We finally contacted the investigators that have been talking to the other elders cuz they're family with fam Blanco, the converts. They already know a lot. They just don't feel ready to get married yet. He's 21, she's 22 I think, but they're gr8. Felix didn't go to church cause there was people workin on his house. Vero and Nico and Barbi went to church 2 weeks ago and they thought it was all closed, so they went home aww me mataron. They got there when we would've been in sacrament meeting. Yesterday in sacrament meeting there was bout 65ish. Wahoo! Cuz a lot of family came to see the baptism of one of the 8 yr olds. They were all from Manu's world - Bahia.
Elder Woods is a capo. He's funny like Scott and people love talkin to him. He shared in church yesterday, with the youth, his experience bout growing up. How he played football and wasn't really active. He then separated his shoulder where he tore every tendon and the Dr's said he can't play more. He was talkin with some school to play and then felt pretty bad like God took somethin away from him. But then he said he started to pray and became active in the church and now he's here. He received like a scholarship or somethin to throw the discus at SUU and he used that in his story, like he felt for a while that Heavenly Father took somethin from him, but he was later rewarded for it. He's a gr8 guy. A good example to me.
Sam's espñ is good. If he did that on his own, he already knows more espñ than when I left the MTC. For real I didn't know anything. It literally sounded like Chinese and Tongan. But don't worry Jake! You'll get it good. Your much SMARTer then me hahah. I love learning new words. Noelia has a, whats the word? (lunfardo) She talks like the kids do. The youth learn a lot from her ha.
This morning I was reading in Alma 30, when Korihor was like, "Show me a sign, then I'll believe," and then was struck dumb aka. Be humble while you can. I like the scripture, can't think where its at, where he said it's better if your humble cuz you want and for the love of God you have and not for some instance or thing that happens to you to make you humble. And I like the end verse part how it says he followed the devil and the devil does nothin good for us and how he died pretty much like garbage in the street.
Alyssa's baby bump looks gr8. I was like fuuaahh de 10, she's lookin big wow! The pics look gr8 of everyone at the wedding, etc.
The snow looks . . . cold haha. Argy was pretty cool the past week, like 80. Where's the heat? ha
Keep workin hard and livin good and reading and praying with real intent. And keep prayin for me. :)
Elder Reginaldo Grant Robertito
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission
Monday, January 28, 2013
Monday, January 21, 2013
I'm still in Pico!!!! Wahoo!!!!
Zone Conference in Santa Rosa I'm on the front row, 2nd on the left |
Felix, our 84 year old investigator who rides his bike everywhere |
Laura and one of her good bye cakes |
Picking up new companion |
Eating lunch at the Videla's - I'm very tired |
Recent converts, the Blancos |
Elder Woods |
I'm still in Pico!!!!! Wahoooo!!! Elder Allen was transferred to Necochea aka beach ha and my new comp is Elder Tiger Woods ha. I knew Elder Woods from Tandil in my 3rd transfer there. He arrived and he's a cool guy. He reminds me a lot of Scott haha. Funny person! He's from ¨Las Vegas¨ until he moved to New Harmony a couple years ago. He's a big dude too. He got a scholarship to play at USU but he had knee problems and said the Lord needed him to go on a mission. We've had lunch b4 together in Tandil with divisions with other missionaries. He has 15 months in the mish hahaha. He was in the bus station in Tandil when I left haha and he and another elder were making fun of me that I'm going to nowhere haha and now he's with me lol. But Maracó is a gr8 area. I love it. The city is General Pico, but the lil branch is called Maracó. It's like cutting Stansbury in half and calling one side cool land or somethin even tho you're in Pico.
We had lunch with the Videlas, then we went home and slept cuz comp got here at 12:30ish like I did. He had to do the same trip I did haha like 10 plus hrs and Elder Allen left at 12 in the morning and I'm favring tired. I think I have a lil fever, but would I play basketball? Yes! That's the question I put to myself if I feel sick haha but I'm tired! but doing gr8.
Elder Dalton and El Martinez are still here. They're fun people. It was pretty cold today and yesterday. Like 75 hahaha almost put on a sweater, for real lol. We had an investigator attend yesterday. 84 yr old Felix Mendicoa. He's hilarious haha. He went to the sacrament meeting. He went on his bike. He's pretty famous here for biking. He smokes and we are trying to help him get bapt cuz he said he won't do any commitments. He needs to get bapt! He's hilarious, a gr8 old man. He's always joking and said about us that he doesn't let any kind of person in, but loves it when we visit.
This transfer is 9 weeks. It'll be fun, but also they said in these weeks that there will still be missionaries coming in so we might get a call one day and they will tell us we've got a new companion. They're expecting like 30 new missionaries.
Comp Allen was sick in the beginning of the week. My 1st day with a sick comp borinnggg! haha Then we had the conference in Santa Rosa and were gone all day Friday. It was a good conference and Pres. asked me when I leave, ¨in may¨ ¨in may?!!¨ He was shocked ha and he said to work these last 2 good.
I like what Gma Merlyn said bout service. That's one of my weaknesses, but I love asking people if they need help. I'm getting better, much better ha. You always feel good after. In the other area, the Blanco fam (the ones that got bapt a lil bit ago with tatts), they have lessons with their friends and there's like 6 of them that live in our area, but they go to the Blancos house for the lessons and Pres. said that they have to get baptized in our area, so we have permission to do divisions and to teach them. Pretty exciting!
estoy muerto haha imma pull a michael jordan and play sick.
I have more fotos disfrutenlan from Elder Allen and when he left. The Videlas always do a cake or Laura does them always. She gonna be a chef and we always eat with the Videlas on Sunday.
Keep praying and going to church. It's definitely true and i love the Book of Mormon. If we pray b4 where we should read, it never fails. It's awesome cuz we learn what we need to.
And Sub, it's true. Basically everything you learn b4 the mission you use. Like obedience, etc. I was pretty shocked how everything that surrounds you will help you be a good missionary.
love yalls
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, January 14, 2013
Pretend you are in Argy world sun tanning cuz it's hot!
Another big cake from Laura |
Me and Hueso (Dad Videla) by the sado |
Me and Elder Costanzi, assistant to the president, funny person at the Christmas party |
Christmas Eve Teaching the Jimmer ha |
Wow I'm glad I'm not in Utah right now ha! In the negatives! Nice with snow! Fun lol. People ask me if its colder in the states then in Argy and personally I think its more colder in the states. Just close your eyes and imagine that your in Argy world sun tanning cuz it was pretty hot this week. Wahoo it was sweet. It was like 95 to 98 at the end of the week since Thursday and it's still like that. We were outside a lot today and thankfully I could get rid of my awful neck tan line ha.
When we passed by Monday last week to Vero y Nico we talked with her daughter, Barbi and she said they broke up Sunday and the mom was sleeping. So we talked with Barbi. We taught her how to pray. She's 10 and awesome. It's kinda sad, she doesn't really have the support from her mom. Her mom's just kinda lazy. We passed by the other day and talked with Barbi outside cuz no one was home and we taught her about Jesus and she did the last prayer and she had memorized the little prayer that we helped her with. It was gr8!!! We keep telling her to pray in the morning and night and whenever during the day and it showed that she's been practicing! Hopefully they can go to church. We haven't seen Vero all week. Maria Liz told us we can come by Thursday. It's kinda if she's sad she listens, if she's alright she'll tell us come another day. A member gave us a reference of a friend/neighbor and he said that he keeps thinking of her and that we should talk to them. He said he was praying in church that we could talk to him after church, but we didn't. But we passed by his house and he was pretty happy cuz he was praying that we could talk to them. Also their granddaughter gave us a reference of her friend that wants to be a missionary. haha sweet! She's not a member.
We have zone conference this week Friday and Saturday. We'll have interviews Friday (cuz our zone has 30 missionaries there's only one zone in all of Pampa) then Saturday the conference. Also Saturday is when we get transfers. Comp's tired of this area haha. It's his only area in Argy. He'll hit a year in mission in February. He was in Utah for 3 months in MTC and 2 more waiting for his visa haha. But we'll see what happens. Hopefully I stay. This next transfer will be 9 weeks, then the next is my last ughhh! It's true Dad, time is flying! I really hope I can end here. I want to see the the branch grow!!
We had a good meeting in church. I was reading the day b4 from the talk from general conference by, idk, but it was a tremendous talk about Sacrament meeting and church and how we can receive personal revelation and receive answers to problems and feel clean of our sins. Its a gr8 talk! Read it :) I remember Elder Viñas from the 70 talked about preparing for the sacrament meeting is kinda like a process during the week especially Saturday. I had no idea of this stuff b4 haha it's gr8! I really look forward to church to learn. ha President of the branch told a story of how someone in sacrament meeting was talking and he was one of those persons that talk a lot so he kinda zoomed out and after the meeting he saw an hermana crying in her chair after the meeting. He's like, " Are you ok?" She said how that talk really touched her and really helped her and President just felt horrible cuz he completely kinda spaced that meeting and he said he became more committed to listening in every meeting after.
Enjoy the sun this week haha! No but I actually feel for you guys.
thanks for everythng love yalls keep up prayers for me amd i will for u
Love con amor. hasta la vista jaja nunca he escuchado esa frase jaja
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
oh and alyssa what part of bolivia were you in? we know some bolivians here. theres quite a few.
Noelia said she tried talking to you guys and wants to talk to you in Facebook. You can all be happy and merry bout 1D. She's obsessed with them and I'm sure at least 2 of you reading are haha! They said they like wonka candies and basically anything. They keep the wrappers and everything haha awesome! I don't need anything. I got the Roberts tree ornament thing. Gracias! And the package from the Facers, gracias! You guys look gr8 love the foto of Jeff in Africa. People ask me, "Are you guys in the whole world?" I say, "Yes, my cuzn is in Africa!" They're like, "Woooow frreal?" The Videlas said for a girl name Victoria or Josefina ha or you can call her Gordi like they call all the babies Gordi. That means like fatty cuz babies are fat haha.
oops the end ended above and I didn't know
but igual
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts sent a letter u should be getting soon
Monday, January 7, 2013
Wahoo! I have a niece!!!
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At the cheese factory in Tandil |
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Me and a 94 year old who played for the Racing Soccer Team |
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Elder Lopez from Uruguay, Elder Morales from Peru and me |
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In Tandil with Elder Morel and member Joel. Joel does karate so we took this pic haha |
Another girl in the family hahaha sweet! You guys will be gr8 parents.That's sooo coool!! lil girls are so sweet. What are some names? Give me details haha. For now she's called alyssa jr ha. Wow that's so cool. I don't know what else to write now ha.
She'll probably look exactly like alyssa when she was lil with blonde curly hair. Sobrina is the word for niece in espñ almost like Sabrina haha.
The pic looks sweet of her. She's pretty big. She has a face and everything haha!
I'm trying to send all the hot air I can in this letter to warm you up ha. We met some new investigators the other day named Nico y Vero (veronica). Nico is tatted up like matt barnes. Says he did them all himself. He's also the cousin of Pablo that got baptized. They talked with the missionaries b4 and have interest in the gospel. He said him and his girlfriend-partner have had a better relationship since we passed by. They also like to party ha that's why they didn't go to church yesterday cuz they got home late. But on Saturday they were excited to go and he said, "Can I get up and talk and thank you guys?" ha we were like, "Actually yeah, you can tomorrow." I kinda thought that that may happen, that they'd go party cuz they were drinkin a lil. I was like, "Hey, be careful. Go to bed early so u can wake up early." But no. But I'm pretty excited for them. They also have a daughter named Barbi, 10 yrs. She's funny. She saw us in the street like 20 min b4 we were going to their house Saturday. She said, "Come by, I have a lot of desires to hear the word of God." ha
Also, there is a lady names Maria Liz. I talked bout her a lil bit b4 and now that the vacations are over etc, she's in her house and she's pretty special. She said she has a hard time forgiving herself of her past and that she kinda just have a gap in her life that nothin can fill it. We'll be reading the Book of Mormon with her tonight. I hope she's home cuz she's ready for the gospel if she tries it. You can really tell she wants happiness.
Was going to send a letter today, but it was filled with people. It has some fotos with it.
I'll keep my eye out for names for alyssa y scott like u asked ha.
Yesterday was the day of the 3 wisemen or somethin where you put your shoes out and in the morning you receive gifts in your shoes. I put my shoes out and someone stole them. hahaha jk
There is a less active who's kinda coming back. He went the last 2 wks. We start church at 9:30 now, while you're still sleeping. We need more members aww!!
the mish is gr8 i love it keep me in ur prayers and bless my wonderful mind ha
love u all
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
wahoo i have a niece!!!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Some b4 Christmas fotos
Feliz Año Luevo - Happy New Year!
Pig alive |
Pig dead and me |
Laura and the cake. The screen behind Laura is what Reggie Skyped on. |
Me, Comp, Elder Dalton y Elder Sanhueza |
Presents from home |
It was gr8 to talk to u guys! Wow it's hard to speak in English haha! I'm glad my accent lasted the whole time this time. It was ¨goooood¨ haha. Everyone was saying how pretty u are all. I did eat some of that cake and I'll throw pics to u cuz I know how to now hahaha and of the pig etc. It was gr8 to see gma y gpa Smart. u guys look gr8. That was pretty cool that gma did all that pig thing with her dad haha. And the Holdstocks wahooo! I'll keep my eye out for Chelsea jerseys and Messi is the best haha. The baby belly is awesome. We were shopping today and I was like ¨Oh what day is it? oh no they have a few more days til u find out the gender of the bebé.¨ I'm stickin with the boy guess. Wow Alyssa's already half way done. And Lucy's awesome. Keep walkin her.
Tonite we l have more asado with familia Videla. They're gr8! I'll ask them what they want. Noelia for sure 1d thing and Laura, she's a Celtics fan so send her a Kobe somethin haha jk. I'll ask her and Agu y the parents. Their facebook thing is for the whole fam so you can talk to them. They talk to all the families of the mish haha. The oldest daughter of theirs is here for the new yr and she has a 3 month old baby. Wahoo Alyssa. I think the people will be more crazy tonite cuz there's not a cloud in the sky.
haha yesterday we gave the talk in Sun school or no the priesthood and women with everyone together on mish work. We did good. We had a days notice. It was pretty easy haha. No for real it's kinda like bball, you manage it with what the people say and how the game is going. We used a lot of Preach My Gospel. But in English, don't ask me haha. It was a gr8 meeting. The branch pres talked a lot from 2 Nephi 31:13&14 &20 that we shouldn't deny Christ and have a firmness in Christ. I think that may be my fav scripture ha and also the natural man in Mosiah 3:19. A less active went to church yesterday. lil by lil wahoo! The other elders had their baptism of the family of 5 with the parents tatted up. It was gr8! That fam has changed. One of the daughters that has 12 yrs asked me,¨How come the mormons are such good people¨ I said, ¨Cuz we're trying to be like Christ.¨ Everyone notices us members even if it doesn't seem like it. And an 80 yr old man here who was the bus driver for the members to Santa Rosa for conferences etc said, ¨Your church building is beautiful and the members are terrific your church has to be the true church.¨ He said that from just being around the members… we're workin with him when he comes back after holidays. His name is Juan.
We're still workin with the ward less actives etc. Helping them lil by lil. But I love it here and workin for the miracles!
merry christmas and new yr happy 2013
Che Chalo como estas en Perú, usted es de que parte en perú ?Lima? cuidensen jajaja sen an argy thing jaja
con Amor
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
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