Hola! This week was a sweeet week!
We finally baptized Melanie, wahoo!! On Thursday night she had her interview, then on Saturday was her baptism! We went over to her house like an hour 30 minutes before the baptism and we filled out the paper work, her name, where she lives, etc. Then my comp asked who she wanted to baptize her and she pointed to me!! So I got the honors of doing it!! Right when we left I immediately started practicing the baptismal prayer. I'm thankful that Pres. Studdert in the mtc challenged us to memorize it, so I had it mostly memorized. The hardest part was trying to memorize her name, ¨Melanie Andrea Nexhip Aravena¨ lol. So we had that and I baptized her. The water was kinda cold haha. It also makes you have a good felling afterwards, like I have officially baptized someone!
On Tuesday, I think, we had our interviews with Pres. Detlefsen, that man is so cool! I was surprised how much i could understand him (I didn't have a translator). I understood every question and like 80 to 90 percent of everything it was sweet! I remember my 1st day in Arg with my interview with Pres. and I had a translator and I could not understand a thing he was saying. I'm proud of myself. He's a funny guy. A typical Argy who loves people and loves to joke. He was hugging an elder and was saying how easy it is to hug that elder cuz he is so small hahaha.
Before I forget can you maybe send some pics of the fam and etc thru the computer? Then I can print them out here. People love to see pics here! And also if there is a day where I don't email (on Mon.) it may be some kind of holiday and we cant get into an internet place cuz they're all closed. They like to put their holidays on Monday so they can have a 3 day weekend. So if that ever happens, I'll email as fast as i can. And you can even call the mission if you want to. Just a heads up.
My espñ has seemed to really get better since the interview with Pres. My mind can translate faster and pick out words faster. I'm also trying to do what Michael said to do. That the fastest learners really pay attention when someone is talking espñ. And to practice my espñ sometimes I just say random stuff to my comp or to myself. For example, ¨Hoy sento como un mariposa porque hoy es lune¨ haha. That means, "Today I feel like a butterfly because its Monday." lol There is an elder in my district from Arg and to practice his English he says random stuff like, "I feel like..um.. eh.. Dictionary.¨So to practice talking I do that to lol.
I ate some horse! It was like sandwich meat, round like bologna with white spots in it. Kinda greasier than bologna, but it was good. You just throw it on some bread haha.
Last night I could barely sleep. I was really cold, then I got really hot and i woke up feeling sick. But then after studies this morning I took a nap, which you can do on preparation days. I just crashed, I was so tired. And it's funny, when we went to Walmart today, i guess Walmart does siestas also. I didn't think they did, so we didn't have anytime to shop today cuz it was closed. haha So we'll do that tomorrow haha siestas.
Alicia Falcon, one of our investigators, showed up to church. We were happy and I also got to stand in the circle for Melanie's confirmation.
My comp's doing good. He's pretty funny. For food we always get lunches from members most days and for breakfast I eat cereal. For dinner we eat leftover lunch or whatever fruit, crackers, etc. maybe a sandwich. It has warmed up today. While we were walking to Walmart it felt like the hottest day so far here, maybe high 70s low 80s but then it got cloudy.
For October, Pres. has challenged us, as comps, to get 3 baptisms this month. There are 84 companionships here, we have the same challenge for this month. I can't wait for general conference. Are we still 3 hrs apart from Utah? Or has there been daylight savings. If it's still 3 hrs we will have conf at 1 and 5. It'll be weird and priesthood starts at 9:00 pm hahaha idk if we watch that live cuz its so late. My comp said he saw it in between sessions on Sunday one time. I also asked the zone leaders if they can get an english room haha so I know what's going on.
Had another funny prayer story. We were outside at some guys house. He called us over and told us to come talk to him. During the closing prayer I said please bless Omar (his name), his family and friends and then he blurted out something in Spanish. I didn't know what the heck he said hahaha so i just made a similar noise to what it sounded like to me hahahaha. "Please bless fnkjvihsuior" hahahaha. I asked my comp what he said and I guess he said to pray for his friend who's sick, who we were talking about in our meeting. Thankfully there were cars and we were outside and so I could just mumble and call it good hahaha I loved it.
Well thank u love u
love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission
Monday, September 26, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Working so hard - forgot about the BYU vs. UTAH Game
Good day all! Good here. Livin the dream! haha
Liked to give a shout out to V feliz cumpleaños ayer! 13 awesome! Comp and I sang happy bday yesterday! lol
Wow I'm actually embarrassed to say this, but i totally forgot Utah and BYU played! WOW! Thats right, its the 3rd week already! Go UTES! Sounded like a great game :) I guess that means I'm focused on the work if I forgot. hahaha 54 to10 thats watsup!
We had no baptism this week cuz Melanie said she'll get bapt when she's ready. I think tomorrow I'm just going to bear my testimony about baptism and holy ghostas best as I can. I think she has the attitude like I'll get around to it when I want. So hopefully my testimony will help.
Yeah, on Monday night I was with Elder Warren until Tuesday night. We didn't get to teach any lessons cuz Alicia wasn't home and we couldn't find a man member to go with us to Melanie's cuz she lives with her mom and gma and lil bro. No man in the house, so we had no lessons. But we had an interesting door approach. We talked to a man named William. At first when we told him who we were he said he's angry, not now, but he was still cool bout it. Then he asked if me and Warren in english where we're from cuz it's obvious how we sounded haha. We told him and then I said do you know english and he said yes. Then I said, "Hey we can teach you in english?" He said no cuz he's angry at God cuz his wife just died like a month ago from cancer. He was talking to us in english we were talking in espñ and he was like crying and tearing up and saying how he missed her. So we talked about the plan of salvation and you could tell this man (he's 40) really misses her. He cried, then both me and Warren started crying cuz we felt for this guy. It was an experience where it kinda hit me like people really need our help (us missionaries help) cuz he just seemed lost and helpless. Elder Warren and I both walked away saying that was amazing cuz you could just feel his pain. We went back with Elder Stewart, but he says he's not ready yet. He cried some more, he's just not happy with God but I'll make sure we keep going back. It was a wow moment.
Then the next day we went to Maxi y Yamila´s house cuz her 15v yr old nephew died. We heard from Yamila's friend that he died while we were on the street so we went to their house and that was a wow moment too. Just entering a room a day after one of their relatives died. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room and everyone looked exhausted. They had that stare in the distance gaze on there face. It was a different experience for me. Their family is doing better. We went the next day again and Maxi y Yamila laughed and stuff. It's still sad for them, but having the gospel in their life right now is really helping them. Maxi´s bro died while they were still investigators to the church so they've dealt with death before. They're strong.
¨Do you remember the 21st night of September,¨ is playing as I'm writing this hahahah. It just turned on. I'm actually on my chair, with the keyboard, still typing while im dancing hahahah. JK im just doing the Carlton thats all baha.
I love it here and the mission. I can feel how the Lord is trying to shape me into a better man. It's tough, but i love it. When I think of the day I left on my mission I felt like a kid haha I feel like I've grown a lot. Espñ is still espñ lol. I'm still trying to listen good and I do need to talk more. I fight with my self sometimes when I want to talk. ¨Do i wanna talk, no. Should I do it now or later. I don't want to but I do.¨ Just a tug of war with myself. It's hard, but I'm really going to try harder to talk. Hermana Fee who is with her hubby on a mission here, they're from usa, and their whole mission is dedicated to help Olavarria get a stake and Bahia a temple. She doesn't know espñ, her hubby does, but she gave a talk in church yesterday and I really loved it. It helped that it was in english and he translated. She talked about how you shouldn't give up on your testimony even when we don't know everything about the church. I was thinking that was the first english talk I've heard since the mtc and boy was it refreshing to understand all of the talk and I could feel the spirit. haha its been a long time.
We had 2 less active ladies show up to church and one brought her son. We saw one of the ladies in the street like 3 wks ago and she just came up to us and asked us what time it was in USA. And she wanted to know what the NBA was. I got sooo excited when she said that haha. Then we saw her by her house going to a lunch. Then she came out with a Book of Mormon and so we've been stopping by her house. She has an 8 yr old son, so we want to get him bapt. She's actually kinda weird lady haha. Then the other one was Ester Gonzalez, mom of Adrian, who we are teaching. We were excited when they showed up.
On Wednesday President is coming to Olavarria for interviews. It's my 1st one with out a translator hahaha. ummm that'll be fun haha. I'm excited.
It was weird, it rained Gatos y Perros on Friday haha (cats y dogs in espñ).
I got the 2 packages today I've only opened one. I sent a letter today home for V. And fam thanks for the package.
Thanks Alison for the email and I got dear elder from Holdstocks.
Well, I love you all keep up the good work keep being happy,
Elder Roberts
p.s. Everyone bleeds RED go UTES fkjrhughlraeghriauheughriughr thats how excited i am! hewauilaruegoia
Liked to give a shout out to V feliz cumpleaños ayer! 13 awesome! Comp and I sang happy bday yesterday! lol
Wow I'm actually embarrassed to say this, but i totally forgot Utah and BYU played! WOW! Thats right, its the 3rd week already! Go UTES! Sounded like a great game :) I guess that means I'm focused on the work if I forgot. hahaha 54 to10 thats watsup!
We had no baptism this week cuz Melanie said she'll get bapt when she's ready. I think tomorrow I'm just going to bear my testimony about baptism and holy ghostas best as I can. I think she has the attitude like I'll get around to it when I want. So hopefully my testimony will help.
Yeah, on Monday night I was with Elder Warren until Tuesday night. We didn't get to teach any lessons cuz Alicia wasn't home and we couldn't find a man member to go with us to Melanie's cuz she lives with her mom and gma and lil bro. No man in the house, so we had no lessons. But we had an interesting door approach. We talked to a man named William. At first when we told him who we were he said he's angry, not now, but he was still cool bout it. Then he asked if me and Warren in english where we're from cuz it's obvious how we sounded haha. We told him and then I said do you know english and he said yes. Then I said, "Hey we can teach you in english?" He said no cuz he's angry at God cuz his wife just died like a month ago from cancer. He was talking to us in english we were talking in espñ and he was like crying and tearing up and saying how he missed her. So we talked about the plan of salvation and you could tell this man (he's 40) really misses her. He cried, then both me and Warren started crying cuz we felt for this guy. It was an experience where it kinda hit me like people really need our help (us missionaries help) cuz he just seemed lost and helpless. Elder Warren and I both walked away saying that was amazing cuz you could just feel his pain. We went back with Elder Stewart, but he says he's not ready yet. He cried some more, he's just not happy with God but I'll make sure we keep going back. It was a wow moment.
Then the next day we went to Maxi y Yamila´s house cuz her 15v yr old nephew died. We heard from Yamila's friend that he died while we were on the street so we went to their house and that was a wow moment too. Just entering a room a day after one of their relatives died. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room and everyone looked exhausted. They had that stare in the distance gaze on there face. It was a different experience for me. Their family is doing better. We went the next day again and Maxi y Yamila laughed and stuff. It's still sad for them, but having the gospel in their life right now is really helping them. Maxi´s bro died while they were still investigators to the church so they've dealt with death before. They're strong.
¨Do you remember the 21st night of September,¨ is playing as I'm writing this hahahah. It just turned on. I'm actually on my chair, with the keyboard, still typing while im dancing hahahah. JK im just doing the Carlton thats all baha.
I love it here and the mission. I can feel how the Lord is trying to shape me into a better man. It's tough, but i love it. When I think of the day I left on my mission I felt like a kid haha I feel like I've grown a lot. Espñ is still espñ lol. I'm still trying to listen good and I do need to talk more. I fight with my self sometimes when I want to talk. ¨Do i wanna talk, no. Should I do it now or later. I don't want to but I do.¨ Just a tug of war with myself. It's hard, but I'm really going to try harder to talk. Hermana Fee who is with her hubby on a mission here, they're from usa, and their whole mission is dedicated to help Olavarria get a stake and Bahia a temple. She doesn't know espñ, her hubby does, but she gave a talk in church yesterday and I really loved it. It helped that it was in english and he translated. She talked about how you shouldn't give up on your testimony even when we don't know everything about the church. I was thinking that was the first english talk I've heard since the mtc and boy was it refreshing to understand all of the talk and I could feel the spirit. haha its been a long time.
We had 2 less active ladies show up to church and one brought her son. We saw one of the ladies in the street like 3 wks ago and she just came up to us and asked us what time it was in USA. And she wanted to know what the NBA was. I got sooo excited when she said that haha. Then we saw her by her house going to a lunch. Then she came out with a Book of Mormon and so we've been stopping by her house. She has an 8 yr old son, so we want to get him bapt. She's actually kinda weird lady haha. Then the other one was Ester Gonzalez, mom of Adrian, who we are teaching. We were excited when they showed up.
On Wednesday President is coming to Olavarria for interviews. It's my 1st one with out a translator hahaha. ummm that'll be fun haha. I'm excited.
It was weird, it rained Gatos y Perros on Friday haha (cats y dogs in espñ).
I got the 2 packages today I've only opened one. I sent a letter today home for V. And fam thanks for the package.
Thanks Alison for the email and I got dear elder from Holdstocks.
Well, I love you all keep up the good work keep being happy,
Elder Roberts
p.s. Everyone bleeds RED go UTES fkjrhughlraeghriauheughriughr thats how excited i am! hewauilaruegoia
Sunday, September 18, 2011
September 12, 2011
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Reggie showing off his skills :) |
Today is the 12th yesterday was the 9/11 dang i cannot believe its been 10 years since then.That was a terrible day. I remember thinking what's a terrorist? What's terrorism? I was so confused on what was goin on. Just being here in Argentina for the last 47 days I have really gained a better patriotismness and gratefulness of USA. I'm not saying I don't like Arg I love it here, i just have felt so blessed lately from being here to think of all the great things we have in US. Everyone who doesn't like usa from usa should go to a different country and they'll realize how blessed they are to live in Usa. I bet there was a lot of memorial stuff. Some people mentioned it to us the last few days since we're from usa.
Everything is well here. Yesterday Melanie showed up to church and so that means this Saturday (Vs Bday wassup, I'll send your card next Monday). She also brought her less active mom and her 6 yr old bro. So we were pumped about that and we also had 4 other less actives show up to church. So yes it was a good day! Felt really blessed. We have a new investigator. His name is Adrian Gonzalez. We went to his house and his mom was like come in. She is a less active and her son his like 27. We taught him. He liked it. Then a day later on Saturday as a district/stake at our church, we (missionaries) and the youth put on a lil play thing about a B of M story. Each Ward had a different story and Adrian Gonzalez showed up. Izekiel (semi pro soccer player, former inv) and Melanie's mom and bro and 2 other less actives also showed up. We were pumped about that as well!! We did service at a former inv house Norma. We picked up her thorn rose branches. Reminded me of home picking up those. I liked it. Alicia hasn't been to church. I guess she takes sleeping pills and she like physically can't get up until after church starts. idk so we´ll work with her on that.
The other day at Maxi y Yamilas, recent converts, young couple. I was praying, "Please bless Maxi, Yamila, Valentino (their kid).¨ their gma was there to and I couldn't think of her name and at the same time I was trying to think of a way to say, "Bless Yamilas gma" hahahaha. My head was like ummmmmmm uhhhh and I sat there for like 5 to 10 secoonds and Maxi shouts out ¨Ester¨ during the prayer so i said "ëster." I think it was Ester. I mumbled something that sounded like Ester hahahah. Then ended the prayer. It was the funniest prayer. hahaha
Oh, my comp, Elder Stewart was comp with Elder Kitchen in MTC. Craig and Jill's neghbor. So he was one of the people on that plane that went in the circle etc.! Small world hahaha
Got mail from the reunion from Smarts. Thanks, that was awesome! I like what Paul put about my mission being the 2nd bessd hahaha i laughed. And Nathan, i could understand some words that you wrote me in espñ. haha Got Alyssa dear elder from 25th about Bednar.
Do I use a sharpy for my initials on my shirts etc? A permanent one or what should I use? They're starting to fade.
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Reggie's bedroom |
My espñ is doing alright. Still taking time, but that's cool. I'm patient. Sometimes I'll be listening and I can get every word for like a sentence. I feel soo good after. It's like seeing how long you can balance on a chair on 2 legs, ¨oh oh oh 7 seconds alright ¨ I get that same feeling, wahoo a sentence of words I understood. I can understand each individual word in a sentence, but I don't know what the word means. haha People say, after I read, that I have a great accent. So I'd like to thank everyone in the NBA that has had a weird Euro or Esapñ name. haha Saying their names is good practice. Sometime in the street to practice rolling my R´s I say Reginald Roberts, Ricky Rubio. hahaha Rubio is the baller from Spain.
I trimmed my hair today. It was getting a little long by my ears, but its still short. I did good. haha
Tomorrow, while my comp is in Bahia for some meeting, I'm going to be paired up with Elder Warren from logan and he's only been out a month more than me. We are teaching Alicia tomorrow and Melanie. hahahaha That will be a funny lesson to listen in on if you know spanish. Both rookies trying to speak. But thankfully we'll have members with us so they can help us out on what we re trying to say. They have some horse meat in the store down our street and you can get it cut up like ham and I totally want to try some horse! Played some bbal in wal mart. I got a ball and dribbled a little bit and did some air shots. My form looks good. haha Also, with my work outs I can feel that I'm getting more buff. It's sweeet you can see it in my body too. I need to come back looking like dad for sure haha.
Yesterday we went into familia Galli´s house, our neighbors, and they were watching Arg v Brasil in FIBA. I saw Delfino hit a 3.
Dang Utes lost, but that's good they're getting respect. I really love the quote dad said about work hard 24 hrs a day. That is going on my wall for sure! That is legendary!
It's hard but it's fair.
I'm going to try and send some pics.
Love u all
Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Monday, September 5, 2011
September 5th - New Companion
Elder Thomas "Old Companion" & Elder Roberts at Pablo & Julia's house |
I have a new compañero. Elder Thomas was transferred to Paujo. I don't think he was too happy bout the transfer haha. He liked this area and he was telling me how we're still in the same zone. It's like 3 hrs away and right next to the area where he began lol.
So I dropped off my comp at 1 am Monday morning, today and then like at the same time my new comp was getting off the bus. So for a moment there you could say i had 2 comps lol. Went to sleep bout 2, but I'm feeling good today. Not too tired. My new comp is Elder Stewart from Simi Valley, California. He's a positive dude like me, I love it! He always says how he loves the mish and he likes to work to. We both have the same attitude on workin as hard as we can, be as perfectly obedient as we can, etc. So its awesome!
He's been out for 9 or 9 and a half months already. Not that much time considering having to learn the language, but he speaks good and says he wants to improve in it. It was funny Elder Thomas had quite a few Latin comps and so he was so happy to speak english lol. With Elder Stewart we both want to speak more spanish thru out the day and I told him that i want to be more involved in the lessons, so he will help me with that.
Yeah, last night we were at Pablo and Julias house to say goodbye for my comp. She took some pics and had some from my very 1st Saturday here with the big group (im pretty sure she sent that to you). Pablo served his mish in Wash DC, so he knows english but he speaks to me in Espñ (Espn :p) he has a book ¨the missionary´s little quote book¨ and it has great quotes from lds leaders and famous people. I love it. I may borrow it one day. Good people. Pablo said I have a good Espñ accent so thats pretty good.
Elder Thomas & Elder Roberts with Julia & Pablo |
We could possibly baptize Melanie this Sat or next. As missionaries they want us to try to have our investigators be baptized from someone in the ward/branch, whatever, so they can develop friendships in the ward and stuff. So investigators don't get linked to the missionaries without making friends in the ward. I may get the privilege to baptize her cuz my comp is new and she may just pick me cuz I've been here longer. idk. And it doesn't really matter who baptizes her to me, I just want her to be baptized! She wants to. It was just getting her to church. Sabina y Nelson didn't show up to church and weren't at home when we were going to teach them yesterday. Both of them are only able to meet with us cuz he works and is tired during the week. We have a new investigator named Alicia. She told us she wanted to get baptized in the 1st lesson, but she didn't show up to church and we really thought she would show up. She's about low 50s, skinny lady.
I've seen some FIBA Bball on a tv in wal mart and i didn't stop :) Even though I saw Grieves Vasquez and Al Horford. My comp, Elder Thomas, stopped - but I kept walking. I'm proud of myself hahaha. And we saw it in some old ladies house when she opened the door. That old lady is named Santo, which mean Holy lol. We taught her from outside her houses for like 45 min. Then at the end of the lesson we asked her if she needed any help, service, etc. She was like can you buy me some batteries and she handed my comp a $100 dollar Peso bill, whatever they call it, hahaha. We were like, "what?" We couldn't believe this lady trusted us with her money just to buy batteries after meeting with her for like 40 min. We bought her batteries and gave her the exact change haha. She didn't have much interest in the church. A few days later we told her to read the Book of Mormon on her trip to Chile to see her kid.
I was in top of a roof the other day talking to a, sort of, investigator, who is actually way catholic. He said he got back from a trip to Spain to do some every 3 year thing with catholic youth and the pope haha. But on his house it reminded me of those Bourne Ultimatum movies where he jumps like house to house. That would be way fun to run on top of houses!
Now that I have a month in here and I have a feel of the culture, everything isn't weird anymore. And I can kinda understand people. I'm going to turn up my Español studies like crazy. I'm going into Derrick Rose, Michael Jordan, Kobe offseason mode, but with espñ. I'm kinda getting sick of not being able to speak. It's like hanging out with some friends and not being able to talk. So I'm going to turn into a nerd from now on. It's been hard to get in language studies some days cuz we normally study at 11 to 12 and sometimes you have to leave like at 11:30 for lunches and you have district meeting at 10:30 on Tues til 12, so sometimes its hard to squeeze in lang time. But I'm going into crazy mode. I want to learn it soo bad! I just need to open my mouth more and go nerd style.
I love it when people talk to me, so if you ever have a foreigner missionary over for dinner or something, even if they don't know eng, just talk to them. They'll like it cuz sometimes members ask thru my comp's questions to me haha. And you want people to talk to you not thru someone else. I love the people who talk to me. I love the people here, they're pretty funny and happy. There's this young couple who just got baptized by Elder Thomas and his comp before me, and there names are Max 24 y Yamila 19. They have a kid Valentino who is 1. Yamila is probably my favorite person to talk to. She talks so fast and is animated, like uses her hands and stuff and rolls her R´s sweet.
Thanks Traci for that email about the language steps.
Gooo UTES! I have decided I'm a River fan, because they're Red, white and black. Repping the U til i die. It doesn't feel like college football time here. I was like, oh yeah CFB starts wow awesome. Listen to some Kyle F. Gunther hahah.
Ron Artest is a Capo (which means like the man in Espñ here) haha.
We don't have a dryer here, we just hang our clothes up.
Thanks Grandparents for the emails each week. I love them, they're great!
Thanks for the Love and Prayers. Keep prayin 4 me and espñ. It'll come.
Love Elder Reginald G. Roberts
Friday, September 2, 2011
August 29, 2011
Hey from here!!
Things are great! Still workin hard trying to be as perfect as i can.
Wow can you belive i just had my 3 month bday being on a mish? Time has flown by. Has it gone slow for you? It's cool, one of the streets here is called 25 de Mayo, some independents day or something important and we live on that street. So I will always remember when i was "born" as a missionary lol.
I received the mail you sent me on the 22nd I believe and I got 2 more dear elders from Alyssa y Scott. The last one I got today.
I love what Nancy and Kevin had to say in that paper. The 10 steps thing - i looove it!! i like how it said to be positve like, "ï think its cool how people let their dogs walk around freely. " I try to be positve like that cuz the more happier you are, the more better you feel. Even when you don't feel like anything. I try to trick my mind and make it happy when I get a negative thought. It works and it makes it much more enjoyable. And its good to enjoy the little things, like they put ther dogs on the roof and i think thats awesome haha. I try not to get down.
My español is doing pretty good. I'm actually able to listen to a conversation and most times i can pick out and notice each word. When it ends i can understand what is being talked about. So i feel like I've been blessed with a really good ear to understand and it just clicks to me - the listening part. i understood basically what my comp was talking about in a lesson yesterday. i have troubles with speaking lol. Thats what I struggle with the most in español cuz there are a lot of rules and stuff that makes it confusing, but when they're talking i realize a word and can figure it out, but speaking, i just can't think how to conjugate it and stuff.
I don't say much in lessons at all cuz i dont know what to say, but i can listen pretty good. Its amazing my progress in just this month here. I remember my first meal in Arg and I had no idea what people were saying at lunch and i remember the only thing i could understand was when some guy said NBA hahaha. My listening has improved so much and I cant wait to see how good I am in a month from now. I'm goin to really try to work on my speaking cuz i was just trying to pick out words when i started.
We had splits on Monday to Tuesday afternoon. So I had a different comp for a day.
Our investigators are doing alright. The Melanie girl hasn't shown up to church yet. My comp wants to drop her if this week goes bad. But i really don't think we should cuz shes so close to being baptized. I think she just needs to show up to church cuz she has in the past, but not since ive been here...im not giving up on her!! i won't let my comp do that. It's like being down 6 with 15 sec to go, just drill it, hit a 3, another etc. can't give up til the game is over. We're in the 4th, down a few. She will get baptized!!
That Matius kid - haven't seen him since our 1st lesson. He's been gone. I think he read, is what i think his sister said. So we'll keep stopping by. We have another couple, Sabina y Nelson, they have 3 kids together. they're probably in their low 30s. Not really old. I talked about them last week. They didnt make it to church, but we taught them yesterday and it went well. She is so interested in it. She read what we left her with. She and Nelson are not married. She like took notes and wrote her fave scripts and wrote some stuff while we taught her. Nelson is pretty interested. He doesn't want to read. She gets so interested. When we teach her i think i could poke her in the face with a stick and she wouldn't flinch hahaha. She must have been a straight A student lol. Hopefully they do their part and pray and have faith. We gave them a baptism date for Oct 4th cuz they need to get married first. They've talked about getting married so thats good.
Transfers are at the end of this week so my comp, who has been here since May, could be leaving. He's been out for a year and a half. His spanish is good! It's cool, i can pick out from american accents and native accents. I can listen to my comp the best in espanol. The other day i could understand like his whole prayer he said it was sweet!
Guess what i saw yesterday or the day before? Some Argy man wearing a Pacers hat wahooo lol. I didn't say anything to him though. When i can speak spanish i want to really talk to the kids and teens in the street. My comp doesn't really like kids i think lol. Cuz they ask a lot bout america etc. But i feel like i can really connect with the kids/teens in the streets. Obviously if the situation doesnt seem right i promise i wont talk to them haha. i listen to the spirit, but i really feel like i need to reach out to them for some reason. I try to relate to them like, "Hey you like bball or soccer sumthin or american music." Cuz my comp just kinda brushes younger people off and it just hurts me when he kinda thinks eh there just kids/teens... In the mtc they said that Heavenly Father really wants everyone in our area to be baptized. If you think about it I really dont want to think less of anyone even if theyre on there death bed. i wanna teach them cuz God put them in my path. When we walk sometimes, and pass houses, that is hard for me cuz i think how that could be a family in need. It's the "impossible is nothing" in me which i love. You never know whos behind that door!
It's warmer, not bad for winter. I just need to wear a jacket instead of sweatrs etc.
I'm going to send a letter home for V's bday. Did you get my letter yet? I sent it on the 10th. i thought about it and it really isn't that much to send a letter. It may be like 7 pesos but it's only like 2 dollars amercian.
So Javaris Crittenton is being charged with murder, the guy who brought guns in with Gil 0. That is crazy!! Come on javaris, dont throw your life away. I live in Mariano Moren idk if ive explained that part. oops lol. How should i wash my sweaters? Is it alright if i just throw it in soapy water? Chad Ochocinco is so funny. World Peace i love it. Recipes are good. Thank you. I think next week when i have more time I'll write them down. Maybe one a week or something. Thank you. idk if i can print. I'll find out. Congrats to tyler mitchell and happy bday gma smart!
Hey, stay in there Sub with Vball. Just do your best and try to lead by example and do the best you can. I know its hard when people don't take it seriously. just get into it and show you care. But also try and be their friend, cuz when you're their friend they'll say, "Hey Sub's cool and she wants to win that makes me want to try harder." Be friends with everyone on your team and they'll respect you and work harder for you. And go all out in practice and show you care. Get bloody swollen eye jump into the stands. Seeing that stuff is contagious and always say you can win, even if your down. Cuz honestly you can. The game doesn't end until its over, not half way.
V get better and stop being sick lol.
I'm pretty sure i can get photos. I got weston's. i don't think i need anything. Keep being awesome dad in school. Thanks or all you do. You can do it! Mom you're awesome, thanks for braggin bout me hahaha. i don't think anyone has a fam that loves me as much as you guys. Thanks for the love and prayers and thinkin bout me. Wassup north alyssa and scott? Has it snowed yet? bahahaa
I know this church is true and I can't wait to be a part if people change their lives. There is no way the church isn't true. Stay in it and endure. It's all worth it, for with God nothing shall be impossible!
im totally going to forget how to speak english hahha totally
I Love u all keep smiling and every days a good day why not hahaha
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
Things are great! Still workin hard trying to be as perfect as i can.
Wow can you belive i just had my 3 month bday being on a mish? Time has flown by. Has it gone slow for you? It's cool, one of the streets here is called 25 de Mayo, some independents day or something important and we live on that street. So I will always remember when i was "born" as a missionary lol.
I received the mail you sent me on the 22nd I believe and I got 2 more dear elders from Alyssa y Scott. The last one I got today.
I love what Nancy and Kevin had to say in that paper. The 10 steps thing - i looove it!! i like how it said to be positve like, "ï think its cool how people let their dogs walk around freely. " I try to be positve like that cuz the more happier you are, the more better you feel. Even when you don't feel like anything. I try to trick my mind and make it happy when I get a negative thought. It works and it makes it much more enjoyable. And its good to enjoy the little things, like they put ther dogs on the roof and i think thats awesome haha. I try not to get down.
My español is doing pretty good. I'm actually able to listen to a conversation and most times i can pick out and notice each word. When it ends i can understand what is being talked about. So i feel like I've been blessed with a really good ear to understand and it just clicks to me - the listening part. i understood basically what my comp was talking about in a lesson yesterday. i have troubles with speaking lol. Thats what I struggle with the most in español cuz there are a lot of rules and stuff that makes it confusing, but when they're talking i realize a word and can figure it out, but speaking, i just can't think how to conjugate it and stuff.
I don't say much in lessons at all cuz i dont know what to say, but i can listen pretty good. Its amazing my progress in just this month here. I remember my first meal in Arg and I had no idea what people were saying at lunch and i remember the only thing i could understand was when some guy said NBA hahaha. My listening has improved so much and I cant wait to see how good I am in a month from now. I'm goin to really try to work on my speaking cuz i was just trying to pick out words when i started.
We had splits on Monday to Tuesday afternoon. So I had a different comp for a day.
Our investigators are doing alright. The Melanie girl hasn't shown up to church yet. My comp wants to drop her if this week goes bad. But i really don't think we should cuz shes so close to being baptized. I think she just needs to show up to church cuz she has in the past, but not since ive been here...im not giving up on her!! i won't let my comp do that. It's like being down 6 with 15 sec to go, just drill it, hit a 3, another etc. can't give up til the game is over. We're in the 4th, down a few. She will get baptized!!
That Matius kid - haven't seen him since our 1st lesson. He's been gone. I think he read, is what i think his sister said. So we'll keep stopping by. We have another couple, Sabina y Nelson, they have 3 kids together. they're probably in their low 30s. Not really old. I talked about them last week. They didnt make it to church, but we taught them yesterday and it went well. She is so interested in it. She read what we left her with. She and Nelson are not married. She like took notes and wrote her fave scripts and wrote some stuff while we taught her. Nelson is pretty interested. He doesn't want to read. She gets so interested. When we teach her i think i could poke her in the face with a stick and she wouldn't flinch hahaha. She must have been a straight A student lol. Hopefully they do their part and pray and have faith. We gave them a baptism date for Oct 4th cuz they need to get married first. They've talked about getting married so thats good.
Transfers are at the end of this week so my comp, who has been here since May, could be leaving. He's been out for a year and a half. His spanish is good! It's cool, i can pick out from american accents and native accents. I can listen to my comp the best in espanol. The other day i could understand like his whole prayer he said it was sweet!
Guess what i saw yesterday or the day before? Some Argy man wearing a Pacers hat wahooo lol. I didn't say anything to him though. When i can speak spanish i want to really talk to the kids and teens in the street. My comp doesn't really like kids i think lol. Cuz they ask a lot bout america etc. But i feel like i can really connect with the kids/teens in the streets. Obviously if the situation doesnt seem right i promise i wont talk to them haha. i listen to the spirit, but i really feel like i need to reach out to them for some reason. I try to relate to them like, "Hey you like bball or soccer sumthin or american music." Cuz my comp just kinda brushes younger people off and it just hurts me when he kinda thinks eh there just kids/teens... In the mtc they said that Heavenly Father really wants everyone in our area to be baptized. If you think about it I really dont want to think less of anyone even if theyre on there death bed. i wanna teach them cuz God put them in my path. When we walk sometimes, and pass houses, that is hard for me cuz i think how that could be a family in need. It's the "impossible is nothing" in me which i love. You never know whos behind that door!
It's warmer, not bad for winter. I just need to wear a jacket instead of sweatrs etc.
I'm going to send a letter home for V's bday. Did you get my letter yet? I sent it on the 10th. i thought about it and it really isn't that much to send a letter. It may be like 7 pesos but it's only like 2 dollars amercian.
So Javaris Crittenton is being charged with murder, the guy who brought guns in with Gil 0. That is crazy!! Come on javaris, dont throw your life away. I live in Mariano Moren idk if ive explained that part. oops lol. How should i wash my sweaters? Is it alright if i just throw it in soapy water? Chad Ochocinco is so funny. World Peace i love it. Recipes are good. Thank you. I think next week when i have more time I'll write them down. Maybe one a week or something. Thank you. idk if i can print. I'll find out. Congrats to tyler mitchell and happy bday gma smart!
Hey, stay in there Sub with Vball. Just do your best and try to lead by example and do the best you can. I know its hard when people don't take it seriously. just get into it and show you care. But also try and be their friend, cuz when you're their friend they'll say, "Hey Sub's cool and she wants to win that makes me want to try harder." Be friends with everyone on your team and they'll respect you and work harder for you. And go all out in practice and show you care. Get bloody swollen eye jump into the stands. Seeing that stuff is contagious and always say you can win, even if your down. Cuz honestly you can. The game doesn't end until its over, not half way.
V get better and stop being sick lol.
I'm pretty sure i can get photos. I got weston's. i don't think i need anything. Keep being awesome dad in school. Thanks or all you do. You can do it! Mom you're awesome, thanks for braggin bout me hahaha. i don't think anyone has a fam that loves me as much as you guys. Thanks for the love and prayers and thinkin bout me. Wassup north alyssa and scott? Has it snowed yet? bahahaa
I know this church is true and I can't wait to be a part if people change their lives. There is no way the church isn't true. Stay in it and endure. It's all worth it, for with God nothing shall be impossible!
im totally going to forget how to speak english hahha totally
I Love u all keep smiling and every days a good day why not hahaha
Love Elder Reginald Grant Roberts
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