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Elder Himebaugh, Elder Roberts, Bishop Mancuso, Gustavo, Hermano Kostiouk, Hermono Valdes,
We Baptized Catriel Cejas yesterday, the 10 yr old and he chose me to do the baptizing. It was pretty sweeeet! We did it right after church and the confirmation. Haha we had to go search for them in the morning. He and his 2 lil bros, dad and Gustavo, friend of the dad, came! It was funny, while I was in the water and Catriel was coming he was like, "No it's too scary." haha The water was a lil high and he was lil timid but after like 4 min of talkin him into it we did it. He wanted to be close to the rail so I kinda baptized him facing the stairs and him right by the handle hahaha. Funny kid. I love him.
Just found out like 6 min ago via email the name of our new mission president ..Manuel Parreño he's 53 yrs and is from Pau Gasol's home country Spain! Wahoooo we have a latino wahooo! That was pretty cool news!
Comp's doin good. Last time I think I put that he has like 6 months, he has almost 8. He's only a transfer behind me. He loves speakin in eng :( haha I always keep reminding him to speak espn lol. But it's all good.
b4 church yesterday we went thru our book with invest in there and the bishop looked at all the names where he lives and I guess there are quite a few people that have been to church a lot, but for some reason they haven't been baptized. So tomorrow when we work in ¨lomas del golf,¨ its like a lil neighborhood where bish lives, we'll be passing by a bunch of houses and hopefully we can find some people to baptize in a few weeks.
We found an awesome inv on like Wednesday. Her name is Monica Bravo and her sis y bro-in-law are members and she always sees the missionaries at her sis house (in different city) and so she is interested in our message y actually cried after the closing prayer.
Kinda had a slow week in finding people to teach ha and comp is lil frustrated bout that. So i'd cheer him up, "Don't woorrrry, it's all good. Just have to keep chugging." Marta didn't attend church. She's always hard to find at her house. But we're tryin.
Wheat Thins won the dunk contest awwww yeaaahh..k I'll stop talkin bout ball :)
With Elder Cano, in the past transfer, we found a ton of people and now we're trying to get them baptized. I have faith that we can get some more soon.
hmm can't find me in Liahona. That's weird idk maybe you can search the internet like Missionary activity in Olavarria. hmm I'll take a pic and show it to you if i can figure this photo thing out in this computer place.
Espñ is doing good. Stuff seems to come out more smooth now. It's pretty cool and sometimes I can say the words I want to if like I was speakin in Eng.
It's been pretty cloudy and lil cold this week. uh oh Autumns coming.
It's pretty cool, lately I've been reading more like any cool story from the liahona or teachings from Pres Kimball and stuff like that. I like learning bout the gospel.
I haven't gotten the package cuz I guess we don't get mail the week after transfers. So tomorrow I'm like 100% sure haha.
Congrats Jodi and Sim! It's the big week!
Oh almost forgot. I gave my 1st blessing for the sick. We were walkin and across the street where an hermana lives she was yelling, "Elders Elders," so we went over and she was like, "My stomach hurts and I can't keep anything down." So she asked for a blessing and she chose me cuz she knows me more. So I was like sweet ok. And she's less active in the summer cuz she always works on Sundays and cuz she feels sick. But in the prayer I felt prompted to say that you can feel better and take the sacrament each week and it seemed a lil weird to say it cuz she just got done telling us that she always works. So I followed the spirit and said it and right after the blessing she was like, "Can you guys bring me the sacrament tomorrow (sun)?" It was pretty cool.
I know this church is true and I love preaching the gospel.
Keep goin to church and hangin in there. You're never alone!
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Now I'm goin to try and send fotos.