was like "Hello" in English. They're gr8. Barby needs to go to church. She was in Santa Rosa with her dad. She's awesome too.
This week we get transfers - my laaaaaaaaaaaast! Wow, it doesn't feel like it. I hope hope hope hope I end here. I love it here and don't want to leave. It's a gr8 place. It's amazing how time flies for real. There's 2 sisters in our district that are ending this week and I'm favring out like dang that's me next. I love the mission! I've really "realized" a lot in my mission, like the stuff that matters and how gr8 my parents have been. I also agree with that missionary that dad heard that said it helped him for marriage. I'm not married, but I've learned a toooon with having to be with a comp, a tooon. You can't change your comp, but you can change you and serving them is gr8. Learned that too.
But, I've still got work to do here until the end. awww I don't want to leave.
I gave a talk yesterday bout the mission of Jesus and the plan of salvation. I did more of me just teaching then reading. It was pretty fun ha.
It was freezing here the last 3 days. awww today is normal good, but awful the other 3 days. We have 3 more days of summer then autumn boo haha.
I'll be looking for that necklace thing. haha I need to buy things. I hate buying things, but imma do it for love for you guys hahaha. I buy the cheepest of everything :)
love u all keep being awesome keep praying for me that i can do my best etc
thx for the support. I got Jake's letter. He sounds gr8.
Elder Reginald Grant Robert del 8
Monday, March 11, 2013
Learning some domestic skills
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Playing Yenga |
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Los Lakers drafted me. Noelia made this for me. |
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I won (at the laguna) |
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Jeni she's called. We call her Ochocinco jaja. Laura babysits her. She's a neighbor. |
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Sewing yeah uh me and my motha skillz |
That's great that Scott's doing well. I love the foto of Alyssa. The flia Videla were like, "Hey, Elder Robert, look at your sis. She's huge"(belly wise, they said you look gr8). They love following all the fams of everyone. Once you come here you're adopted basically by the Videla's. They're awesome!! And the Hna Videla remembers everything of us haha like a mom. Comp rested most of the week. Last Monday after writing you guys we worked for 2 hrs. Walked maybe 1 or 2 miles and he was beat and was in pain and was pretty beat during the week. But at the end it got better. I left with a member which was good. We're teaching a girlfriend of a less active. She has interest and says she wants to try it and have a spiritual experience. Pretty cool.
The Videlas did help us a ton ton this week. I did learn how to sew. Laura taught me. We sewed the back thing of one of my ties. It was fun. Also learned how to iron pants better. hahaha I iron, but it comes out the same haha jk. So it was good to learn the right way to do it. What else did I learn? Played some more card games. I dominated haha.
On Thursday we went to Santa Rosa for a meeting with the zone (not with pres). It was good. Comp was beat after as you can imagine cuz we had to wake up at 5 and 2 hrs to and from Santa Rosa. Also that day was when Noelia and Agu started school. They were so excited to start hahaha not. Well I think Noelia was cuz she was so hipped up on showing off her swag with the new 1D shirt she received from you guys. I'm still the man at serving mate. Too bad we can't drink it haha.
We went to the Drs Friday after comps week of rest and they said the pain will go away with time and to keep taking the medicines good and not eating like heavy stuff and sauces etc. They said nothing of kidney stones so I guess that theory went out the door, thankfully haha. So we'll be able to work more this week. He'll still continue to have days where he looks like Rocky after a fight and days like today where he has energy. Like being pregnant, really haha.
I didn't get Jake's email, but don't worry Jake. I was the favring worst in espñ. The thing that really helped me is to love it cuz there will be missionaries that will hate it for their whole mission and they always talk English. It's a pain at first. I feel what you're going thru, but just hang in there and just remember that one day you'll be reading in the ensign or somethin and you'll think, "Why am I reading in English, oh wait its espñ." Or you'll be praying in espñ and end it and be surprised that you did it all in espñ without thinking. With time it will all come. Once you get to mexico is when you'll learn the most. Just keep focused on how you're doing and not others cuz there will be others that will learn fast. I didn't haha tu puedes hacer lo!!! I remember each night in bed I would say, "la iglesia de jesucristo de los santos de los ultimos dias" and it was soooo hard for me to remember. Hang in there! :)
It was pretty funny at church or b4 I was preparing to learn a ton cuz I wanted to receive inspiration, feel the spirit, etc. and it ends up the favring theme of the day was marriage and having a family… hahaha. I told comp that after and we got a good laugh at it. I'm like, "Hey, I've still got time in the mission." Comps pretty funny bout saying how old I am. We were in lunch and he said mayonnaise (maonase how ever u spell it) and mayo is the month of may. So he was like mayonnaise hmmm like mayo hmm like when you leave hahaha. I was like, hey not funny haha jk. I'm persevering until the end. I have no idea how to spell perserving ???
The mish is once in a lifetime. Don't want to leave. I heart Argyworld :)
Love yall
keep it groovy the church is true if u don't know it, pray to know and you'll know
Elder Reg Grant Rob
Monday, March 4, 2013
Feeling for my sick Comp
Holis (oh lees)
Dang that stinks that Scott's in the hospital. Hope you get beettter soon! My comp has been in the hospital too. He still has pains in his stomach and they did a lil pregnant check thing with that cream and they put it on your stomach like they do to Alyssa haha. It was pretty funny. We went Tuesday to the Drs 3 times cuz we'd go there, do lil somethin and they'd say, "Come back at 1" or somethin so we did that Tues. That's when he got his stomach scanned. We were with the Videlas. They are gr8. They help us with everything. Agu is the chauffeur and the fam accompanies us ha. Then they told us to return Friday to the Drs for the results and they say he's in the beginning process of kidney stones and bacteria in his intestines. Oow! And he's taking medicine and stuff to make it smaller and the doc told him he needs to rest until Friday (this Friday). He can't walk more than 1 kilometro so that's how the last week was and how this coming week will be. We have an appointment Friday with doc. Until then comp has to rest. Ima leave with some members Tuesday and Thursday. It's kinda hard when there's bout 3 others that attend that have the high priest and they work and stuff. Tonight we'll work some since we haven't worked much. Almost nothin the last wk. When I'm gone Agu would be with comp. The Videlas help us a ton. I think it was a blessing that comp came here to be sick. There's not much you can do ha. I've learned some card games with the Videlas, washed dishes etc. Comp's doin ok, not like horrible. He just has sharp pains in his stomach and sides. There's days where he looks better then others and has less pain. Hna Videla told me this is what it'll be like when your wife's pregnant hahaha. So I'm gettin practice at taking care of my dear comp hahahaha. Hopefully he can get better and we can get back to a normal schedule. Comp also has to eat like white rice, white noodles, crackers, toast etc. nothin too heavy. It's weird being limited to work, like you can't do much. Thankfully we can be with the Videlas and they can entertain us and so we're not going crazy in our apartment. I think Ima learn how to sow (how do u spell sow ha) (sew) I know how to, but don't. They're going to teach me. I have to fix the back of my ties. It's cool being in the lives of Argys. They like mate and I've learned how to prepare it. "Hey, Elder Robert, want to prepare mate?" "You got it!" haha
So what else? We went to Nico y Veros other new house, but they told us that they went back to their house. wahoo! Closer to church. We're still teachin Claudia (sis of vero) and son Jorge. She also has 2 more sons that are 9 and 14. They want to get bapt. We haven't seen Felix in weeks and haven't really had time to see Ana. It was a bday party of her kid one day. Hopefully we can work more this week.
This is day one of the 3 week transfer thing, so after 3 weeks is when we start the next 6 wk transfer which would be my last. So I'll be here for at least 3 more weeks and hopefully stay and end here in Pico por favor!
I was reading in Alma 41 and it's a pretty sweet chapter. I like how it kinda explains that you'll know if you'll be worthy in the judgement. Also, I like chapter 40. Those 2 are gr8 and in one of those chapters it says in, what's it called in English umm, spirit world, in the prison you won't have any feelings from the spirit! Daaaang, that would be horrrible! Like it really stuck out to me that time. The weather is getting a lil colder :( stop stealing the heat ha and since dad asked me if the mornings are darker I've noticed they are.
Hope you all are good this next week and you guys can feel better especially (eh)scott they say it like that ehscott.
love u all keep prayig for us
imma try to send some fotos
Elder Regerts G Robgie
Dang that stinks that Scott's in the hospital. Hope you get beettter soon! My comp has been in the hospital too. He still has pains in his stomach and they did a lil pregnant check thing with that cream and they put it on your stomach like they do to Alyssa haha. It was pretty funny. We went Tuesday to the Drs 3 times cuz we'd go there, do lil somethin and they'd say, "Come back at 1" or somethin so we did that Tues. That's when he got his stomach scanned. We were with the Videlas. They are gr8. They help us with everything. Agu is the chauffeur and the fam accompanies us ha. Then they told us to return Friday to the Drs for the results and they say he's in the beginning process of kidney stones and bacteria in his intestines. Oow! And he's taking medicine and stuff to make it smaller and the doc told him he needs to rest until Friday (this Friday). He can't walk more than 1 kilometro so that's how the last week was and how this coming week will be. We have an appointment Friday with doc. Until then comp has to rest. Ima leave with some members Tuesday and Thursday. It's kinda hard when there's bout 3 others that attend that have the high priest and they work and stuff. Tonight we'll work some since we haven't worked much. Almost nothin the last wk. When I'm gone Agu would be with comp. The Videlas help us a ton. I think it was a blessing that comp came here to be sick. There's not much you can do ha. I've learned some card games with the Videlas, washed dishes etc. Comp's doin ok, not like horrible. He just has sharp pains in his stomach and sides. There's days where he looks better then others and has less pain. Hna Videla told me this is what it'll be like when your wife's pregnant hahaha. So I'm gettin practice at taking care of my dear comp hahahaha. Hopefully he can get better and we can get back to a normal schedule. Comp also has to eat like white rice, white noodles, crackers, toast etc. nothin too heavy. It's weird being limited to work, like you can't do much. Thankfully we can be with the Videlas and they can entertain us and so we're not going crazy in our apartment. I think Ima learn how to sow (how do u spell sow ha) (sew) I know how to, but don't. They're going to teach me. I have to fix the back of my ties. It's cool being in the lives of Argys. They like mate and I've learned how to prepare it. "Hey, Elder Robert, want to prepare mate?" "You got it!" haha
So what else? We went to Nico y Veros other new house, but they told us that they went back to their house. wahoo! Closer to church. We're still teachin Claudia (sis of vero) and son Jorge. She also has 2 more sons that are 9 and 14. They want to get bapt. We haven't seen Felix in weeks and haven't really had time to see Ana. It was a bday party of her kid one day. Hopefully we can work more this week.
This is day one of the 3 week transfer thing, so after 3 weeks is when we start the next 6 wk transfer which would be my last. So I'll be here for at least 3 more weeks and hopefully stay and end here in Pico por favor!
I was reading in Alma 41 and it's a pretty sweet chapter. I like how it kinda explains that you'll know if you'll be worthy in the judgement. Also, I like chapter 40. Those 2 are gr8 and in one of those chapters it says in, what's it called in English umm, spirit world, in the prison you won't have any feelings from the spirit! Daaaang, that would be horrrible! Like it really stuck out to me that time. The weather is getting a lil colder :( stop stealing the heat ha and since dad asked me if the mornings are darker I've noticed they are.
Hope you all are good this next week and you guys can feel better especially (eh)scott they say it like that ehscott.
love u all keep prayig for us
imma try to send some fotos
Elder Regerts G Robgie
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