Reggie and other missionaries at an airport |
Hola hey hey hey
They're playing some good american music in this internet place. I may get up and dance jk but they should turn it off cuz i can't listen to music. haha
All is well here in Olavarria.
Just had computer problems and they moved me to another one.
Didn't bare my testimonty yesterday. Sorry haha but next week for church we can only have an hour meeting. We'll have sacrament cuz there are elections on Sunday. So i guess there is a rule where you can't have meetings more than an hour on the election day. That makes me feel blessed to live in US where we can go to church any Sunday all Sunday.
Photo of the landscape in Olavarria |
I'll try to describe it here more better. There are no mountains. Skies are normally blue or cloudy. Yesterday it was 61 degrees which is pretty warm after being cold the 1st week. Not a bad day in the middle of winter lol. But I'd say its 40 50 degrees here in the mornings, its cold. I use my sleeping bag on my bed and I'm so totally warm at night. No problems. I've been sleeping great here better than the mtc for some reason. I've seen 3 dead animals lol. There are palm trees. Everything is concrete here pretty much cuz i guess olavarria produces a lot of concrete. So every building is concrete. Concrete roads, some dirt roads, pretty poor place here. Houses are small. we eat a lot of noodles and pasta. Still haven't had a steak or anything. I've had a lil meat like with pastas. We do a ton of walking. A ton, so that will be good for my legs :) People here can rock the scarf look. I have had to clap to ¨knock" on some doors. A lot of motorcycles and a ton of people ride pedal bikes and there a lot of little european cars. VW Fiat peugeot etc ...Blake Griffin could jump over any car here hahaha. dang i love ball sorry. Anyways I guess the gym is a private club so I'll have to find a ball and shoot on our hoop outside our garage.
We have some investigators. One girl, 18, Milanie. Her gma is kinda inactive here. Mom is to and her dad isn't member, but she seems to like the gospel we think she could get baptized but she didn't show up to church so whoo knows. Yesterday we taught a guy, 21, Estevan. We knocked his door Saturday and he said to come back like most everyone, so we went back and when we asked to come in he thought about it then like 2 sec later he was like yeah sure come in and he was watching a soccer game and listening to us teach but as the lesson went on he started to pay attention to us more so that it good. We are meeting with him Wed. Tonight we are teaching a 19 to 22ish age kid who is actually like a semi pro soccer player (hey hey holdstocks) he's been to institute etc so we'll try to push him little more into the gospel. i guess like right when i got here they just baptized a lot of people. So they're kinda starting from the bottom to the top again. They really want a stake here. They don't have one. And more stakes = a temple in Bahia Blanca which pres really wants here. I can't wait for that day to come:) Pres is awesome. He's hilarious lol and he is a dreamer like me. About a year ago baptisms were 40 month and now its like 100 so Pres is doin work. He's a greta guy, funny guy.
There is a drink called malta here and it tastes soooo awful. It looks like rootbeer. It's warm, smells like coffee and I'm sure taste like it. They say it's not bad and if a convert has problms with coffee they just drink malta blah don't ever drink it!
Alfajores are a fist sized deesseert thing here. They're pretty good. Had a great one today. But really the food isn't like tremendously good. Nothin bad, just much rather have a meal from mom for sure. :) For dinner we most likely have pb and j. We always get lunches from members but the rest is mostly up to us. So I'll have a lot of cereal and pbj and fruit and bread haha.
My comp, Elder Thomas is from Ogden. I think North ogden or south who knows maybe east or west lol jk i know he's from s. or n. He's a good guy he's district leader. We get along good. Sometimes when he laughs he reminds me of jim carrey off dumb and dumber. So that makes me laugh more than his jokes sometimes hahaha. But I feel lucky to have him. I'm glad I have an american comp to kinda show me the way to do stuff even tho i wanted a native. I feel blessed to have him as a comp. Cool dude.
Mission President and his wife, Elder Roberts, and Elder Thomas |
People ask me to say stuff in English so I'm thinking of doing a dumb and dumber quote or some nacho libre ¨so you're telling me there a chance¨ hahaha its cool cuz they have no idea what I'm saying lol.
ill send a letter home tomrw...its pretty expensive to send letters home like 7 bucks for a letter and if u want a stamp its like 9 bucks.
Spanish is going alright. I can pick out words and sometimes I'll kinda get an idea of what people are saying just from the few words. i love it when people roll their Rs hahaha. I'm just like hahahah do that again. I'm thankful for the advice from uncle nathan on how it will take time and not to get frusrated bout it. Just to work hard and be patient. I'm so glad he told me that so when i came here I had the right mindset..but yeah for the most part I have no idea what people are saying its pretty funny. jhfuireuhcuilweuifhuirwuhfqaiuhef that's what it sounds like hahaha.
Did laundry in this round thing bout 3 ft tall 2 ft wide. Fill it up with water and soap, throw clothes in and wait hahah. Then you ring it out and hang them up outside.
People don't say there S´s at the end of their words here so it is kinda confusing. so they call me rowbeart.
Hey can you check and see where the parts nba players are from in Arg. They'll be like 6. I want to know if there is any in my areas.
Went shopping. Bought bread, cereal, milk, stuff like that and we got some crackers so I have somthing to snack on. There's a zoo here.
When I teach I usually say bout 30 sec worth about prophets or something.
Siestas from 12 to 4. Nobody does anything haha. All the stores close etc. and I'm not sure kids go to school. You'll see a few walk home from it, but there will be a kid at a lunch appointment and I think shouldn't you be in school. I think they have to go only 4hrs and its also free.
We can drink water here. Just not a ton at once. But we have the huge gallon and a half jugs we use thru the week.
Dang need to go :(
See ya later. I'm going to send some pics now.
chau (what they say for goodbye)
love elder Reginald Grant Roberts
keep asking Questions
and I got those dear elders from gma and alyssa. we get mail whenever the zone leaders give them to us. They go to BB then us.
bye love u